Austin, TX - Lincoln-Goldfinch Law is committed to helping Texans start their new year on a fresh financial slate, free from debt and collection efforts. The law firm offers bankruptcy advice and representation to community members, helping them find the right and legal way to discharge their debts and start over.
Texas residents facing financial problems and huge debts without a clear way to service or repay them can contact Lincoln-Goldfinch Law to discuss their options and how to proceed. The law firm has trained and experienced bankruptcy lawyers who analyze individual situations and recommend solutions based on client preferences and legal accommodations.
Explaining the intricacies of the bankruptcy process, the lead Austin bankruptcy attorney at the firm, Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch, noted that clients can benefit from Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, depending on their situation. The lawyer further added that Chapter 7 bankruptcy is seldom the first recommendation for people seeking debt relief.
Additionally, the attorney explained that Chapter 7 bankruptcy entails asset liquidation, requiring the sale of the debtor's assets to settle all or a portion of the amounts owed to creditors. However, debtors may retain certain properties that are exempt from liquidation.
Explaining how bankruptcy filing has changed over the years and how the firm offers help, the founder and principal partner at the law firm noted that they assess a client's situation and offer recommendations. Such recommendations could be in the form of renegotiating interests and payment plans, debt consolidation and debt counseling, and others.
Clients can also take advantage of Chapter 13 bankruptcy, also known as the wage earner’s plan. This approach is suitable for many borrowers, especially those with enough disposable income. With this process, the attorneys will push for a sustainable payment plan to repay the debt within a three- to five-year period.
The Lincoln-Goldfinch Law team is pleased to guide clients through tailored bankruptcy solutions that align with their individual needs. Additionally, they provide insights on enhancing clients' lives, minimizing or eliminating challenges such as wage garnishment, harassment calls, and other creditor collection efforts.
With a dedicated focus on bankruptcy law, the firm is committed to guiding clients through the complexities of the legal process by skillfully laying the foundation for a brighter and more stable financial future. The firm's commitment extends beyond legal representation, providing clients with the necessary support and strategic insights to navigate challenging financial circumstances successfully.
The law firm also provides immigration law support and services to clients across the United States. They are available virtually to provide consultation and representation to clients in all immigration-related matters, including green card, naturalization, employment and family visas, and more.
About Lincoln-Goldfinch Law
Lincoln-Goldfinch Law is a leading law firm practicing in the areas of bankruptcy law and immigration law. Prioritizing client needs, the attorneys provide personalized services and solutions, granting clients a competitive edge.
Media Contact

Company Name
Lincoln-Goldfinch Law
Contact Name
Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch
(855) 502-0555
1005 E 40th St
Postal Code
United States