Finding one’s purpose in life is something that just about everyone has thought about. There seems to be a built-in need to feel inspired and do exceptional things in life. Sometimes people realize that they feel the life they are leading is unexceptional and uninspired. They feel like they are spinning their wheels and the path they are on won’t lead them where they want to be.
On a recent episode of Influencers Radio with Jack Mize, Transformational Purpose Coach and founder of Laughing Lotus Wellness Jennifer Zenz-Olson discussed how successful women can change lanes when they feel they have lost their sense of alignment on their path to purpose.
After having a fulfilling career as a clinical social worker specializing in treating adolescents and people who had experienced trauma, Jennifer followed her own path to purpose, creating Laughing Lotus Wellness with an emphasis on whole-person health so she could address all areas of wellness for the people she serves.
During the interview, Jennifer shared the meaning behind Laughing Lotus Wellness, saying, “For me, Laughing Lotus Wellness was born out of necessity, in a moment, we were in a crisis in our practice, and really afraid we were going to have to the close doors. And so, in this really pivotal life-changing moment, I needed to derive direction… One of my biggest values is truly using a sense of humor… it’s the great human common denominator. We laugh and we smile in the same language no matter where we go. In my life, I’ve used it to both cope and to connect. It’s something that I’ve embraced in my practice with all of my coaching clients, and all of the things that I host, whether it be a retreat or events. That’s just one of my very base value sets, so you see that in every single thing that I provide. The Lotus is this really incredible story of a beautiful white blossom that sinks down into this kind of murky, pond water every single night, but then every single day when it comes up, it’s literally pristine. It symbolizes this idea of rebirth and renewal and resetting ourselves. What I value so much after over 20 years of working with clients is human resilience. Our ability to begin again and again. We begin in the next breath. We begin in the next hour. Giving ourselves that opportunity to start fresh… again and again in our lives, on our journeys, as often as we need, and in whatever format that takes. And that was always one of the pivotal ways that I viewed my work as well. So the Laughing Lotus is really this idea of using that humor and creating that space for people to begin again, on their journey with the work that we do together.”
Jennifer’s powerfully effective methods are the result of 20 years as a practicing Psychotherapist along with certifications in yoga, meditation, and energy healing. This unique background, combined with her sense of humor, creativity, and playful approach, provides a perfect balance to helping her clients pave the path to purpose and create a ‘Fresh Start’ at any age.
To listen to the full interview, visit https://influencersradio.com/jennifer-zenz-olson
To learn more about Jennifer Zenz-Olson, visit https://LaughingLotusWellness.com