Fox News' Greg Gutfeld rips Democrats for either not understanding or caring about the consequences of their legislative actions on "The Five" as several Democrats expressed anger and frustration over President Biden’s decision to sign a resolution ending a Washington, D.C., crime bill.
GREG GUTFELD: D.C. isn't a state, it's a disease. I had to go back to what Jesse said because I had written this down. Do you ever wonder what these people are really thinking? How do they not see the suffering and the crime and the victimization from these policies, and yet they double down on these policies. What is their reasoning? Like why? Like we're not that much different. They walked down the same streets. They go to the same restaurants. They go to the same gyms. They have friends that have been victims of crime.
So go back, I posed this question like a week ago: Are progressives unable to understand the science of incentives? Like if they don't get it, do they not get it that if you lower these things, you create this problem? That's like being mentally disabled, think about it. Part of being a human being is understanding incentives and disincentives. If you don't understand that, you can't survive, and you can destroy a country. The other option, though, is that they do understand, but they just don't care. You've got to, you know, break a few eggs or heads, you know, to make that radical utopia come true.