Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

   [X] Preliminary Proxy Statement
   [ ] Confidential,  for   Use  of  the Commission  Only  (as permitted by Rule
   [ ] Definitive Proxy Statement
   [ ] Definitive Additional Materials
   [ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to 240.14a-11(c) or 240.14a-12

                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

   [X] No fee required.

   [ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14- 6(i)(1) and 0-11.

         1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


         2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


         3) Per unit price or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee
is calculated and state how it was determined):


         4) Proposed  maximum  aggregate value of transaction:


         5) Total fee paid:


   [ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

   [ ] Check box if any part of the fee if offset as  provided  by the  Exchange
Act Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was
paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

1) Amount previously paid:


2) Form, Schedule or Registration No.:


3) Filing Party:


4) Date Filed:



March 20, 2009

Dear Shareholder:

It is our pleasure to enclose the 2008 annual report for your corporation.

Our annual shareholders'  meeting will be held on the evening of Tuesday,  April
21st, 2009 at the Pine Bluff Convention  Center. As is our custom,  you and your
spouse,  or guest,  are cordially  invited to join us for dinner,  which will be
served at 6:30 p.m. The business meeting will follow at approximately 7:30 p.m.

This year, you will find your dinner  reservation card located inside the annual
report. Please fill this out and return at your earliest convenience.

We thank you again for your  support,  and we look  forward  to seeing you April


J. Thomas May
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


            P.O. BOX 7009 501 MAIN STREET PINE BLUFF, AR 71611-7009
                      (870) 541-1000

                                    NOTICE OF
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS


         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual meeting of the  shareholders  of
Simmons First National  Corporation will be held at the Banquet Hall of the Pine
Bluff Convention Center, Pine Bluff,  Arkansas, at 7:30 P.M., on Tuesday,  April
21, 2009 for the following purposes:

         1.   To fix at 9 the number of directors to be elected at the meeting;

         2.   To elect 9 persons as  directors  to serve  until the next  annual
              shareholders'  meeting and until their  successors  have been duly
              elected and qualified;

         3.   To  provide  advisory  approval  of  the  Simmons  First  National
              Corporation's executive compensation program;
         4.   To ratify the Audit  Committee's  selection of the accounting firm
              of BKD,  LLP as  independent  auditors of Simmons  First  National
              Corporation and its  subsidiaries for the year ending December 31,

         5.   To transact  such other  business as may properly  come before the
              meeting or any adjournment or adjournments thereof.

         Only  shareholders  of record at the close of business on February  23,
2009, will be entitled to vote at the meeting.


John L. Rush, Secretary
Pine Bluff, Arkansas
March 20, 2009

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                                 P. O. Box 7009
                           Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71611

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                      Meeting to be held on April 21, 2009
         Proxy and Proxy Statement furnished on or about March 20, 2009

         The enclosed  proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Simmons First National Corporation (the "Company") for use at the annual meeting
of the  shareholders  of the Company to be held on Tuesday,  April 21, 2009,  at
7:30 p.m., at the Banquet Hall of the Pine Bluff Convention Center,  Pine Bluff,
Arkansas,  or at any  adjournment or  adjournments  thereof.  When such proxy is
properly  executed and returned,  the shares  represented by it will be voted at
the meeting in accordance with any directions noted thereon,  or if no direction
is indicated, will be voted in favor of the proposals set forth in the notice.

                              REVOCABILITY OF PROXY

         Any  shareholder  giving a proxy has the power to revoke it at any time
before it is voted.

                        COSTS AND METHOD OF SOLICITATION

         The  costs of  soliciting  proxies  will be borne  by the  Company.  In
addition to the use of the mails,  solicitation  may be made by employees of the
Company by  telephone,  telegraph  and personal  interview.  These  persons will
receive no  compensation  other than their  regular  salaries,  but they will be
reimbursed  by  the  Company  for  their  actual   expenses   incurred  in  such


         At the  meeting,  holders of the $0.01 par value  Class A common  stock
(the  "Common  Stock") of the  Company,  the only class of stock of the  Company
outstanding, will be entitled to one vote, in person or by proxy, for each share
of the Common Stock owned of record, as of the close of business on February 23,
2009. On that date, the Company had outstanding  13,985,474 shares of the Common
Stock;  1,718,274  of such  shares  were held by  Simmons  First  Trust  Company
("SFTC"),  in a fiduciary capacity,  of which 99,225 shares will not be voted at
the meeting. Hence, 13,886,249 shares will be deemed outstanding and entitled to
vote at the meeting.

         All  actions  requiring a vote of the  shareholders  must be taken at a
meeting in which a quorum is present in person or by proxy. A quorum consists of
a  majority  of the  outstanding  shares  entitled  to vote upon a matter.  With
respect to each proposal subject to a shareholder  vote, other than the election
of directors,  approval requires that the votes cast for the proposal exceed the
votes cast  against it. The  election of  directors  will be  approved,  if each
director nominee  receives a plurality of the votes cast. All proxies  submitted
will be tabulated by SFTC.

         With respect to the election of directors,  a shareholder  may withhold
authority to vote for all nominees by checking the box  "withhold  authority for
all  nominees" on the enclosed  proxy or may withhold  authority to vote for any
nominee  or  nominees  by  checking  the box  "withhold  authority  for  certain
nominees"  and lining  through the name of such nominee or nominees for whom the
authority to vote is withheld as it appears on the enclosed proxy.  The enclosed
proxy also  provides a method for  shareholders  to abstain  from voting on each
other matter  presented.  By abstaining,  shares will not be voted either for or
against the subject  proposals,  but will be counted for quorum purposes.  While
there may be instances in which a shareholder may wish to abstain from voting on
any particular  matter,  the Board of Directors  encourages all  shareholders to
vote  their  shares in their  best  judgment  and to  participate  in the voting
process to the fullest extent possible.

         An abstention or a broker non-vote,  (i.e., when a shareholder does not
grant his or her  broker  authority  to vote his or her  shares  on  non-routine
matters) will have no effect on any item to be voted upon by the shareholders.

         In the  event a  shareholder  executes  the proxy but does not mark the
ballot to vote (or abstain) on any one or more of the proposals,  the proxy will
be voted "For" such proposals.  Further,  if any matter,  other than the matters
shown on the proxy, is properly presented at the meeting which may be acted upon
without  special notice under Arkansas law, the proxy  solicited  hereby confers
discretionary  authority to the named  proxies to vote in their sole  discretion
with respect to such matters,  as well as other matters  incident to the conduct
of the meeting. On the date of the mailing of this Proxy Statement, the Board of
Directors  has no  knowledge of any such other matter which will come before the


         The following table sets forth all persons known to management who own,
beneficially  or of record,  more than 5% of the outstanding  Common Stock,  the
number  of  shares  owned  by  the  named  Executive  Officers  in  the  Summary
Compensation Table and by all Directors and Executive Officers as a group.

Name and Address of Beneficial Owner          Shares Owned Beneficially [a]     Percent of Class
-------------------------------------         -----------------------------     ----------------
Simmons First National Corporation
     Employee Stock Ownership Trust [b]                1,051,022                     7.57%
     501 Main Street
     Pine Bluff, AR 71601
J. Thomas May [c]                                        194,010                     1.40%
Robert A. Fehlman [d]                                     25,672                         *
David L. Bartlett [e]                                     27,565                         *
Marty D. Casteel [f]                                      24,534                         *
Robert C. Dill [g]                                        64,538                         *
All directors and officers as a group (13 persons)       429,551                     3.09%
         *  The  shares  beneficially  owned  represent  less  than  1%  of  the
outstanding common shares.

[a]  Under the applicable  rules,  "beneficial  ownership" of a security  means,
     directly or indirectly,  through any contract,  relationship,  arrangement,
     undertaking or otherwise,  having or sharing  voting power,  which includes
     the power to vote or to direct the voting of such  security,  or investment
     power,  which includes the power to dispose of or to direct the disposition
     of such security.  Unless otherwise indicated,  each beneficial owner named
     has sole voting and investment power with respect to the shares identified.
[b]  The Simmons  First  National  Corporation  Employee  Stock  Ownership  Plan
     ("ESOP")  purchases,  holds and disposes of shares of the Company's  stock.
     The Nominating,  Compensation and Corporate  Governance Committee ("NCCGC")
     and the Chief Executive  Officer,  pursuant to delegation of authority from
     the NCCGC, directs the trustees of the ESOP trust concerning when, how many
     and upon what terms to  purchase or dispose of such  shares,  other than by
     distribution  under the ESOP.  Shares held by the ESOP may be voted only in
     accordance with the written instructions of the plan participants,  who are
     all employees or former employees of the Company and its subsidiaries.
[c]  Mr. May owned of record 161,679 shares;  19,506 shares were held in his IRA
     accounts;  1,255  shares were owned by his wife;  3,183 shares are owned by
     his stepson; 8,387 shares are held in his fully vested account in the ESOP.
[d]  Mr.  Fehlman  owned of record 6,567  shares;  4,486 shares were held in his
     fully  vested  account in the ESOP;  147 shares  were held in the  employee
     stock purchase plan and 14,472 shares were deemed held through  exercisable
     stock options.
[e]  Mr. Bartlett owned of record 5,789 shares;  13,040 shares were owned in the
     Bartlett Family Trust;  648 shares were held in his fully vested account in
     the ESOP and 8,088  shares  were  deemed  held  through  exercisable  stock
[f]  Mr.  Casteel owned of record 3,719 shares;  3,414 shares were owned jointly
     with his wife;  7,402 shares were held in his fully  vested  account in the
     ESOP;  239 shares were held in the employee  stock  purchase plan and 9,760
     shares were deemed held through exercisable stock options.
[g]  Mr. Dill owned of record 22,267 shares;  102 shares were owned jointly with
     his spouse;  4,368 in his IRA; 24,171 shares in his fully vested account in
     the ESOP and 13,630  shares  were  deemed held  through  exercisable  stock

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         The Board of  Directors  of the Company  recommends  that the number of
directors to be elected at the meeting be fixed at nine (9) and that the persons
named below be elected as such directors, to serve until the next annual meeting
of the  shareholders  and until their successors are duly elected and qualified.
Each of the  persons  named  below is  presently  serving as a  director  of the
Company for a term which ends on April 21, 2009, or such other date upon which a
successor is duly elected and qualified.  The Board has determined  that each of
the nominees for director,  except J. Thomas May, satisfy the requirements to be
an independent director as set forth in the listing standards of NASDAQ.


         The  proxies  hereby  solicited  will be voted for the  election of the
nominees shown below,  unless otherwise  designated in the proxy. If at the time
of the meeting any of the nominees  should be unable or unwilling to serve,  the
discretionary  authority  granted in the proxy will be exercised to vote for the
election of a substitute  or  substitutes.  Management  has no reason to believe
that any substitute nominee or nominees will be required.

         The table  below  sets forth the name,  age,  principal  occupation  or
employment  during the last five  years,  prior  service  as a  director  of the
Company,  the number of shares and  percentage of the  outstanding  Common Stock
beneficially  owned,  with  respect to each  director and nominee  proposed,  as
reported by each nominee:

                                    Principal                          Director            Shares        Percent
Name                       Age      Occupation [a]                     Since               Owned [b]     of Class
----                       ---      --------------                     -----               ---------     --------
William E. Clark, II       39       Chairman and  CEO,                 2008                    325           *
                                    Clark Contractors, LLC

Steven A. Cosse'           61       Executive Vice President           2004                  5,365 [c]       *
                                    and General Counsel,
                                    Murphy Oil Corporation

Edward Drilling            53       Arkansas President, AT&T Corp.     2008                    325           *

George A. Makris, Jr.      52       President, M. K.                   1997                 28,700 [d]       *
                                    Distributors, Inc.
                                    (Beverage Distributor)

J. Thomas May              62       Chairman and Chief Executive       1987                194,070 [e]       1.40%
                                    Officer of the Company;
                                    Chairman and Chief Executive
                                    Officer of Simmons First
                                    National Bank

W. Scott McGeorge          65       President, Pine Bluff              2005                 40,870 [f]       *
                                    Sand and Gravel Company

Stanley E. Reed            57       Farmer                             2007                  6,825 [g]       *

Harry L. Ryburn            73       Orthodontist (retired)             1976                  7,097 [h]       *

Robert L. Shoptaw          62       Retired Executive, Arkansas        2006                  3,725 [i]       *
                                    Blue Cross and Blue Shield

* The shares beneficially owned represent less than 1% of the outstanding common
[a]   All persons have been engaged in the  occupation  listed for at least five
[b]   "Beneficial  ownership"  of a  security  means,  directly  or  indirectly,
      through any contract, relationship, arrangement, undertaking or otherwise,
      having or sharing  voting  power,  which  includes the power to vote or to
      direct the voting of such security,  or investment  power,  which includes
      the power to dispose or to direct the disposition of such security. Unless
      otherwise  indicated,  each  beneficial  owner  named has sole  voting and
      investment power with respect to the shares identified.
[c]   Mr. Cosse' owned 3,365 shares jointly with his spouse and 2,000 shares are
      deemed held through exercisable stock options.
[d]   Mr.  Makris owned 8,400 shares  jointly with his wife;  16,300  shares are
      held by his  children;  2,000  shares  are held in  trusts  for his  adult
      siblings of which Mr.  Makris is the  trustee and 2,000  shares are deemed
      held through exercisable stock options.
[e]   Mr. May owned of record 161,679 shares; 19,506 shares were held in his IRA
      accounts;  1,255 shares were owned by his wife;  3,183 shares are owned by
      his  stepson;  8,387  shares are held in his fully  vested  account in the
[f]   Mr.  McGeorge owned of record 38,446 shares;  424 shares were owned by his
      spouse;  and 2,000  shares  are  deemed  held  through  exercisable  stock


[g]   Mr. Reed owned of record 325 shares; 500 shares were held jointly with his
      wife;  5,000  shares are held in his IRA; and 1,000 shares are deemed held
      through exercisable stock options.
[h]   Dr.  Ryburn  and  his  wife  are  general  partners  in a  family  limited
      partnership  which owns  123,624  shares of which 2,472 shares held by the
      partnership are attributable to Dr. Ryburn; 500 shares are held jointly by
      Dr. Ryburn and his wife;125  shares are held by Greenback  Investment Club
      which are  attributable  to Dr.  Ryburn and 4,000  shares are deemed  held
      through exercisable stock options.
[i]   Mr. Shoptaw owned of record 325 shares;  2,400 shares were held in his IRA
      and 1,000 shares are deemed held through exercisable stock options.

Committees and Related Matters

         During  2008,  the Board of  Directors  of the Company  maintained  and
utilized  the  following  committees:  Executive  Committee,  Audit  &  Security
Committee and Nominating, Compensation and Corporate Governance Committee.

         During 2008, the Audit & Security  Committee was composed of William E.
Clark, II, George A. Makris,  Jr., Stanley E. Reed, Harry L. Ryburn and W. Scott
McGeorge.  This  committee  provides  assistance to the Board in fulfilling  its
responsibilities  concerning  accounting and reporting  practices,  by regularly
reviewing the adequacy of the internal and external auditors,  the disclosure of
the financial affairs of the Company and its  subsidiaries,  the control systems
of management and internal accounting controls.  During 2008, this committee met
16 times.

         The Nominating,  Compensation  and Corporate  Governance  Committee was
composed of Harry L. Ryburn (Chairman),  William E. Clark, II, Steven A. Cosse',
Edward Drilling,  George A. Makris,  Jr., W. Scott McGeorge and Stanley E. Reed.
During 2008, the Nominating, Compensation and Corporate Governance Committee met
7 times.

         The Company  encourages all board members to attend the annual meeting.
Historically,  the directors of the Company and its  subsidiaries are introduced
and  acknowledged  at the annual  meeting.  All of the  directors  who stood for
election at the 2008 annual meeting, attended the Company's 2008 annual meeting.

         The  Board  of  Directors  of the  Company  met 9  times  during  2008,
including regular and special  meetings.  No director attended fewer than 75% of
the aggregate of all meetings of the Board of Directors and of all committees on
which such director  served,  except  William E. Clark,  II, who attended 63% of
such meetings.

Transactions with Related Persons

         From time to time,  Simmons First National Bank,  Simmons First Bank of
Russellville,  Simmons  First  Bank of South  Arkansas,  Simmons  First  Bank of
Jonesboro,  Simmons  First  Bank of  Searcy,  Simmons  First  Bank of  Northwest
Arkansas,  Simmons  First Bank of El Dorado,  N.A. and Simmons First Bank of Hot
Springs,  banking  subsidiaries  of the  Company,  have  made  loans  and  other
extensions  of credit to  directors,  officers,  employees  and members of their
immediate  families,  and from time to time directors,  officers,  employees and
members of their immediate families have placed deposits with these banks. These
loans,  extensions  of credit and deposits  were made in the ordinary  course of
business  on  substantially  the  same  terms  (including   interest  rates  and
collateral)  as those  prevailing at the time for comparable  transactions  with
other persons and did not involve more than the normal risk of collectability or
present other  unfavorable  features.  The Company  generally  considers banking
relationships  with  directors and their  affiliates to be immaterial and as not
affecting  a  director's  independence  so  long  as the  terms  of  the  credit
relationship are similar to those with other comparable borrowers.

         In  assessing  the  impact  of a credit  relationship  on a  director's
independence,  the Company  deems any  extension of credit which  complies  with
Federal Reserve  Regulation O to be consistent with director  independence.  The
Company believes that normal, arms'-length banking relationships entered into in
the ordinary course of business do not negate a director's independence.

         Regulation O requires such loans to be made on  substantially  the same
terms,    including    interest    rates   and    collateral,    and   following
credit-underwriting  procedures that are no less stringent than those prevailing
at the time for comparable  transactions by the subsidiary  banks of the Company
with other persons. Such loans also may not involve more than the normal risk of
repayment  or present  other  unfavorable  features.  Additionally,  no event of
default may have  occurred nor may any such loans be  classified or disclosed as
non-accrual,  past due,  restructured or a potential problem loan. The Company's
Board of Directors will review any credit to a director or his  affiliates  that
is criticized by internal  loan review or a bank  regulatory  agency in order to
determine  the  impact  that  such  classification  may  have on the  director's


Policies and Procedures for Approval of Related Party Transactions

         Related party transactions may present potential or actual conflicts of
interest  and  create  the  appearance  that  Company  decisions  are  based  on
considerations   other  than  the  best   interests   of  the  Company  and  its

         Management  carefully reviews all proposed related party  transactions,
other than routine banking  transactions,  to determine if the transaction is on
terms comparable to terms that could be obtained in an arms'-length  transaction
with an unrelated third party. Management reports to the Executive Committee and
then  to  the  Board  of  Directors  on  all  proposed  material  related  party
transactions.  Upon the presentation of a proposed related party  transaction to
the  Executive  Committee  or the  Board,  the  related  party is  excused  from
participation in discussion and voting on the matter.

Communication with Directors

         Shareholders  may  communicate  directly with the Board of Directors of
the  Company  by sending  correspondence  to the  address  shown  below.  If the
shareholder desires to communicate with a specific director,  the correspondence
should be addressed to such director.  Any such correspondence  addressed to the
Board of  Directors  will be  forwarded to the Chairman of the Board for review.
The receipt of the correspondence and the nature of its content will be reported
at the next  Board  meeting  and  appropriate  action,  if any,  will be  taken.
Correspondence  addressed  to a  specific  director  will be  delivered  to such
director promptly after receipt by the Company.  Each such director shall review
the  correspondence  received  and,  if  appropriate,  report the receipt of the
correspondence  and the nature of its content to the Board of  Directors  at its
next meeting, so that the appropriate action, if any, may be taken.

         Correspondence should be addressed to:

         Simmons First National Corporation
         Board of Directors
         Attention: (Chairman or Specific Director)
         P. O. Box 7009 Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71611


         During 2008,  the  Nominating,  Compensation  and Corporate  Governance
Committee  ("NCCGC")  was  composed  of Harry L. Ryburn  (Chairman),  William E.
Clark, II, Steven A. Cosse',  Edward Drilling,  George A. Makris,  Jr., W. Scott
McGeorge and Stanley E. Reed, all of whom are independent in accordance with the
NASDAQ  listing   standards.   The  primary  function  of  the  NCCGC  regarding
nominations  is to  identify  and  recommend  individuals  to be  presented  for
election or re-election as Directors.

Director Nominations and Qualifications

         The Board of Directors has not adopted a charter for the NCCGC, but has
adopted by resolution  certain  corporate  governance  principles and procedures
regarding  nominations  and criteria  for  proposing  or  recommending  proposed
nominees for election and  re-election  to the Board of Directors.  The Board of
Directors  is  responsible  for  recommending  nominees  for  directors  to  the
shareholders  for election at the annual  meeting.  The Board has  delegated the
identification  and evaluation of proposed nominees to the NCCGC, a committee of
independent directors.  The identification and evaluation of potential directors
is a continuing  responsibility of the committee. The committee has not retained
any third party to assist it in identifying candidates.  A proposed director may
be  recommended  to the Board at any  time,  however,  a  proposed  nominee  for
director to be elected at the annual  meeting  must be presented to the Board of
Directors for  consideration  no later than December 31 of the year  immediately
preceding such annual meeting.

         The NCCGC has not set any minimum qualifications for a proposed nominee
to be eligible for  recommendation  to be elected as a director.  The  corporate
governance  principles  provide  that the NCCGC  shall  consider  the  following
criteria in evaluating proposed nominees for director:

   * Location of residence and business interests            * Type of business interests
   * Age                                                     * Knowledge  of  financial  services
   * Community  involvement                                  * High leadership profile
   * Ability to fit with the Company's  corporate culture    * Equity ownership in the Company


         There is no specified order or weighting of the foregoing criteria. The
NCCGC will  attempt to seek  geographic  diversity  of  residence  of the future

Nominations from Shareholders

         The NCCGC will consider nominees for the Board of Directors recommended
by shareholders  with respect to elections to be held at an annual  meeting.  In
order for the NCCGC to consider  recommending a shareholder proposed nominee for
election at the annual meeting,  the  shareholder  proposing the nomination must
provide  notice of the intention to nominate a director in  sufficient  time for
the consideration  and action by the NCCGC.  While no specific deadline has been
set  for  notice  of  such  nominations,  notice  provided  to  the  NCCGC  by a
shareholder on or before the deadline for  submission of  shareholder  proposals
for the next annual  meeting  (November  13, 2009 for the 2010  meeting)  should
provide  adequate  time for  consideration  and action by the NCCGC prior to the
December  31  deadline  for  reporting  proposed  nominations  to the  Board  of
Directors.  Proposed nominations submitted after such date will be considered by
the  NCCGC,  but no  assurance  can be  made  that  such  consideration  will be
completed and  committee  action taken by the NCCGC in time for inclusion of the
proposed director in the proxy solicitation for the next annual meeting.

         The notice of a  shareholder's  intention  to nominate a director  must

         o  information   regarding  the  shareholder   making  the  nomination,
            including  name,  address  and  number  of  shares  of SFNC that are
            beneficially owned by the shareholder;

         o  a  representation  that the  shareholder  is entitled to vote at the
            meeting at which directors will be elected, and that the shareholder
            intends to appear in person or by proxy at the  meeting to  nominate
            the person or persons specified in the notice;

         o  the name and address of the person or persons  being  nominated  and
            such other information regarding each nominated person that would be
            required  in a proxy  statement  filed  pursuant  to the SEC's proxy
            rules if the person had been  nominated for election by the Board of

         o  a description  of any  arrangements  or  understandings  between the
            shareholder and such nominee and any other persons  (including their
            names), pursuant to which the nomination is made; and

         o  the consent of each such nominee to serve as a director, if elected.

         The Chairman of the Board,  other directors and executive  officers may
also  recommend  director  nominees to the NCCGC.  The  committee  will evaluate
nominees recommended by shareholders against the same criteria, described above,
used to evaluate other nominees.

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

         During  2008,  the NCCGC was  composed of Harry L.  Ryburn  (Chairman),
William E. Clark, II, Steven A. Cosse', Edward Drilling,  George A. Makris, Jr.,
W. Scott  McGeorge  and  Stanley E. Reed.  None of the  committee  members  were
employed as officers or employees of the Company during 2008.

         During 2006, J. Thomas May served on the Compensation  Committee of the
Board of Directors of Arkansas  Blue Cross and Blue Shield  ("ABCBS"),  a mutual
insurance company. Mr. Robert L. Shoptaw, who then served as the chief executive
officer of ABCBS,  was elected to the Board of Directors  of the Company  during
2006.  Mr. May has since  resigned  from the Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Compensation  Committee,  but  continues  to serve on the Board of  Directors of
ABCBS.  Mr. Shoptaw retired from ABCBS on December 31, 2008, but still serves on
the ABCBS Board of Directors.

NCCGC Processes and Procedures

         Decisions  regarding the compensation of the executives are made by the
NCCGC. Specifically,  the NCCGC has strategic and administrative  responsibility
for a broad range of issues,  including  the Company's  compensation  program to
compensate key management employees  effectively and in a manner consistent with
the  Company's  stated  compensation   strategy  and  the  requirements  of  the
appropriate  regulatory  bodies. The Board appoints each member of the NCCGC and
has determined that each is an independent director.


         The NCCGC oversees the administration of executive  compensation plans,
including  the design,  performance  measures  and award  opportunities  for the
executive  incentive programs,  and certain employee benefits,  subject to final
action by the Board of Directors in certain cases.

         During  the first  quarter of each  calendar  year,  the NCCGC  makes a
specific  review  focusing  on  performance  and  awards  for the most  recently
completed  fiscal  year  and  the  completion  of the  process  of  setting  the
performance goals for the incentive compensation programs for the current year.

         To assist in meeting the  objectives  outlined  above,  the Company has
retained Amalfi  Consulting,  LLC, a nationally known  compensation and benefits
consulting  firm, to advise the NCCGC on a regular basis on the compensation and
benefit  programs.  The  Company  engaged  the  consultant  to  provide  general
compensation consulting services, including executive compensation. In addition,
the consultant performs special executive  compensation  projects and consulting
services from time to time as requested by the NCCGC.

         The Board of  Directors,  upon  approval  and  recommendation  from the
NCCGC,  determines and approves all compensation and awards to the CEO and other
executives.  The NCCGC reviews the performance and  compensation of the CEO. The
CEO reviews the  performance and  compensation of the other executive  officers,
including the other named executive  officers and reports any significant issues
or  deficiencies  to the  NCCGC.  The CEO and  members  of the  Company's  Human
Resources Group assist in such reviews.  The CEO and the Human Resources  Group,
at least annually, review the unified compensation classification program of the
Company  which  determines  the  compensation  of all salaried  employees of the
Company and its  affiliates,  including  other named  executives.  The Company's
compensation   program  is  based  in  part  on  market  data  provided  by  the
compensation  consultant.  The NCCGC and the  Board  also act upon the  proposed
grants of  stock-based  compensation  prepared by the CEO for other  executives.
Presently,  the  consultant's  role is to support such reviews by providing data
regarding  market practices and making specific  recommendations  for changes to
plan designs and policies  consistent with the Company's stated philosophies and

         In determining the amount of named executive officer  compensation each
year, the NCCGC reviews  competitive  market data from the banking industry as a
whole and the peer group specifically.  It makes specific compensation decisions
and grants based on such data,  Company  performance and individual  performance
and  circumstances.  With  regard to  formula-based  incentives,  the NCCGC sets
performance  targets using  management's  internal  business plan,  industry and
market conditions and other factors.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION



         This  section  is a  discussion  of certain  aspects  of the  Company's
compensation  program as it pertains to the  principal  executive  officer,  the
principal  financial  officer  and  the  three  other  most   highly-compensated
executive  officers during 2008.  These five persons are referred  throughout as
the "named  executive  officers."  This discussion  focuses on compensation  and
practices  relating to the  Company's  most recently  completed  fiscal year and
changes to such compensation and practices going forward.

         The  Company  believes  that  the  performance  of  each  of the  named
executive officers has the potential to impact the profitability of the Company,
in both the short-term and long-term.  Therefore, the Company places significant
emphasis on the design and administration of its executive compensation program.

Executive Compensation Philosophy

         The Company seeks to provide an executive  compensation package that is
significantly  connected to the Company's  overall  financial  performance,  the
increase in  shareholder  value,  the success of the  business  entity  directly
affected by the  executive's  performance  and the performance of the individual
executive.  The main  principles  of this  strategy  include  the  following:
         o  Salaries for associates and executives  should be comparable to peer
            banking organizations.
         o  Compensation  programs  should  provide  an  incentive  to  increase
            individual performance.
         o  Increased  compensation is earned through an individual's  increased
         o  Total   compensation   opportunity  should  be  comparable  to  that
            available at peer banking  organizations when Company performance is


Objectives of Executive Compensation

         The objectives of the executive compensation program are to:

         (1) attract  and  retain  highly  efficient  and  competent   executive
         (2) encourage  a  high  level  of   performance   from  the  individual
         (3) align compensation  incentives with the performance of the business
             entity most directly  impacted by the  executive's  leadership  and
         (4) enhance shareholder value, and
         (5) improve the overall performance of the Company.

The  Nominating,  Compensation  and  Corporate  Governance  Committee  ("NCCGC")
strives  to  meet  these  objectives  while   maintaining   market   competitive
compensation  levels and ensuring  that the Company  makes  efficient use of its
shares and has predictable expense recognition.

Peer Comparison

         In determining the amount of named executive officer  compensation each
year, the NCCGC reviews  competitive  market data from the banking industry as a
whole and a specific peer group of comparably sized banking  organizations.  The
NCCGC uses a peer  group of  banking  organizations  for  comparison  in setting
executive  compensation  practices  and levels of base  salary,  incentives  and
benefits.  In  2007,  NCCGC  adopted  the  Company's  compensation  consultant's
recommendation  that the  Company  select a peer group of banking  organizations
with  assets of $2 to $4  billion  which are  located  in states  contiguous  to
Arkansas or in states  contiguous  to states  contiguous to Arkansas as its peer
group for compensation. In 2008, the members of the peer group remained the same
(except  for one  institution  that was  acquired)  but the asset  range has now
changed to $1 to $5 billion. This geographic area allows a peer group consisting
of 20 banking  organizations.  In the  NCCGC's  view,  this peer group  competes
directly with the Company for executive  talent and are of similar size and have
similar numbers of employees,  product offerings and geographic scope.  However,
in recent years due to the consolidation in the banking industry,  the number of
organizations  which would  satisfy the criteria for inclusion in the peer group
has significantly declined.

         The  executive  salary and  benefits  program are  targeted to the peer
group median for each  compensation  category in order to be  competitive in the
market.  The Company's  incentive programs are analyzed with similar programs of
the peer  group.  The  incentive  programs  are  designed  for the  emphasis  of
performance-based   compensation   within  the   Company's   specific   business

         The NCCGC attempts to make compensation  decisions  consistent with the
foregoing objectives and considerations including, in particular,  market levels
of  compensation  necessary  to  attract,  retain  and  motivate  the  executive
officers.  Therefore,  the  aggregate  wealth  accumulated  or  realizable by an
executive   from  past   compensation   grants  is  not  considered  in  setting
compensation or making additional grants.

Decisions Regarding Composition of Total Direct Compensation

         The Company's executive compensation program provides a mix of separate
components  that  seek to  align  the  executive's  incentives  with  increasing
shareholder  value.  The  Company's  executive  incentive  compensation  program
includes  both equity and  non-equity  incentive  compensation.  The Company has
established  target  allocations of equity  incentive and  non-equity  incentive
compensation  for  executive  officers.  For the CEO, the NCCGC has set a target
allocation of potential non-equity incentive  compensation at 75% of salary. For
the  executive  officers  other  than the CEO,  the  NCCGC has set  targets  for
potential  non-equity  incentive  compensation based upon the executive's salary
classification  ranging from 20% to 45% of salary.  Additionally,  the NCCGC has
set a target for annual grants of equity incentives for executive officers other
than the CEO. The target for annual grants of equity  incentive  compensation is
for a number of shares equal to the executive's  salary times the  participation
factor divided by the stock price.  The  participation  factor is based upon the
executive's salary classification and ranges from 5% to 45%. For subsidiary bank
chief  executive  officers and Company  executives  designated as executive vice
presidents or above, such executives receive 25% of the target for annual grants
regardless of performance.  When performance goals are achieved at the threshold
level or above,  the annual  grants for equity  incentive  compensation  to such
executives will be 50% of target,  consisting of restricted  stock awards and/or
stock  options as specified by the NCCGC.  The NCCGC set the  foregoing  targets
above the historic levels of equity and non-equity  incentive  compensation  and
anticipates  increasing the incentive compensation to these levels over a one to
two year  transition  period.  In light of the  current  turmoil in the  banking
industry  and the  market  for  stock of  banking  organizations,  the  NCCGC is
considering changing the allocation of these awards between restricted stock and
stock options to reduce the number of options granted and increase the number of
restricted shares. In the current market  conditions,  options which rely solely
upon stock  appreciation  for value,  may not be as effective as an incentive as
when market conditions are more stable.


         For  2008,  the  compensation  of  the  named  executive  officers  was
allocated as follows:

         Base  Salaries:  ranges from  approximately  74% to 85% of total direct
         compensation Non-equity incentives:  ranges from approximately 3% to 4%
         of  total   direct   compensation   Equity   incentives:   ranges  from
         approximately 13% to 22% of total direct compensation

"Total direct  compensation"  means base salaries plus bonus plus non-equity and
equity incentive  compensation.  The foregoing percentages are based on the full
grant date fair value of annual compensation  (calculated in accordance with FAS
123(R)).  These  amounts  differ  from  the  amounts  included  in  the  Summary
Compensation  Table  under the  columns  "Stock  Awards,"  "Option  Awards"  and
"Total,"  which were  calculated in accordance  with SEC  regulations  and which
include  expenses  related  to  awards  for  prior  years.  Please  refer to the
discussion  of FAS 123(R) which  precedes the 2008 Summary  Compensation  Table,

         The   Company   emphasizes   market   practices   in  the   design  and
administration of its executive  compensation program. The NCCGC's philosophy is
that  incentive pay should  constitute a  significant  component of total direct
compensation.  The executive  compensation  program  utilizes  stock options and
restricted stock. Historically,  the NCCGC has chosen to emphasize stock options
more  than  restricted  stock in the  equity  incentive  program  for the  named
executive officers; however, going forward, the NCCGC will rely on stock options
and restricted stock in equal amounts unless threshold performance goals are not
met, in which case any equity  incentives  granted  will be in the form of stock
options.  Stock options  require stock price  appreciation  for the executive to
realize a compensation  benefit.  Equity incentive  performance  measures should
promote  shareholder  return and earnings growth,  and the plan design should be
based upon a direct connection between performance  measures,  the participant's
ability to influence such measures and the award levels.

Corporate and Individual Performance Measures

         The Company uses the Executive  Incentive Plan, which is referred to as
EIP, to reward both the achievement of corporate performance  measures,  such as
the attainment of corporate  financial goals, as well as individual  performance
measures.  In 2008, the Company  adopted the Simmons First National  Corporation
Long Term Incentive  Program to reward senior  executive  officers chosen by the
NCCGC for the  achievement  of specified  corporate  performance  factors over a
three year period that started on January 1, 2008.

Executive Compensation Program Overview

The four primary components of the executive compensation program are:

         o  base salary and bonus,
         o  non-equity incentives,
         o  equity incentives, and
         o  benefits.

A brief description of these four components and related programs follows.

1.    Base Salary and Bonus

         Base salary is designed to provide  competitive  levels of compensation
to executives based upon their experience,  duties and scope of  responsibility.
The Company pays base salaries because it provides a basic level of compensation
and is  necessary to recruit and retain  executives.  The Company may use annual
base  salary  adjustments  to reflect  an  individual's  performance  or changed
responsibilities. Base salary levels are also used as a benchmark for the amount
of incentive compensation granted to an executive. For example, participation in
the EIP is set within a range based upon the executive's salary grade.

         As  discussed  above,  the  Company's  executive  compensation  program
emphasizes  targeting the total amount of  compensation  to peer group practices
with a mix of  compensation  including  a  significant  component  of  incentive
compensation.  At lower  executive  levels,  base  salaries  represent  a larger
proportion  of  total   compensation   but  at  senior  executive  levels  total
compensation   contains   a   larger   component   of   incentive   compensation


         The NCCGC has  approved  bonuses  for  executive  officers  for special
circumstances  but  does  not  generally  utilize  discretionary  bonuses  as  a
significant part of the executive compensation program.

2.    Non-Equity Incentives

         The  Company  uses  the  EIP as a  short-term  incentive  to  encourage
achievement of its annual performance goals. Prior to 2008, the EIP consisted of
two separate  components,  Base Profit  Sharing  Incentive,  referred to as Base
Incentive,  and  the  Bonus  Profit  Sharing  Incentive,  referred  to as  Bonus
Incentive.  The Company's  compensation  consultant  recommended that the EIP be
simplified  by  eliminating  the  two  components  of  EIP  and  the  NCCGC  has
implemented this recommendation effective for 2008. The EIP now consists of only
one component.  The EIP focuses on the achievement of annual financial goals and
awards. The EIP is designed to:

         o  support strategic business objectives,
         o  promote the attainment of specific  financial  goals for the Company
            and the executive,
         o  reward achievement of specific performance objectives, and
         o  encourage teamwork.

         The EIP is  designed  to provide  executives  with  market  competitive
compensation based upon their experience and scope of  responsibility.  The size
of an executive's  EIP award is influenced by these factors,  market  practices,
Company  performance  and individual  performance.  The NCCGC generally sets the
annual EIP award for an executive  to provide an incentive at the market  median
for  expected  levels  of  performance.  All of  the  named  executive  officers
participate  in the  EIP.  Awards  earned  under  the  EIP are  contingent  upon
employment  with the  Company  through  the end of the fiscal  year,  except for
payments made in the event of death, retirement or disability.

         The ultimate amount paid to an executive under the EIP is a function of
four variables:

         o  the executive's level of participation;
         o  the goals set for the Company;
         o  the payout  amounts  established  by the NCCGC which  correspond  to
            threshold, target and maximum levels of performance; and
         o  the NCCGC's determination of the extent to which the goals were met.

         For 2008,  the Company based the EIP corporate  performance on earnings
per share (90%) and corporate strategic factors (10%). The NCCGC determined that
for 2008 the Company did not achieve the Company's  earnings per share threshold
measure.  Even though that  portion of the award (90%) based upon  earnings  per
share is not payable, the participant may still earn a substantially reduced EIP
award based upon the satisfaction of only the corporate  strategic factors.  For
2009,  the  Company  will base EIP awards on the  Company's  earnings  per share
(40%), the performance of the Company's affiliates (35%) and the Company's other
strategic initiatives (25%).

         The NCCGC sets these target  performance  measures in the first quarter
of each year based largely on management's confidential business plan and budget
for the coming year,  which typically  includes  planned  revenue  growth,  cost
reductions and profit  improvement.  The NCCGC also sets  threshold  performance
benchmarks.  Target and maximum award thresholds  reflect  ambitious goals which
can only be attained when  business  results are  exceptional.  Minimum award or
performance measure targets are set at the prior year's earnings per share.

         Finally,  the NCCGC  assesses  actual  performance  relative to pre-set
goals and, in doing so,  determines  the amount of any final award  payment.  In
determining  final  awards and in  evaluating  personal  performance,  the NCCGC
considers  adjustments  to GAAP  net  income  and  other  corporate  performance
measures for unplanned, unusual or non-recurring items of gain or expense.

         In addition to the EIP, in 2008 the Company  adopted the Simmons  First
National Corporation Long Term Incentive Plan, which is referred to as the LTIP.
Pursuant  to the  LTIP,  the  Company  may  grant  awards  of cash and  stock to
participants  in the LTIP having a value not to exceed 65% of the  participant's
base salary.  Awards granted under the LTIP are divided equally between cash and
stock.  The NCCGC  administers the LTIP and granted awards under the LTIP to Mr.
May,  Mr.  Fehlman,  Mr.  Bartlett  and Mr.  Casteel in 2008.  Pursuant to these
awards,  each  executive will receive up to 65% of the amount of his base salary
for 2008 in equal parts cash and stock if the awards become fully vested. Awards
granted under the LTIP will vest based on the Company's  performance compared to
a peer group  consisting of publicly  traded banking  organizations  with assets
between $2 billion  and $4 billion  which are  located in states  contiguous  to
Arkansas  or  in  states  contiguous  to  states  contiguous  to  Arkansas.  The
performance  period is the three year period  starting  on January 1, 2008.  The
performance  criteria to be used to determine  whether the awards vest are "Core
Deposit  Growth,"  "Total Revenue  Growth" and "Earnings per Share Growth." Each
award is  divided  into three  equal  sub-grants  that are  matched to the three
performance  criteria.  If the  threshold  level for any one of the  performance
criteria is not met at the end of the performance  period, no vesting will occur
with respect to the sub-grant or  sub-grants  identified  with such  performance
criteria and the  participant  will forfeit all  compensation  set forth in such
sub-grant or sub-grants.


         Vesting of each sub-grant can occur at four possible levels: threshold,
target,  target plus, and maximum. If the Company's performance compared to peer
meets the threshold level for a given  performance  criteria,  participants will
receive 30% of the cash and stock awarded pursuant to the related sub-grant.  If
target level is attained, participants will receive 53.33% of the cash and stock
awarded pursuant the sub-grant.  If target plus level is attained,  participants
will receive  76.67% of the cash and stock awarded  pursuant the  sub-grant.  If
maximum level is attained,  participants will receive 100% of the cash and stock
awarded pursuant the sub-grant.  Target and maximum vesting  thresholds  reflect
ambitious goals which can only be attained when business results are exceptional
and aspirational, respectively.

         On February 23, 2009, the NCCGC and the Board terminated the LTIP plan.
In light of the restrictions on incentive based compensation in recently adopted
statutes and  regulatory  pronouncements,  the Company has  determined  that the
elimination of the incentive based compensation under the LTIP is an appropriate
change.  Further, the Company and the participants under the LTIP have agreed to
cancel and terminate the 2008 grants effective  February 23, 2009.  Accordingly,
the LTIP plan and all grants under the LTIP plan have been terminated.

3.    Equity Incentives

         The Company  makes stock option awards to executives of the Company and
its subsidiary banks.  These awards are generally granted once a year,  although
in special circumstances additional grants may be made. These awards are used to
create a common  economic  interest  between the  interests  of  executives  and
shareholders and to recruit and retain qualified executives. The Company's stock
options  generally  have an exercise  price  equal to the  closing  price of the
Company's  stock on the day prior to the date of grant, a ten year term and vest
in equal installments over five years after the date of grant. Accordingly,  the
actual value an  executive  will  realize is tied to  appreciation  in the stock
price and,  therefore,  is aligned  with  increased  corporate  performance  and
shareholder returns.

         The  Company  also  utilizes   restricted  stock  awards  to  executive
officers.  From time to time,  the Company has made routine grants of restricted
stock to its  executives  and also  has  utilized  restricted  stock  grants  in
connection with the hiring, promotion or retention of executives. The restricted
stock granted last year as well as the  outstanding  unvested  grants from prior
years are reflected in the tables below.

         During 2008,  restricted  stock and stock option grants were made under
the Simmons First National  Corporation  Executive  Stock Incentive Plan - 2006,
which is administered by the NCCGC.  The Company grants incentive stock options,
non-qualified  stock options,  stock  appreciation  rights and restricted stock.
Historically,   the  NCCGC  has  utilized   incentive  stock  options  for  most
executives,  but due to recent changes in the accounting  rules  regarding stock
based  compensation,  the Company has decided to  de-emphasize  incentive  stock
options and increase the use of  non-qualified  options and restricted  stock in
making future grants.  On several occasions in the past, the NCCGC has chosen to
grant  non-qualified  stock  options when under the specific  circumstances  the
desired  grants  would not  qualify  as  incentive  stock  options  or the NCCGC
determined that stock appreciation rights should be granted with the options.

         Upon the advice of the Company's compensation consultant, the NCCGC has
decided to grant equity  incentives to executives  based on the Company's  prior
year performance beginning in 2009. For subsidiary bank chief executive officers
and Company  executives  designated as executive vice presidents or above,  such
executives   receive  25%  of  the  target  for  annual  grants   regardless  of
performance.  When  performance  goals are  achieved at the  threshold  level or
above,  the annual grants for equity  incentive  compensation to such executives
will be 50% of target,  consisting  of  restricted  stock  awards  and/or  stock
options  as  specified  by the  NCCGC.  By  granting  performance  based  equity
incentives,  the  Company  will  use  equity  incentives  both  as a  short-term
incentive to encourage achievement of its annual performance goals and to create
a common economic interest between the interests of executives and shareholders.


         The level of  equity  incentive  compensation  that an  executive  will
receive is a function of four variables:

         o  the executive's level of participation;
         o  the goals set for the Company;
         o  the payout  amounts  established  by the NCCGC which  correspond  to
            threshold, target and maximum levels of performance; and
         o  the NCCGC's determination of the extent to which the goals were met.

         For  equity  incentives  granted in 2009  based on the  Company's  2008
performance,  criteria  are as  follows:  the return on tangible  assets  (30%),
revenue growth (35%) and core deposit growth (35%).

         The NCCGC sets these target  performance  measures in the first quarter
of each year based largely on management's confidential business plan and budget
for the coming year,  which typically  includes  planned  revenue  growth,  cost
reductions and profit  improvement.  The NCCGC also sets  threshold  performance
benchmarks.  Target and maximum award thresholds  reflect  ambitious goals which
can only be attained when business results are exceptional.

         Please refer to the section  below,  "Other  Guidelines  and Procedures
Affecting  Executive  Compensation"  for  additional  information  regarding the
Company's practices when granting stock options and restricted stock.

4.    Benefits

         A.        Profit Sharing and Employee Stock Ownership Plan

         The Company  offers a  combination  profit  sharing and employee  stock
ownership plan. This plan is open to  substantially  all of the employees of the
Company including the executive officers.  The plan and the contributions to the
plan provide for retirement benefits to employees and allow the employees of the
Company to participate in the ownership of stock in the Company.

         The plan is funded  solely by Company  contributions  which are divided
between the profit sharing plan component and the employee stock  ownership plan
component.  Contributions in the profit sharing plan are invested by the Simmons
First  Trust  Company,   N.A.,  an  affiliate  of  the  Company,  in  marketable
securities,  while  contributions to the employee stock ownership plan component
are invested in the stock of the Company.  The Company targets a contribution of
approximately 5.5% of the eligible earnings of the participants in this plan and
annually specifies the allocation of the contribution between the profit sharing
plan and the employee stock ownership plan components.

         B.        401(k) Plan

         The Company  offers a qualified  401(k) Plan in which it makes matching
contributions to encourage  employees to save money for their  retirement.  This
plan,  and the  contributions  to it,  enhance the range of benefits  offered to
executives and enhance the Company's ability to attract and retain employees.

         Under the terms of the  qualified  401(k) Plan,  employees  may defer a
portion of their eligible pay, up to the maximum  allowed by I.R.S.  regulation,
and the Company matches 25% of the first 6% of compensation for a total match of
1.5% of eligible  pay for each  participant  who defers 6% or more of his or her
eligible pay.

         C.        Perquisites and Other Benefits

         Perquisites  and other  benefits  represent a small part of the overall
compensation package, and are offered only after consideration of business need.
The NCCGC annually reviews the perquisites and other personal  benefits that are
provided  to  senior   management.   The  primary   perquisites  are  automobile
allowances,  personal use of company  automobiles,  club memberships and certain
relocation and moving expenses.  The NCCGC believes that allowing the reasonable
personal  use  of a  company  owned  automobile  provided  for an  executive  is
incidental to the performance of his or her duties and causes minimal additional
cost to the Company.  Likewise,  the granting of an  automobile  allowance to an
executive provides a means of transportation for the executive in performing his
executive duties and benefits the Company.  The Company  sponsors  membership in
golf or social clubs for certain senior executives who have  responsibility  for
the  entertainment  of clients and  prospective  clients.  Finally,  the Company
encourages  its  executives  to properly  monitor  the state of their  health by
reimbursing the cost of an annual routine physical examination.


         D.        Post-Termination Compensation

         Deferred   Compensation   Arrangements   The  Company   maintains   two
non-qualified  deferred  compensation  arrangements that are designed to provide
supplemental retirement pay from the Company to two executives,  Mr. May and Mr.
Bartlett. The Company bears the entire cost of benefits under these plans.

         The Deferred  Compensation  Agreement  for Mr. May ("May Plan") and the
Executive Salary  Continuation  Agreement for Mr. Bartlett ("Bartlett Plan") are
non-qualified  defined  benefit  type plans.  These  plans are  intended to work
together  with the  Company's  other  retirement  plans to  provide  an  overall
targeted level of benefits.

         The   Bartlett   Plan  was   assumed  in  the  merger   with   Alliance
Bancorporation,  Inc.  in 2004.  This plan is frozen and of the named  executive
officers, only Mr. Bartlett has a benefit payable from this plan. His benefit is
fully vested and based on his service prior to 2004.

         The Company provides retirement benefits in order to attract and retain
executives.  The  amounts  payable  to Mr.  May  under  the May  Plan and to Mr.
Bartlett under the Bartlett Plan are determined by each plan's benefit  formula,
which is described in the section below "Pension Benefits Table."

         Change in Control  Agreements  The Company  has entered  into Change in
Control  Agreements ("CIC  Agreements") with members of senior management of the
Company  and  its  subsidiary  banks,  including  each  of the  named  executive
officers. Except for these CIC Agreements,  and a general severance policy, none
of the named executive  officers has an employment  agreement which requires the
Company to pay their salary for any period of time. The Company entered into the
CIC Agreements  because the banking industry has been consolidating for a number
of years and it does not want its  executives  distracted by a rumored or actual
change in control.  Further,  if a change in control  should occur,  the Company
wants its executives to be focused on the business of the  organization  and the
interests of shareholders.  In addition, it is important that the executives can
react  neutrally  to a  potential  change in control  and not be  influenced  by
personal  financial  concerns.  The  Company  believes  the CIC  Agreements  are
consistent  with  market  practice  and assist  the  Company  in  retaining  its
executive talent.  The level of benefits for the named executive officers ranges
from one to two times  certain  elements of their  compensation  which the NCCGC
believes is competitive  with the banking  industry as a whole and  specifically
with the designated peer group. The Company entered into technical amendments to
the CIC  Agreements  with  members of senior  management  in 2008 to comply with
Section 409A of the Internal  Revenue Code.  The benefits  provided under of the
CIC Agreements did not change as a result of the amendments.

         Upon a change in control,  followed by a termination of the executive's
employment by the Company  without  "Cause" or by the executive after a "Trigger
Event," the CIC  Agreements  require the Company to pay or provide the following
to the executive:

         o  a  lump  sum  payment  equal  to one or  two  times  the  sum of the
            executive's base salary (the highest amount in effect anytime during
            the twelve months  preceding the executive's  termination  date) and
            the executive's incentive compensation  (calculated as the higher of
            the target  EIP for the year of  termination  or the  average of the
            executive's last two years of EIP awards);

         o  up to three years of additional coverage under the Company's health,
            dental, life and long term disability plans; and

         o  a payment to reimburse the  executive,  in the case of Messrs.  May,
            Fehlman,  Bartlett  and  Casteel,  for any excise taxes on severance
            benefits  that  are  considered  excess  parachute   payments  under
            Sections 280G and 4999 of the Internal  Revenue Code plus income and
            employment  taxes  on such  tax  gross  up as well as  interest  and
            penalties imposed by the IRS.

         In addition,  upon a change in control,  all outstanding  stock options
vest immediately and all restrictions on restricted stock lapse.

         Further,  upon a change in control,  the requirement under the May Plan
that Mr.  May  remain  employed  until  age 65 is  deleted  and the  benefit  is
immediately  vested. A change in control does not affect Mr. Bartlett's  benefit
under the Bartlett Plan, since he is currently fully vested.

         The Company believes that CIC Agreements should encourage  retention of
the  executives  during  the  negotiation  and  following  a change  in  control
transaction,  compensate executives who are displaced by a change in control and
not serve as an incentive to increase an executive's personal wealth. Therefore,
the CIC Agreements,  except in the case of Mr. May, require that there be both a
change in control and an involuntary  termination without "Cause" or a voluntary
termination within six months after a "Trigger Event" which is often referred to
as a "double-trigger."  The double-trigger  ensures that the Company will become
obligated to make  payments  under the CIC  Agreements  only if the executive is
actually  or  constructively  discharged  as a result of the change in  control.
However,  the NCCGC has determined that in the case of Mr. May, a single trigger
CIC  Agreement  is  appropriate.  Within  twelve  months  following  a change in
control, Mr. May is permitted to request payment of his termination compensation
under  his  CIC  Agreement  without  either  an  involuntary  termination  or  a
termination following a Trigger Event.


         The NCCGC  reviews the general  elements  and salary  structure  of the
Company's  compensation plan annually and makes adjustments to ensure that it is
consistent with its compensation philosophies, Company and personal performance,
current market practices, assigned duties and responsibilities and inflation.

Other Guidelines and Procedures Affecting Executive Compensation

         Stock-Based   Compensation  -  Procedures  Regarding  NCCGC  and  Board
Approval The Board of Directors approves all grants of stock-based  compensation
to the executives. Any proposed grants to the CEO are originated and approved by
the NCCGC and then  submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.  Grants to
the CEO may or may not  occur  simultaneous  with  grants  to other  executives.
Prospective grants of stock-based  compensation to other executives are proposed
to the NCCGC by the CEO. The NCCGC considers,  modifies, if necessary,  and acts
upon the proposed grants. If approved, the proposed grants are then submitted to
the Board of Directors for consideration and approval.

         Stock-Based  Compensation  Procedures - Regarding Timing and Pricing of
Awards The Company's policy is to make grants of equity-based  compensation only
at current  market  prices.  The exercise  price of stock options are set at the
closing  stock  price on the day prior to the date of  grant.  The  Company  has
elected  to use the  prior  day's  closing  price to  provide  certainty  in the
designation of the option price upon the date the Board approves the grant.  The
Company does not grant  "in-the-money"  options or options with exercise  prices
below market value on the day prior to date of grant. The Company's policy is to
consider grants at scheduled  meetings of the NCCGC and refer recommended grants
to the Board of Directors  for approval and such grants are either  effective on
the Board approval date or a specified  future date.  Further,  historically the
Company  has made the  majority of such grants on the date of the May meeting of
the Board of Directors.  Beginning with the 2009 grants which are based upon the
Company's  results  for 2008 under  specified  performance  measures,  the NCCGC
recommended  and the Board  approved such grants in February,  2009. The Company
may make grants at other times  throughout  the year,  upon due  approval of the
NCCGC and the Board, in connection with grants to the CEO or to other executives
in exceptional  circumstances,  such as the hiring, promotion or retention of an
executive officer or in connection with an acquisition transaction.

         The  Company  attempts  to  schedule  restricted  stock award and stock
option grants at times when the market is not  influenced by scheduled  releases
of  information.  The  Company  does not time or plan the  release of  material,
non-public  information  for the  purpose of  affecting  the value of  executive

         Historically,  the  Company  chose  the May  meeting  of its  Board  of
Directors  because it was the first meeting of the Board of Directors  after the
annual  meeting  of  shareholders  at which the stock  compensation  plans  were
approved.  Prior to 2009,  the Company had  generally  continued  to follow this
schedule  regardless of whether stock compensation plans are being presented for
approval  at  the  annual  shareholders   meeting.   With  the  introduction  of
performance  based grants in 2009,  the Company has moved the date of the grants
to the first quarter of the year. Since the performance  grants are based upon a
formula related to the prior year  performance,  the determination of the amount
of the proposed grants can be completed when the financial results for the prior
year are completed.  Accordingly,  the Company has determined  that the approval
and  issuance  of the  grants  for  the  current  year  based  upon  last  years
performance should be addressed in the first quarter, during the period when the
performance  goals for the current  year are being set. The grants are made at a
time when the Company's  financial results have already become public, and there
is little potential for abuse of material,  non-public information in connection
with stock or option  grants.  The  influence of the  Company's  disclosures  of
non-public  information on the exercise price of these stock-based incentives is
minimized by utilizing  NCCGC and/or Board  meeting  dates as grant dates and by
setting the vesting period at one year or longer.  The Company  follows the same
procedures  regarding the timing of grants to its executive  officers as it does
for all other participants.

         Role of Executive  Officers in Determining  Executive  Compensation The
NCCGC oversees the administration of executive compensation plans, including the
design, performance measures and award opportunities for the executive incentive
programs, and certain employee benefits, subject to final action by the Board of
Directors  in  certain  cases.  The  Board  of  Directors,   upon  approval  and
recommendation  from the NCCGC,  determines  and approves all  compensation  and
awards, to the CEO and other  executives.  The NCCGC reviews the performance and
compensation of the CEO. The CEO reviews the performance and compensation of the
other  executive  officers,  including the other named executive  officers,  and
reports any significant  issues or deficiencies to the NCCGC. The members of the
Company's Human  Resources  Group assist in such reviews.  The CEO and the Human
Resources   Group,   at  least   annually,   review  the  unified   compensation
classification  program of the Company which  determines the compensation of all
salaried   employees  of  the  Company  and  its  affiliates,   including  other
executives.  The Company's  compensation program is based in part on market data
provided by the  compensation  consultant.  Executive  officers do not otherwise
determine or make  recommendations  regarding the amount or form of executive or
director compensation.


         Adjustments  to  Incentive   Compensation  as  a  Result  of  Financial
Statement Restatements The NCCGC's policy is to consider adjusting future awards
or  recovering  past  awards  in the  event  of a  material  restatement  of the
Company's financial results.  If, in the exercise of its business judgment,  the
NCCGC  believes  that  it is in the  best  interests  of  the  Company  and  its
shareholders  to do so, it will seek  recovery or  cancellation  of any bonus or
incentive  payments  made to an executive on the basis of having met or exceeded
performance  targets  during a  period  of  fraudulent  activity  or a  material
misstatement of financial  results where the NCCGC determines that such recovery
or cancellation  is appropriate  due to intentional  misconduct by the executive
officer that resulted in such performance targets being achieved which would not
have been achieved absent such misconduct.

         Share  Ownership   Guidelines  The  Company  encourages  directors  and
executive officers to be shareholders. The Company believes that share ownership
by directors  and  executives  is a  contributing  factor to enhanced  long-term
corporate  performance.  Although the directors and executive  officers  already
have a significant  equity stake in the Company (as reflected in the  beneficial
ownership  information  contained  in this Proxy  Statement),  the  Company  has
adopted a share ownership policy for directors.

         Members  of the Board of  Directors  are  required  to own at least 200
shares of the Company's common stock.  Directors are allowed a reasonable period
of time in  which  to meet  this  requirement,  measured  from the date of their
election to the Board.  Additionally,  all executive  officers are encouraged to
retain as a long term investment,  a substantial  portion of the shares acquired
through the Company's stock based incentive plans.

         Participation  in the  Troubled  Asset  Relief  Program  The  Board  of
Directors is  considering  participating  in the Troubled  Asset Relief  Program
Capital  Purchase  Program  (the  "Program")  established  by the United  States
Department of Treasury (the  "Treasury")  pursuant to the terms of the Emergency
Economic  Stabilization  Act of 2008. The Treasury has approved an investment in
the Company of up to approximately  $60 million.  If the Board decides to accept
an  investment  from the  Treasury,  the  Company  will be  subject  to  certain
executive  compensation and corporate governance  limitations.  The Company will
need to modify or terminate all benefit plans or  compensation  arrangements  to
eliminate  any  provisions  that would not be in  compliance  with the Emergency
Economic  Stabilization  Act of 2008 and the American  Recovery and Reinvestment
Act of 2009 ("Acts").  In general, the Company would need to (i) ensure that the
compensation  programs  covering  senior  executive  officers  do not  encourage
unnecessary and excessive risks, (ii) add "clawback" provisions to the incentive
compensation  programs for senior  executive  officers whose awards are based on
criteria, such as net income, that are later proven to be materially inaccurate,
(iii) terminate or modify certain golden parachute  arrangements with its senior
executive  officers and certain other highly paid officers and (iv) terminate or
modify bonus or incentive compensation payable to certain highly paid officers.

         In addition, any federal income tax deductions for compensation paid to
each senior  executive  officer in excess of $500,000 would be  disallowed.  For
purposes of the Program, the Company's "senior executive officers" are the named
executive  officers.  The Company's  compensation  consultant is evaluating  the
Company's  compensation  and benefit programs and will advise the Company of any
necessary  changes to its  compensation  plans to comply  with the Acts.  If the
Company chooses to participate in the Program, the senior executive officers and
the affected highly paid officers of the Company will enter into agreements with
the Company waiving or forfeiting any compensation  which is not permitted under
the  Acts  and  providing  for  "clawback"  provisions  to  reimburse  incentive
compensation paid based on financial data which is later proven to be materially
inaccurate. While the executive compensation limitations under the Program would
impact the named executive  officers,  particularly  Mr. May, the NCCGC does not
believe that participation in the Program would have a significant effect on the
Company's  ability to meet its executive  compensation  objectives or retain its

Tax Considerations

         It has been and continues to be the NCCGC's  intent that all non-equity
incentive  payments be deductible unless  maintaining such  deductibility  would
undermine the Company's ability to meet its primary  compensation  objectives or
is otherwise not in its best interest.  The Company also regularly  analyzes the
tax effects of various forms of compensation  and the potential for excise taxes
to be  imposed  on the  executive  officers  which  might  have  the  effect  of
frustrating the purpose(s) of such compensation. There are various provisions of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ("Code") which are considered.


     Section  162(m)  Section  162(m) of the Code,  as  amended,  provides  that
compensation in excess of $1 million paid for any year to a corporation's  chief
executive officer and the four other highest paid executive  officers at the end
of such year will not be deductible for federal income tax purposes unless:  (1)
the  compensation  qualifies as  "performance-based  compensation,"  and (2) the
company advised its  shareholders of, and the  shareholders  have approved,  the
material terms of the performance  goals under which such  compensation is paid.
Further,  the  Emergency  Economic  Stabilization  Act  of  2008  added  Section
162(m)(5) to the Code which provides that compensation  deductibility  limit for
institutions which sell assets over $300,000,000 under the Troubled Asset Relief
Program  reduced  from   $1,000,000  to  $500,000  and  the   "performance-based
compensation"  exception is disallowed for these institutions.  The terms of the
Program  require  institutions  participating  in the Program to agree to comply
with Section 162(m)(5).

     Sections 280G and 4999 The Company  provides the named  executive  officers
with change in control  agreements.  Certain of the change in control agreements
provide for tax  protection  in the form of a gross up payments to reimburse the
executive  for any excise tax under Code Section 4999 as well as any  additional
income and employment taxes resulting from such reimbursement. Code Section 4999
imposes a 20% non-deductible excise tax on the recipient of an "excess parachute
payment" and Code Section 280G  disallows  the tax deduction to the payor of any
amount of an excess parachute payment that is contingent on a change in control.
A  payment  as a result of a change  in  control  must  exceed  three  times the
executive's base amount in order to be considered an excess  parachute  payment,
and then the excise tax is imposed on the  parachute  payments  that  exceed the
executive's base amount.  The intent of the tax gross-up is to provide a benefit
without a tax  penalty to the  executives  who are  displaced  in the event of a
change in control.  The Company  believes the  provision of tax  protection  for
excess  parachute  payments for certain of its executive  officers is consistent
with the historic  market practice  within the banking  industry,  is a valuable
incentive in retaining  executives and is consistent  with the objectives of the
Company's overall executive compensation program.

     Section 409A Amounts deferred under the non-qualified deferred compensation
programs after December 31, 2004 are subject to Code Section 409A, which governs
when  elections for deferrals of  compensation  may be made, the form and timing
permitted  for  payment of such  deferred  amounts and the ability to change the
form  and  timing  of  payments  initially  established.  Section  409A  imposes
sanctions for failure to comply,  including accelerated income inclusion,  a 20%
penalty  and an  interest  penalty.  The  Company  has  made  amendments  to its
non-qualified  deferred  compensation  plans to  comply  with  Section  409A and
continues  to operate the plans in good faith  compliance  with Section 409A and
the regulations thereunder.


     In summary,  the Company  believes  this mix of salary,  formula based cash
incentives for both  short-term and long-term  performance  and the  stock-based
compensation  motivates the Company's  management team to produce strong returns
for shareholders.  Further,  in the view of the NCCGC, the overall  compensation
program  appropriately  balances  the  interests  and  needs of the  Company  in
operating  its business  with  appropriate  employee  rewards based on enhancing
shareholder value.

Report of the NCCGC on the Compensation Discussion and Analysis

     The NCCGC reviewed and discussed the  Compensation  Discussion and Analysis
included  in this Proxy  Statement  with  management.  Based on such  review and
discussion,   the  NCCGC   recommended  to  the  Board  of  Directors  that  the
Compensation  Discussion  and Analysis be included in this Proxy  Statement  for
filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Submitted by the Nominating,  Compensation and Corporate Governance Committee of
the Company's Board of Directors.

Harry L. Ryburn, Chairman      Steven A. Cosse'           George A. Makris, Jr.
W. Scott McGeorge              Stanley E. Reed            Edward Drilling
William E. Clark, II                                      Robert L. Shoptaw



     Overview.  The  following  sections  provide a summary of cash and  certain
other amounts paid for the year ended  December 31, 2008 to the named  executive
officers.  Except where noted, the information in the Summary Compensation Table
generally  pertains to compensation to the named executive officers for the year
ended  December  31,  2008.  The  compensation  disclosed  below is presented in
accordance with SEC regulations.  According to those regulations, the Company is
required in some cases to include:

     o    amounts paid in previous years;
     o    amounts that may be paid in future years,  including amounts that will
          be paid only upon the occurrence of certain  events,  such as a change
          in control of the Company;
     o    amounts  paid to the  named  executive  officers  which  might  not be
          considered  "compensation"  (for  example,  distributions  of deferred
          compensation earned in prior years, and at-market earnings,  dividends
          or interest on such amounts);
     o    an assumed value for share-based  compensation equal to the fair value
          of the grant as presumed  under  accounting  regulations,  even though
          such value  presumes  the option will not be  forfeited  or  exercised
          before  the end of its  10-year  life,  and  even  though  the  actual
          realization  of cash from the award depends on whether the stock price
          appreciates  above  its  price  on the  date  of  grant,  whether  the
          executive will continue his  employment  with the Company and when the
          executive chooses to exercise the option; and
     o    the increase in present value of future pension payments,  even though
          such increase is not cash  compensation paid this year and even though
          the actual  pension  benefits  will  depend  upon a number of factors,
          including when the executive  retires,  his compensation at retirement
          and in some cases the number of years the  executive  lives  following
          his retirement.

Therefore, you are encouraged to read the following tables closely. The
narratives preceding the tables and the footnotes accompanying each table are
important parts of each table. Also, you are encouraged to read this section in
conjunction with the discussion above at "Compensation Discussion and Analysis."


     The following table provides information concerning the compensation of the
named executive  officers for 2006,  2007 and 2008, the most recently  completed
fiscal year.

     The column  "Salary"  discloses the amount of base salary paid to the named
executive officer during each year. The column "Bonus" discloses amounts paid to
named executive officers as discretionary bonuses. In the columns "Stock Awards"
and "Option  Awards," SEC  regulations  require the  disclosure  of the award of
stock or options  measured  in dollars and  calculated  in  accordance  with FAS
123(R).  For restricted  stock,  the FAS 123(R) fair value per share is equal to
the closing price of the stock on the date of grant. For stock options,  the FAS
123(R) fair value per share is based on certain  assumptions which are explained
in footnote 10 to the Company's  financial  statements which are included in the
annual report on Form 10-K.  Such expense is disclosed  ratably over the vesting
period but without  reduction for assumed  forfeitures (as is done for financial
reporting  purposes).  The amounts shown in the 2008 Summary  Compensation Table
also  include a ratable  portion of each grant made in prior years to the extent
the vesting  period fell in 2008 (except  where  generally  accepted  accounting
principles ("GAAP") required the Company to recognize the full amount in a prior
year). Please also refer to the second table in this Proxy Statement, "Grants of
Plan-Based Awards."

     For  certain  executives,  this  column  includes a portion of the  expense
attributable to restricted  stock grants made in prior years.  Restricted  stock
awards  typically  vest in equal  installments  over five years from the date of
grant. Awards are conditioned on the participant's continued employment with the
Company, but may have additional restrictions, including performance conditions.
Restricted  stock allows the participant to vote and receive  dividends prior to

     The column "Non-Equity  Incentive Plan  Compensation"  discloses the dollar
value of all earnings for services  performed during the fiscal year pursuant to
awards under non-equity incentive plans,  including the EIP. Whether an award is
included  with  respect to any  particular  fiscal  year  depends on whether the
relevant  performance measure was satisfied during the fiscal year. For example,
the EIP awards are annual  awards and the  payments  under those awards are made
based upon the  achievement of financial  results  measured as of December 31 of
each fiscal year;  accordingly,  the amount  reported for EIP corresponds to the
fiscal year for which the award was earned  even  though  such  payment was made
after the end of such fiscal year.


     The column "Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified  Deferred Compensation
Earnings,"  discloses the sum of the dollar value of (1) the aggregate change in
the actuarial present value of the named executive officers  accumulated benefit
under all defined benefit and actuarial  pension plans  (including  supplemental
plans) in  effect  during  the  indicated  years;  and (2) any  above-market  or
preferential  earnings  on  nonqualified  deferred  compensation,  including  on
nonqualified  defined  contribution  plans.  The annual  increase in the present
value of Mr. May's benefit under the May Plan and Mr.  Bartlett's  benefit under
the Bartlett Plan are disclosed in this column.

     The column "All Other  Compensation"  discloses the sum of the dollar value

     o    perquisites  and other  personal  benefits,  or  property,  unless the
          aggregate amount of such compensation is less than $10,000;
     o    all "gross-ups" or other amounts reimbursed during the fiscal year for
          the payment of taxes;
     o    amounts paid or which became due related to termination,  severance or
          a change in control, if any;
     o    the contributions to vested and unvested defined  contribution  plans;
     o    any life insurance  premiums paid during the year for the benefit of a
          named executive officer.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

Name                    Year     Salary      Bonus       Stock     Option      Non-          Change in      All          Total
and                              ($)           ($)       Awards    Awards      Equity        Pension        Other        ($)
Principal                                                ($)       ($)         Incentive     Value and      Compen-
Position                                                                       Plan          Nonqualified   sation
                                                                               Compen-       Deferred       ($) [a]
                                                                               sation        Compensation
                                                                               ($)           Earnings
J. Thomas May,          2008     $474,285    $49,768    $184,560   $      0     $ 28,993     $      0      $  28,286    $  765,892
Chief Executive         2007     $450,110    $50,214    $164,880   $      0     $257,358     $302,000      $  35,931    $1,260,493
Officer                 2006     $437,000    $44,596    $169,500   $      0     $179,254     $373,022      $  37,519    $1,240,891

Robert A. Fehlman,      2008     $200,000    $     0    $ 14,568   $  3,549     $  8,775     $      0      $  31,024    $  257,916
Chief Financial         2007     $175,374    $     0    $  5,618   $  1,963     $ 40,355     $      0      $  28,248    $  251,558
Officer                 2006     $160,950    $     0    $  2,602   $  1,565     $ 28,566     $      0      $  62,011    $  255,694

David L. Bartlett,      2008     $282,288    $ 3,214    $ 24,217   $ 14,775     $ 14,862     $ 36,672      $  23,711    $  399,739
President and Chief     2007     $275,000    $     0    $ 11,388   $ 12,237     $ 76,605     $ 33,701      $  23,528    $  432,459
Operating Officer       2006     $250,000    $     0    $  7,250   $ 11,798     $ 62,489     $ 30,938      $ 121,024    $  483,499

Marty D. Casteel,       2008     $200,000    $     0    $ 12,520   $  2,588     $  8,775     $      0      $  27,831    $   251,714
Executive Vice          2007     $175,374    $     0    $  4,102   $  1,002     $ 40,355     $      0      $  26,433    $   247,266
President,              2006     $160,950    $     0    $  1,197   $    604     $ 23,706     $      0      $  23,480    $   209,937

Robert C. Dill,         2008     $163,072    $     0    $  5,015   $  2,092     $  5,247     $      0      $  24,127    $   199,553
Executive Vice          2007     $143,743    $     0    $  2,922   $    902     $ 20,993     $      0      $  24,974    $   193,013
President               2006     $139,723    $     0    $  1,145   $      0     $ 31,200     $      0      $  25,505    $   197,245

[a]  This category includes  perquisites and other benefits:  For 2008 - for Mr.
     May, contribution to the ESOP, $12,745, the Company's matching contribution
     to the ss.401(k) Plan,  $3,450,  use of Company  automobile,  $ 1,208, life
     insurance  premiums,  $510, country club dues, $2,725 and dividends paid on
     unvested  restricted shares,  $7,648; for Mr. Fehlman,  contribution to the
     ESOP, $12,745,  the Company's matching  contribution to the ss.401(k) Plan,
     $3,450,  country club dues,  $6,383,  automobile  allowance,  $6,000,  life
     insurance premiums,  $306 and dividends paid on unvested restricted shares,
     $2,140; for Mr. Bartlett,  contribution to the ESOP, $12,745,  country club
     dues,  $5,526,  personal use of company  automobile,  $830,  life insurance
     premiums,  $298 and dividends paid on unvested  restricted shares,  $4,312;
     for Mr. Casteel,  contribution to the ESOP, $12,745, the Company's matching
     contribution to the ss.401(k) Plan, $3,576,  automobile allowance,  $6,000,
     country club dues, $3,240, life insurance premiums, $306 and dividends paid
     on unvested  restricted shares,  $1,964; for Mr. Dill,  contribution to the
     ESOP, $11,450,  the Company's matching  contribution to the ss.401(k) Plan,
     $3,100,  automobile  allowance,  $6,000,  country club dues,  $2,210,  life
     insurance premiums,  $303 and dividends paid on unvested restricted shares,
     $1,064.  For 2007 - for Mr. May,  contribution  to the ESOP,  $12,692,  the
     Company's  matching  contribution  to the ss.401(k)  Plan,  $3,375,  use of
     Company automobile,  $2,746, life insurance premiums,  $5,604, country club
     dues, $3,234, and dividends paid on unvested restricted shares, $8,280; for
     Mr. Fehlman,  contribution  to the ESOP,  $11,964,  the Company's  matching
     contribution  to the ss.401(k)  Plan,  $3,181,  country club dues,  $5,896,
     automobile allowance,  $6,000, life insurance premiums,  $141 and dividends
     paid on unvested restricted shares, $1,066; for Mr. Bartlett,  contribution
     to the ESOP,  $12,692,  country club dues, $5,574,  personal use of company
     automobile,  $795,  life insurance  premiums,  $1,698 and dividends paid on
     unvested  restricted shares,  $2,769; for Mr. Casteel,  contribution to the
     ESOP, $11,644,  the Company's matching  contribution to the ss.401(k) Plan,
     $3,102,  automobile allowance,  $6,000,  country club dues, $3,234, medical
     cost for  annual  physical,  $331,  life  insurance  premiums,  $1,197  and
     dividends  paid  on  unvested  restricted  shares,   $905;  for  Mr.  Dill,
     contribution to the ESOP, $9,957,  the Company's  matching  contribution to
     the ss.401(k) Plan,  $2,648,  automobile  allowance,  $6,000,  country club
     dues,  $5,504,  and life  insurance  premiums,  $344 and dividends  paid on
     unvested restricted shares,  $521. For 2006 - for Mr. May,  contribution to
     the ESOP,  $12,257,  the Company's  matching  contribution to the ss.401(k)
     Plan, $3,300, use of Company  automobile,  $4,507, life insurance premiums,
     $3,648, country club dues, $2,977 and dividends paid on unvested restricted
     shares,  $10,830,  for Mr. Fehlman,  contribution to the ESOP, $12,257, the
     Company's matching contribution to the ss.401(k) Plan, $3,300, country club
     transfer fee and dues, $9,703, automobile allowance, $6,000, relocation and
     moving expenses,  $29,619, life insurance premiums, $506 and dividends paid
     on unvested restricted shares, $626; for Mr. Bartlett,  contribution to the
     ESOP, $12,257, country club initiation fee and dues, $37,526,  personal use
     of company  automobile and  automobile  allowance,  $1,710,  relocation and
     moving expenses,  $65,353,  life insurance  premiums,  $2,158 and dividends
     paid on unvested restricted shares,  $2,021; for Mr. Casteel,  contribution
     to the ESOP, $10,836, the Company's matching  contribution to the ss.401(k)
     Plan,  $2,917,  automobile  allowance,  $6,000,  country club dues, $2,313,
     medical cost for annual physical,  $159, life insurance premiums,  $789 and
     dividends  paid  on  unvested  restricted  shares,   $466;  for  Mr.  Dill,
     contribution to the ESOP, $10,094,  the Company's matching  contribution to
     the ss.401(k) Plan,  $2,715,  automobile  allowance,  $6,000,  country club
     dues,  $5,998,  and life  insurance  premiums,  $370 and dividends  paid on
     unvested restricted shares, $328.



This table discloses information concerning each grant of an award made to a
named executive officer in 2008. This includes EIP, stock option awards and
restricted stock awards under the Simmons First National Corporation Executive
Stock Incentive Plan - 2006 and the Simmons First National Corporation Long Term
Incentive Plan, each of which are discussed in greater detail in this Proxy
Statement under the caption "Compensation Discussion and Analysis." The
threshold, target and maximum columns reflect the range of estimated payouts
under the EIP and the LTIP. In the 7th and 8th columns, the number of shares of
common stock underlying options granted in the fiscal year and corresponding
per-share exercise prices are reported. In all cases, the exercise price was
equal to the closing market price of the common stock on the day prior to date
of grant. Finally, in the 9th column, the aggregate FAS 123(R) value of all
awards made in 2008 is reported; in contrast to how the amounts in the Summary
Compensation Table are presented, the amounts reported here are the aggregate
values without apportioning such amounts over the service or vesting period.

                                               GRANTS OF PLAN-BASED AWARDS
Name          Grant      Estimated Future Payouts       Estimated Future Payouts  All        All        Exercise  Grant
              Date       Under Non-Equity Incentive     Under Equity Incentive    Other      Other      or Base   Date
                         Plan Awards                    Plan Awards               Stock      Option     Price of  Fair
                         __________________________     ________________________  Awards:    Awards:    Option    Value
                         Thresh-   Target     Maxi-     Thresh- Target  Maxi-     Number     Number     Awards    of
                         old       ($)        mum        old      (#)    mum      of         of         ($/Sh)    Stock
                         ($)                  ($)        (#)             (#)      Shares     Securities           and
                                                                                  of Stock   Under-               Option
                                                                                  or Units   lying                Awards
                                                                                  (#) [a]    Options               ($)
                                                                                             (#) [a]

J. Thomas May
  EIP         01-01-08  $ 173,264  $ 346,529  $462,038
  LTIP [b][c] 03-24-08  $  45,049  $  80,086  $150,163  1,553   2,762  5,178                                    $150,163
  Option Plan 05-29-08                                                                       3,750[d]           $113,663

Robert A. Fehlman
 EIP          01-01-08  $  37,500  $  75,000  $150,000
 LTP [b][c]   03-24-08  $  19,500  $  34,666  $ 65,000    672   1,195  2,241                                    $ 65,000
 Option Plan  05-29-08                                                             860[e][f] 4,380[g]  $ 30.31  $ 56,244

David L. Bartlett
 EIP          01-01-08  $  63,515  $ 127,030  $254,059
 LTIP [b][c]  03-24-08  $  27,523  $  48,930  $ 91,744    949   1,687  3,164                                    $ 91,744
 Option Plan  05-29-08                                                           1,260[e][f] 6,420[h]  $ 30.31  $ 82,425

Marty D. Casteel
 EIP          01-01-08  $  37,500  $  75,000  $150,000
 LTIP [b][c]  03-24-08  $  19,500  $  34,666  $ 65,000    672   1,195  2,241                                    $ 65,000
 Option Plan  05-29-08                                                             830[e][f] 4,210[i]  $ 30.31  $ 51,164

Robert C. Dill
 EIP          01-01-08  $  22,422  $  44,845  $ 89,680
 Option Plan  05-29-08                                                             810[e][f]           $ 30.31  $ 24,551



[a]  The stock awards in these columns represent the indicated percentage of the
     total stock awards made by the Company during 2008: Mr. May 25.6%, Mr.
     Fehlman 5.9%, Mr. Bartlett 8.6%, Mr. Casteel 5.7% and Mr. Dill 5.5%.
[b]  The Long Term Incentive Plan grant provides for a total potential benefit
     of 65% of base salary of the participant. The grant is equally divided
     between cash and shares of the Company's stock. The vesting of the grant is
     based upon the Company's performance compared to its peer group for three
     specified criteria, core deposit growth, total revenue growth and earnings
     per share growth. The minimum vesting level of thirty 30% requires the
     Company to perform at the 50th percentile of its designated peer group
     during 2008, 2009 and 2010 for the specified criteria. Performance in
     excess of the 50th percentile allows for a pro rata increase in the vesting
     percentage up 100% vesting if the Company performs at or above the 80th
     percentile of the peer group for the specified criteria. The maximum
     benefit which could be earned by the participants is: Mr. May, $300,325;
     Mr. Fehlman, $130,000; Mr. Bartlett, $183,487; and Mr. Casteel, $130,000.
[c]  In connection with the termination of the LTIP, the Company and the
     participants in the LTIP agreed to cancel and terminate the 2008 LTIP
     grants. While the entries in the table under in the columns "Estimated
     Future Payouts Under Non-Equity Incentive Plan Awards" and "Estimated
     Future Payments under Equity Incentive Plan Awards" for the LTIP were made
     on March 24, 2008, this plan and all awards made under the plan were
     terminated and cancelled on February 23, 2009.
[d]  1,875 of these restricted shares vest on May 29, 2009 and the balance vests
     on May 29, 2010. [e] These stock options have a ten year term and vest in
     five equal installments on the first through the fifth
     anniversary of the grant date.
[f]  Stock options have no express performance criteria other than continued
     employment (with limited exceptions for termination of employment due to
     death, disability, retirement and change in control). However, options have
     an implicit performance criterion because the options have no value to the
     executive unless and until the stock price exceeds the exercise price.
[g]  These restricted shares vest in annual installments of 876 shares on May 29
     in each of the years 2009-2013.
[h]  These restricted shares vest in annual installments of 1,284 shares on May
     29 in each of the years 2009-2013.
[i]  These restricted shares vest in annual installments of 842 shares on May 29
     in each of the years 2009-2013.


         The following table provides information concerning exercises of stock
options, stock appreciation rights and similar instruments, and vesting of
stock, including restricted stock and similar instruments, which were granted in
prior years but were exercised or vested during 2008 for each of the named
executive officers on an aggregated basis. The table reports the number of
securities for which options were exercised; the aggregate dollar value realized
upon exercise of options; the number of shares of stock that vested; and the
aggregate dollar value realized upon vesting of stock.

                           Option Awards Stock Awards
Name                    Number of         Value                    Number of       Value
                        Shares            Realized                 Shares          Realized
                        Acquired          on                       Acquired        on
                        on                Exercise [a]             on              Vesting [b]
                        Exercise          ($)                      Vesting         ($)
                        (#)                                        (#)
J. Thomas May            85,000         $  1,455,325                6,000      $  184,560
Robert A. Fehlman         2,520         $     60,165                  486      $   14,568
David L. Bartlett             0         $          0                  849      $   24,217
Marty D. Casteel            200         $      3,727                  418      $   12,520
Robert C. Dill              500         $      8,128                  164      $    5,015

[a]  The Value Realized on Exercise is computed using the difference between the
     closing market price upon the date of exercise and the option price.
[b]  The Value  Realized on Vesting is computed  using the closing  market price
     upon the date of vesting.



     The following table provides information concerning unexercised options and
restricted  stock  that  has  not  vested  for  each  named  executive   officer
outstanding as of the end of 2008.  Each  outstanding  award is represented by a
separate row which  indicates  the number of  securities  underlying  the award,
including awards that have been transferred other than for value (if any).

     For  option  awards,  the  table  discloses  the  exercise  price  and  the
expiration date. For stock awards, the table provides the total number of shares
of stock that have not vested and the aggregate  market value of shares of stock
that  have not  vested.  The  market  value  of stock  awards  was  computed  by
multiplying  the closing market price of the Company's  stock at the end of 2008
by the number of shares.

                                     OUTSTANDING EQUITY AWARDS AT FISCAL YEAR-END
                                    Option Awards                                 Stock Awards
Name               Number        Number         Option    Option     Number      Market Value Equity     Equity
                   of Securities of Securities  Exercise  Expiration of Shares   of Shares or Incentive  Incentive
                   Underlying    Underlying     Price     Date       or Units    Units of     Plan       Plan
                   Unexercised   Unexercised    ($)                  of Stock    Stock That   Awards:    Awards:
                   Options (#)   Options (#)                         That Have   Have Not     Number     Market or
                   Exercisable   Unexercisable                       Not Vested  Vested       of         Payout
                                                                      (#)          ($)        Unearned   Value
                                                                                              Shares     of
                                                                                              Units or   Unearned
                                                                                              Other      Shares,
                                                                                              Rights     Units or
                                                                                              That Have  Other
                                                                                              Not        Rights
                                                                                              Vested     That Have
                                                                                                (#)      Not
J. Thomas May                                                        1,500 [a]   $ 44,205
J. Thomas May                                                        2,000 [b]   $ 58,940
J. Thomas May                                                        3,750 [c]   $110,513
J. Thomas May                                                        3,750 [d]   $110,513
J. Thomas May                                                                                 5,178 [e]  $152,596
Robert A. Fehlman  10,080            0          $12.1250  05-06-11
Robert A. Fehlman   3,000            0          $23.7800  07-25-14
Robert A. Fehlman     752           88          $24.5000  05-22-15
Robert A. Fehlman     400          600          $26.1900  05-21-16
Robert A. Fehlman     240          960          $28.4200  05-30-17
Robert A. Fehlman       0        4,380          $30.3100  05-29-18
Robert A. Fehlman                                                      200 [f]   $  5,894
Robert A. Fehlman                                                      300 [g]   $  8,841
Robert A. Fehlman                                                      560 [h]   $ 16,503
Robert A. Fehlman                                                      580 [i]   $ 17,093
Robert A. Fehlman                                                      860 [j]   $ 25,344
Robert A. Fehlman                                                                             2,241 [e]  $ 66,042
David L. Bartlett   2,000            0          $26.2000  03-21-14
David L. Bartlett   3,000            0          $23.7800  07-25-14
David L. Bartlett     888          222          $24.5000  05-22-15
David L. Bartlett   2,000        8,000          $26.1900  05-21-16
David L. Bartlett     720        1,080          $26.1900  05-21-16
David L. Bartlett     480        2,400          $28.4200  05-30-17
David L. Bartlett       0        6,420          $30.3100  05-29-18
David L. Bartlett                                                      112 [k]   $  3,301
David L. Bartlett                                                    1,750 [l]   $ 51,573
David L. Bartlett                                                      300 [g]   $  8,841
David L. Bartlett                                                      800 [m]   $ 23,576
David L. Bartlett                                                      968 [n]   $ 28,527
David L. Bartlett                                                    1,260 [o]   $ 37,132
David L. Bartlett                                                                             3,164 [e]  $ 93,243


                                      Option Awards                                     Stock Awards
Name               Number        Number        Option    Option     Number        Market Value Equity     Equity
                   of Securities of Securities Exercise  Expiration of Shares     of Shares or Incentive  Incentive
                   Underlying    Underlying    Price     Date       or Units      Units of     Plan       Plan
                   Unexercised   Unexercised     ($)                of Stock      Stock That   Awards:    Awards:
                   Options (#)   Options (#)                        That Have     Have Not     Number     Market or
                   Exercisable   Unexercisable                      Not Vested    Vested       of         Payout
                                                                       (#)          ($)        Unearned   Value
                                                                                               Shares     of
                                                                                               Units or   Unearned
                                                                                               Other      Shares,
                                                                                               Rights     Units or
                                                                                               That Have  Other
                                                                                               Not        Rights
                                                                                               Vested     That Have
                                                                                                 (#)      Not
Marty D. Casteel      200            0         $10.5625  07-27-10
Marty D. Casteel    6,000            0         $12.1250  05-06-11
Marty D. Casteel    2,000            0         $23.7800  07-25-14
Marty D. Casteel      920            0         $24.5000  05-22-15
Marty D. Casteel      400          800         $26.1900  05-21-16
Marty D. Casteel      240          960         $28.4200  05-30-17
Marty D. Casteel        0        4,210         $30.3100  05-29-18
Marty D. Casteel                                                         92 [p]   $   2,711
Marty D. Casteel                                                        300 [g]   $   8,841
Marty D. Casteel                                                        560 [h]   $  16,503
Marty D. Casteel                                                        527 [q]   $  15,531
Marty D. Casteel                                                        830 [r]   $  24,460
Marty D. Casteel                                                                               2,241 [e]  $66,042
Robert C. Dill     10,000            0         $12.1250  05-06-11
Robert C. Dill      2,000            0         $23.7800  07-25-14
Robert C. Dill        890            0         $24.5000  05-22-15
Robert C. Dill        360          540         $26.1900  05-21-16
Robert C. Dill        180          720         $28.4200  05-30-17
Robert C. Dill                                                           88 [s]   $   2,593
Robert C. Dill                                                          180 [t]   $   5,305
Robert C. Dill                                                          240 [u]   $   7,073
Robert C. Dill                                                          810 [v]   $  23,871

[a]  These restricted shares vest on May 7, 2009.
[b]  These shares vest on May 31, 2009.
[c]  2,000 of these restricted  shares vest on November 26, 2009 and the balance
     vest on November 26, 2010.
[d]  1,875 of these restricted  shares vest on May 29, 2009 and the balance vest
     on May 29, 2010.
[e]  These shares were granted under the Long Term Incentive Plan and would have
     vested on December 31, 2010 if and to the extent the plan's performance
     criteria was satisfied. On February 23, 2009, the Company and the
     participants agreed to cancel and terminate the grants of these shares.
[f]  These restricted shares vest in annual installments of 100 shares on May 23
     in each of the years 2009-2011.
[g]  These restricted shares vest in annual installments of 100 shares on May 22
     in each of the years 2009-2011.
[h]  These restricted shares vest in annual installments of 140 shares on May 31
     in each of the years 2009-2012.
[i]  These  restricted  shares  vest in  annual  installments  of 145  shares on
     November 26 in each of the years 2009-2012.
[j]  These restricted shares vest in annual installments of 172 shares on May 29
     in each of the years 2009-2013.
[k]  These restricted shares vest in annual  installments of 56 shares on May 23
     in each of the years 2009-2010.
[l]  These  restricted  shares vest in an  installment of 250 shares on March 1,
     2009 and the balance vest on March 1, 2010.
[m]  These restricted shares vest in annual installments of 200 shares on May 31
     in each of the years 2009-2012.
[n]  These  restricted  shares  vest in  annual  installments  of 242  shares on
     November 26 in each of the years 2009-2012.
[o]  These restricted shares vest in annual installments of 252 shares on May 29
     in each of the years 2009-2013.
[p]  These restricted shares vest in annual  installments of 46 shares on May 23
     in each of the years 2009-2010.
[q]  These  restricted  shares  vest in  annual  installments  of 132  shares on
     November 26 in each of the years  2009-2011  and the  balance,  131 shares,
     vest on November 26, 2012.


[r]  These restricted shares vest in annual installments of 166 shares on May 29
     in each of the years 2009-2013.
[s]  These restricted shares vest in annual  installments of 44 shares on May 23
     in each of the years 2009-2010.
[t]  These restricted shares vest in annual  installments of 60 shares on May 23
     in each of the years 2009-2011.
[u]  These restricted shares vest in annual  installments of 60 shares on May 31
     in each of the years 2009-2012.
[v]  These restricted shares vest in annual installments of 162 shares on May 29
     in each of the years 2009-2013.


     The following  table  provides  information  with respect to each plan that
provides for  payments or other  benefits at,  following or in  connection  with
retirement.  This includes  tax-qualified defined benefit plans and supplemental
executive  retirement  plans,  but does not include defined  contribution  plans
(whether  tax  qualified  or  not).  The May  Plan  and the  Bartlett  Plan  are
supplemental executive retirement plans.

     The Present Value of the Accumulated Benefit reflects the actuarial present
value of the  named  executive  officer's  accumulated  benefit  under the plan,
computed as of December 31,  2008.  In making such  calculation,  it was assumed
that the  retirement  age will be the  normal  retirement  age as defined in the
plan, or if not so defined,  the earliest time at which a participant may retire
under the plan without any benefit reduction due to age.

May Plan

     The May Plan is  designed  to work with the other  retirement  plans of the
Company,  on an aggregated  basis with Social  Security  benefits,  to provide a
targeted  level of benefits  for Mr.  May,  the only  participant.  The May Plan
requires Mr. May to remain in the employ of the Company  until he attains age 65
to be eligible to receive benefits under the plan, provided that in the event of
a change  in  control  the  benefits  are fully  vested at age 60.  The May Plan
provides a benefit upon normal retirement at age 65, or upon death or disability
prior to age 65, a monthly  sum  equal to one  twelfth  (1/12) of fifty  percent
(50%) of the final average compensation (the average compensation paid to him by
the  Company  for the most recent five  consecutive  calendar  years),  less the
accrued monthly benefit to Mr. May under the deferred  annuity received upon the
termination  of the Company's  pension plan.  The benefit  payments begin on the
first day of the seventh month  following  retirement,  death or disability  and
continue for 120  consecutive  months or until his death,  whichever shall occur
later.  Compensation  for purposes of the May Plan  includes  salary,  bonus and
short  term  incentive   compensation   programs  (EIP),   but  excludes  equity
compensation plans (stock options and restricted shares) and long term incentive
compensation programs.

Bartlett Plan

     The Company  assumed the  Bartlett  Plan upon its  acquisition  of Alliance
Bancorporation,  Inc. in 2004. The Bartlett Plan provides Mr. Bartlett a benefit
upon normal  retirement  at age 65, or upon  disability  prior to age 65, in the
amount of $125,000  per year  payable  monthly.  In the event of Mr.  Bartlett's
death prior to January 1, 2023, a variable death benefit is payable  pursuant to
the plan's  death  benefit  schedule.  The death  benefit  ranges  from a low of
$51,911  for  death in 2022 to a high of  $854,132  for  death  in 2013,  with a
benefit  payable of $438,878 for death in 2008. Mr.  Bartlett is fully vested in
both the  retirement  and death  benefits under the plan. The benefits under the
plan are designed in conjunction  with a life insurance  policy  acquired at the
time the plan was established, barring extraordinary circumstances, the earnings
of the policy and the  proceeds  of the  policy  upon the death of Mr.  Bartlett
should be  sufficient  to fully fund the  obligations  of the Company  under the
Bartlett Plan.

                                PENSION BENEFITS

Name                       Plan                      Number of              Present Value           Payments
                           Name                      Years Credited         of Accumulated          During Last
                                                     Service                Benefit                 Fiscal Year
                                                      (#)                   ($)                     ($)
J. Thomas May              May Plan                  [a]                    $  1,892,798            $  0
Robert A. Fehlman                                                           $          0            $  0
David L. Bartlett          Bartlett Plan             [a]                    $    655,752            $  0
Marty D. Casteel                                                            $          0            $  0
Robert C. Dill                                                              $          0            $  0

[a]  The benefits under the May Plan and the Bartlett Plan are not dependent
     upon the credited years of service. Except for disability, death or a
     change in control, continuous service until the normal retirement age (65)
     is required under the May Plan. Mr. Bartlett is fully vested in the maximum
     benefit under the Bartlett Plan.



     The following table summarizes the estimated payments to be made under each
contract,  agreement, plan or arrangement which provides for payments to a named
executive  officer  at,  following  or in  connection  with any  termination  of
employment including by resignation, retirement or a constructive termination of
a named  executive  officer,  or a change  in  control  or a change in the named
executive   officer's   responsibilities.   However,   in  accordance  with  SEC
regulations,  no amounts to be provided to a named  executive  officer under any
arrangement which does not discriminate in scope, terms or operation in favor of
the  executive  officers  and  which are  available  generally  to all  salaried
employees are reported.  Also, the following  table does not repeat  information
disclosed above under the pension  benefits  table,  or the  outstanding  equity
awards at fiscal year-end table, except to the extent that the amount payable to
the named executive officer would be enhanced by the termination event.

     For the purpose of the quantitative  disclosure in the following table, and
in accordance  with SEC  regulations,  the  termination is assumed to have taken
place on the last business day of the Company's most recently  completed  fiscal
year, and the price per share of the common stock is the closing market price as
of that date -- $29.47.

     Severance. None of the named executive officers presently has an employment
agreement which guarantees him employment for any period of time. Therefore, any
post-termination  payments of salary or severance to any named executive officer
would be provided only under the  Company's  broad-based  severance  plan in the
event of a reduction in force or other  termination by the Company without cause
or pursuant to a Change in Control Agreement ("CIC Agreement").

     Under the Company's  severance  plan,  which applies to all employees,  the
named  executive  officers  would  receive  base  salary for a stated term after
severance based upon the  executive's  length of service to the Company as shown

                    Length of Service          Term of Benefit
                     Less than 2 years          2 weeks
                     2-3 years                  3 weeks
                     4-6 years                  5 weeks
                     7-10 years                 8 weeks
                     11-20 years               12 weeks
                     21 years or more          16 weeks

Such amounts are paid in anticipation of unemployment, and not as a reward for
past service. Payment is triggered upon elimination of a position or function,
transition, merger or acquisition. Severance is paid twice monthly in the same
manner as regular payroll.

     The Company has entered into CIC Agreements with certain  executives of the
Company  and  the  subsidiary  banks,  including  each  of the  named  executive
officers,  pursuant to which the Company would pay certain salary benefits.  The
Company  would  make such  payments  only upon a change in  control,  and if the
Company  terminates an executive without "Cause" or the executive resigns within
six  months  after  a  "Trigger  Event."  Additionally,  in the  case of the CIC
Agreement for Mr. May, such payments will also be due, if Mr. May, within twelve
months after a change in control,  requests his payments  commence.  The Company
will pay an amount up to two times (one  times in the case of Mr.  Dill) the sum
of (1) highest  annual base salary for the  previous  twelve  months and (2) the
greater of the projected  target annual incentive to be paid under the Executive
Incentive  Plan ("EIP") for the current  year,  or the average EIP bonus paid to
the executive  over the preceding two years.  The  termination  compensation  is
payable within 30 business days following the  termination  and, at the election
of the executive,  may be payable in either cash or common stock of the Company.
In addition,  upon such an event, all outstanding stock options vest immediately
and all restrictions on restricted stock lapse.

     The CIC Agreements will also provide the executive with continuing coverage
under the Company's  medical,  dental,  life insurance and long term  disability
plans for three years following the change in control date. Additionally, if the
executive is over 55 years of age, the CIC Agreement  allows the  executive,  at
his election, to continue medical,  dental and life insurance coverage after the
initial three year period, at the executive's cost, if the executive is not then
eligible to be covered by a similar program  maintained by the current  employer
of the executive or the executive's spouse. Finally, the CIC Agreements,  in the
case of Messrs. May, Fehlman,  Bartlett and Casteel, require the Company to make
a tax "gross-up"  payment in the event any of the foregoing benefits subject the
executive to the excise tax on excess  parachute  payments as  determined  under
Sections 280G and 4999 of the Internal  Revenue  Code.  Please also refer to the
discussion  of  the  CIC  Agreements  above  at  "Compensation   Discussion  and


     Accelerated  Vesting of Incentives.  The Company has provided and continues
to provide  equity and  non-equity  incentives to the named  executive  officers
through the Company's  Executive Stock Incentive Plans ("Option  Plans") and the
EIP.  Please also refer to the  discussion of equity and  non-equity  incentives
above at "Compensation Discussion and Analysis."

     Equity  Incentives - Stock  Options.  Unvested  stock options vest upon the
named  executive  officer's  death or  disability  or upon a change in  control.
Further,  unvested stock options vest upon the  retirement of a named  executive
officer  after age 65 or after age 62 with ten years of service.  Upon any other
termination, the executive forfeits his unvested stock options, unless the Board
of Directors takes specific action to vest some or all of the unvested  options.
The value of accelerated  options was  calculated by  multiplying  the number of
shares times the difference between the closing price of the common stock on the
last business day of 2008 and the exercise price of the options. Please refer to
the  discussions  above  at  "Compensation  Discussion  and  Analysis"  for more
information about stock options.

     Equity Incentives - Restricted Stock.  Unvested restricted stock vests upon
the named  executive  officer's death or disability or upon a change in control.
Further,  unvested  restricted  stock  vests  upon  the  retirement  of a  named
executive  officer after age 65 or after age 62 with ten years of service.  Upon
any other  termination,  the executive  forfeits his unvested  restricted stock,
unless the Board of Directors  takes specific  action to vest some or all of the
unvested stock. Accordingly, the table below reflects the accelerated vesting of
this stock upon the named executive  officer's  qualified  retirement,  death or
disability or upon a change in control.  An executive forfeits all undistributed
shares upon the termination of the executive's employment for all other reasons.

     Non-Equity  Incentives - EIP. The EIP does not provide for an  acceleration
of  entitlement  or a  satisfaction  of  performance  measures  upon a change in
control.  Therefore the plan could be terminated or modified  following a change
in control and the  participants  would not receive any  incentive  compensation
under the EIP for the year in which the change in control occurred. For purposes
of the disclosure in the table below,  SEC regulations  require that such change
in control be assumed to occur on the last day of the  Company's  most  recently
completed fiscal year. That date coincides with the last date of the performance
period under EIP for 2008.  As a result of such  assumption,  the Company  could
make a full payment under the terms of EIP based on the achievement of EIP goals
for the year ending  December 31, 2008,  and such amounts would not be increased
or enhanced as the result the executive's  termination or the change in control.
Such amounts are reported in the Summary Compensation Table.

     Retirement  Plans - May Plan.  Upon a change in  control,  Mr. May  becomes
fully vested in the benefits  under the May Plan.  Payment of the benefits would
commence  on  the  first  day  of  the  seventh  calendar  month  following  his
termination  of services to the Company.  In the absence of a change in control,
upon the death or  disability  of Mr. May or his  retirement at or after age 65,
his benefits  under the May Plan become fully vested and are payable  commencing
on the first day of the  seventh  month  after such  event.  In the event of the
termination  of Mr. May's  employment  under any other  conditions  prior to his
attaining age 65, all benefits under the May Plan are forfeited. For purposes of
the disclosure in the table below,  SEC regulations  require that such change in
control  be  assumed  to occur on the  last day of the most  recently  completed
fiscal year. As a result of such  assumption,  Mr. May would become fully vested
in the benefits under the May Plan.

     Retirement Plans - Bartlett Plan. Mr. Bartlett is currently fully vested in
the maximum  benefit  payable under the Bartlett  Plan.  His  entitlement to the
benefits under the plan is not affected by his death, disability, termination of
service or a change in control of the  Company.  Payment of the  benefits  would
commence  on  the  first  day  of  the  seventh  calendar  month  following  his
termination  of services to the Company.  For purposes of the  disclosure in the
table below,  SEC regulations  require that such change in control be assumed to
occur on the last day of the most  recently  completed  fiscal  year.  Since Mr.
Bartlett is already  fully vested in his benefit  under the Bartlett  Plan,  the
assumed  change in control  would not increase or otherwise  enhance the benefit
payable to Mr. Bartlett under the plan.

     Miscellaneous Benefits. Under the CIC Agreements, which are discussed above
at  "Compensation  Discussion  and  Analysis,"  the Company is  obligated to pay
certain other benefits. This includes continuation of medical,  dental, life and
long term  disability  insurance  coverage  for three years from the date of the
change in control and certain  tax  gross-up  payments.  The  conditions  to the
Company's  obligations under the CIC Agreements are discussed above.  Except for
these benefits  payable under the CIC Agreements,  the Company has no obligation
to continue any other perquisites after a named executive  officer's  employment


                                                                                            Involuntary or
                                                          Involuntary                       Trigger Event
Executive Benefits and                   Voluntary        Not for Cause    For Cause        Termination
Payments upon Termination                Termination      Termination      Termination            (CIC)
-------------------------                -----------      -----------      -----------      ----------------
J. Thomas May
  Severance                              $        0       $ 145,934 [a]    $        0       $  1,641,628 [b]
  Accelerated Vesting of Incentives [c]  $        0       $       0        $        0       $    377,993 [d]
  Retirement Plan                        $        0       $       0        $        0       $  1,808,245 [e]
  Other Benefits and Tax Gross-Up [f]    $        0       $       0        $        0       $    981,887 [g]

Robert A. Fehlman
  Severance                              $        0       $  46,154 [a]    $        0       $    550,000 [b]
  Accelerated Vesting of Incentives [c]  $        0       $       0        $        0       $    100,881 [h]
  Retirement Plans                       $        0       $       0        $        0       $          0
  Other Benefits [f]                     $        0       $       0        $        0       $    249,291 [i]

David L. Bartlett
  Severance                              $        0       $  43,429 [a]    $        0       $    818,636 [b]
  Accelerated Vesting of Incentives [c]  $        0       $       0        $        0       $    218,737 [j]
  Retirement Plans [k]                   $  655,752       $ 655,752        $        0       $    655,752
  Other Benefits and Tax Gross-Up[l]     $        0       $       0        $        0       $    405,292 [m]

Marty D. Casteel
  Severance                              $        0       $  46,154 [a]    $        0       $    550,000 [b]
  Accelerated Vesting of Incentives [c]  $        0       $       0        $        0       $     94,318 [n]
  Retirement Plans                       $        0       $       0        $        0       $          0
  Other Benefits and Tax Gross-Up [f]    $        0       $       0        $        0       $    241,112 [o]

Robert C. Dill
  Severance                              $        0       $  50,176 [a]    $        0       $    207,917 [b]
  Accelerated Vesting of Incentives [c]  $        0       $       0        $        0       $     41,368 [p]
  Retirement Plans                       $        0       $       0        $        0       $          0
  Other Benefits [l]                     $        0       $       0        $        0       $     15,480 [q]

[a]  The Company's severance plan grants severance pay in weeks of base salary
     based on years of service to the Company. Based upon service, Messrs. May
     and Dill are entitled to 16 weeks of base salary, Messrs. Fehlman and
     Casteel are entitled to 12 weeks of base salary and Mr. Bartlett is
     entitled to 8 weeks of base salary. Payments under the severance plan for
     the named executive officer are not enhanced above what any other employee
     would be due as a result of the termination occurrence.
 [b] Under the Change in Control ("CIC") Agreements between certain named
     executive officers and the Company, upon the occurrence of a CIC, severance
     will consist of either one or two times the sum of the following items: (1)
     the highest annual base salary for the previous twelve months and (2) the
     greater of the projected target annual incentive to be paid under the EIP
     for the current year, or the average EIP bonus paid to the executive over
     the prior two years.
[c]  The payment due the named executive officer due to certain termination
     triggers, related to the Company's incentive programs (EIP, LTIP, Stock
     Options and Restricted Stock) is made based on the specific terms and
     conditions associated with each plan.
[d]  Due to the assumed separation, Mr. May is entitled to an incremental value
     of $377,993. This value represents gains of $324,170 for unvested
     restricted stock, as of December 31, 2008 and $53,823 due to the partial
     vesting of the LTIP grant upon a CIC.
[e]  Mr. May's benefit under the May Plan becomes fully vested upon a change in
     control and the monthly benefit would commence on the seventh month after
     his termination of service. The information related to the May Plan has
     been previously disclosed in the Pension Benefits Table. The value
     disclosed is the present value of Mr. May's benefit.
[f]  The named executive officer is not receiving any enhanced payments
     regarding their Other Benefits as a result of the termination trigger. The
     amounts related to Other Benefits include the costs associated with
     continued participation in the Company's health and welfare benefit plans
     and Tax Gross-Ups under applicable CIC agreements.
[g]  Upon a CIC, Mr. May would receive a monthly benefit of $430 for the next 36
     months for purposes of continued health and welfare benefits, and a tax
     gross-up payment of $966,407.


[h]  Due to the assumed separation, Mr. Fehlman is entitled to an incremental
     value of $100,881. This value represents gains of $73,675 for unvested
     restricted stock and $3,910 for unvested stock options, both as of December
     31, 2008 and $23,296 due to the partial vesting of the LTIP grant upon a
[i]  Upon a CIC, Mr. Fehlman would receive a monthly benefit of $430 for the
     next 36 months for purposes of continued health and welfare benefits, and a
     tax gross-up payment of $233,811.
[j]  Due to the assumed separation, Mr. Bartlett is entitled to an incremental
     value of $218,737. This value represents gains of $152,949 for unvested
     restricted stock and $32,902 for unvested stock options, both as of
     December 31, 2008 and $32,886 due to the partial vesting of the LTIP grant
     upon a CIC.
[k]  Mr. Bartlett is not receiving any enhanced payments regarding the Bartlett
     Plan as a result of the termination trigger. Mr. Bartlett was fully vested
     in the maximum benefit under the plan at all times during 2007. The amounts
     related to the retirement plans have been previously disclosed in the
     Pension Benefits Tables.
[l]  The named executive officer is not receiving any enhanced payments
     regarding their Other Benefits as a result of the termination trigger. The
     amounts related to Other Benefits include the costs associated with
     continued participation in the Company's health and welfare benefit plans
     under the applicable CIC agreement.
[m]  Upon a CIC, Mr. Bartlett would receive a monthly benefit of $430 for the
     next 36 months for purposes of continued health and welfare benefits and a
     tax gross-up payment of $389,812.
[n]  Due to the assumed separation, Mr. Casteel is entitled to an incremental
     value of $94,318. This value represents gains realized of $68,046 for
     unvested restricted stock and $2,976 for unvested stock options, both as of
     December 31, 2008 and $23,296 due to the partial vesting of the LTIP grant
     upon a CIC.
[o]  Upon a CIC, Mr. Casteel would receive a monthly benefit of $430 for the
     next 36 months for purposes of continued health and welfare benefits and a
     tax gross-up payment of $241,112.
[p]  Due to the assumed separation, Mr. Dill is entitled to an incremental value
     of $41,368. This value represents gains realized of $38,841 for unvested
     restricted stock and $2,527 for unvested stock options, both as of December
     31, 2008.
[q]  Upon a CIC, Mr. Dill would receive a monthly benefit of $430 for the next
     36 months for purposes of continued health and welfare benefits.


     The following table provides  information  with respect to the compensation
of Directors of the Company  during 2008,  the most  recently  completed  fiscal

     All  Directors  receive  an annual  retainer  of  $12,000,  except the lead
director,  Harry L.  Ryburn,  who  receives an annual  retainer of $15,000.  All
Directors receive $750 for each meeting of the Board attended. In addition, each
Director who serves as a committee  chairman  receives  $600 for each  committee
meeting  attended and other  Directors  receive $400 for each committee  meeting

     The  Company  maintains  a voluntary  deferred  compensation  plan in which
non-employee  directors may defer receipt of any part or all of their respective
directors fees,  including  retainer fees,  meeting fees and committee fees. The
director  must elect to  participate  in the plan prior to the calendar year for
which the deferral will be  applicable.  Upon election a director must elect the
form of payment (lump sum or annual installments over two to five years) and the
date of payment  (attainment  of a specified  age or  cessation  of serving as a
director of the Company).  The sums  deferred  under the plan are credited to an
account for the director  along with earnings on the deferred sum at an interest
rate equal to the yield on the ten year U. S. Treasury Bond, computed quarterly.

     The Company adopted a stock option plan for its outside  directors in 2006.
At the 2007 annual meeting,  the  shareholders  approved the modification of the
stock  option plan to also allow the outright  grant of shares of the  Company's
stock to the  Directors  under the plan.  During  2008,  outright  grants of 325
shares of the  Company's  stock  were  made to each  director,  except  the lead
director,  who  received a grant for 500 shares and the  chairman of the Audit &
Security Committee, who received a grant for 400 shares. The grants were made on
May 29, 2008.  These  shares are  immediately  vested.  In  accordance  with SEC
regulations,  outright  grants of stock are valued in accordance with FAS 123(R)
at the closing  price of the stock on the date of grant.  The Company  discloses
such expense ratably over the vesting period,  however, since the stock is fully
vested upon grant,  all of the expense related to the stock grants are disclosed
in the table.

     Each Director under the age of 70 is provided  coverage under the Company's
group  term  life  insurance  program.  Directors  up to age 65  receive a death
benefit of $50,000 and directors over 65 but less than 70 years of age receive a
death  benefit of $25,000.  The policy  triples the death benefit in the case of
accidental  death.  In addition,  each Director is reimbursed  for out of pocket
expenses, including travel.


                                             DIRECTOR COMPENSATION
Name                           Fees Earned or        Stock               All Other           Total
                               Paid in Cash          Awards              Compensation [b]    ($)
                               ($)                   ($)  [a]            ($)
William E. Clark, II           $     9,625           $  10,263           $      209          $ 20,097
Steven A. Cosse'               $    20,475           $  10,263           $      228          $ 30,966
Edward Drilling                $     8,100           $  10,263           $      209          $ 18,572
George A. Makris, Jr. [c]      $    32,250           $  12,340           $    4,686          $ 49,276
J. Thomas May [d]              $         0           $       0           $        0          $      0
W. Scott McGeorge              $    26,450           $  10,263           $      228          $ 36,941
Stanley E. Reed [e]            $    25,900           $  10,263           $    1,159          $ 37,322
Harry L. Ryburn                $    43,200           $  15,425           $        0          $ 58,625
Robert L. Shoptaw              $    20,875           $  10,263           $      228          $ 31,366

[a]  The computation is based upon the closing market price of $30.85 on the
     grant date (May 29, 2008). The ratable portion of the value of grants made
     in 2008 and prior years, calculated in accordance with FAS 123(R), to the
     extent the vesting period fell in 2008 are reported in this column. Please
     refer to footnote 10 to the Company's financial statements for a discussion
     of the assumptions related to the calculation of such value.
[b]  Amounts in this column reflect life insurance premiums for the directors
     and in the case of Messrs. Makris and Reed earnings on their deferred
     directors fees under the directors deferred compensation plan in the
     amounts of $4,458 and $931, respectively.
[c]  For 2008, Mr. Makris elected to participate in the deferred compensation
     plan and deferred $32,150 into the plan.
[d]  J. Thomas May, the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, does not receive
     directors fees or otherwise participate in the director compensation
     programs set forth herein. His compensation is disclosed in the preceding
     discussion concerning Executive Compensation.
[e]  For 2008, Mr. Reed has elected to participate in the deferred compensation
     plan and deferred $25,800 into the plan.


     Section  16(a)  of  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Act  of  1934  and  the
regulations issued thereunder require directors and certain officers of any
company registered under that Act to file statements on SEC Forms 3, 4 & 5 with
the Securities and Exchange Commission, showing their beneficial ownership in
securities issued by such company. Based upon a review of such statements by the
directors and officers of the Company for the preceding fiscal year, provided to
the Company by such persons, the Company has identified that Robert C. Dill,
John Rush, George Makris and Scott McGeorge filed late Form 4's.

                           AUDIT & SECURITY COMMITTEE

     During  2008,  the Audit & Security  Committee  was  composed of William E.
Clark, II, George A. Makris,  Jr., W. Scott McGeorge,  Stanley E. Reed and Harry
L. Ryburn.  Each of the listed  committee  members are independent as defined in
Rule 4200 of the NASDAQ listing requirements. This committee provides assistance
to the  Board in  fulfilling  its  responsibilities  concerning  accounting  and
reporting  practices,  by regularly  reviewing  the adequacy of the internal and
external  auditors,  the disclosure of the financial  affairs of the Company and
its  subsidiaries,  the control  systems of management  and internal  accounting
controls.  The  Audit &  Security  Committee  has  adopted a  charter,  which is
available  for review in the Investor  Relations  portion of the  Company's  web
site: This committee met 16 times in 2008.

     The Board has  determined  that none of the members of the Audit & Security
Committee meet the definition of "audit committee  financial  expert" as defined
in Item 407(d)(5) of Regulation  S-K  promulgated by the Securities and Exchange
Commission.  The Audit & Security  Committee  receives directly or has access to
extensive  information from reviews and  examinations by the Company's  internal
auditor,   independent   auditor  and  the  bank   regulatory   agencies  having
jurisdiction over the Company and its subsidiaries. The Company has not retained
an  audit  committee  financial  expert  to serve  on the  Board or the  Audit &
Security  Committee  because the Board believes that the present  members of the
committee  have  sufficient  knowledge and  experience  in financial  affairs to
effectively perform their duties.


     The  Company is  required  to obtain  pre-approval  by the Audit & Security
Committee for all audit and  permissible  non-audit  services  obtained from the
independent auditors. All services obtained from the independent auditors during
2008, whether audit services or permitted non-audit services,  were pre-approved
by the Audit &  Security  Committee.  The  Audit &  Security  Committee  has not
adopted any additional pre-approval policies and procedures, but consistent with
its charter, it may do so in the future.

     The Audit & Security  Committee issued the following report  concerning its
activities related to the Company for the previous year:

          The Audit & Security  Committee has reviewed and discussed the audited
     financial  statements  of the Company for the year ended  December 31, 2008
     with management.

          The Audit & Security  Committee has  discussed  with BKD, LLP ("BKD"),
     its  independent  auditors,  the matters  required to be  discussed  by the
     statement on Auditing  Standards  No. 61, as amended  (AICPA,  Professional
     Standards,  Vol.  1. AU section  380),  as  adopted  by the Public  Company
     Accounting Oversight Board in Rule 3200T;

          The Audit & Security  Committee  has received the written  disclosures
     and  the  letter  from  independent   accountants  required  by  applicable
     requirements of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board regarding the
     independent accountants' communications with the Audit & Security Committee
     concerning independence, and has discussed with the independent accountants
     the independent accountants' independence; and

          Based upon the foregoing review and discussions,  the Audit & Security
     Committee  recommended to the Board of Directors that the audited financial
     statements be included in the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
     last fiscal year for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

          In its  analysis  of the  independence  of BKD,  the Audit &  Security
     Committee  considered whether the non-audit related  professional  services
     rendered  by  BKD to the  Company  were  compatible  with  maintaining  the
     principal accountant's independence.

                           AUDIT & SECURITY COMMITTEE

William E. Clark, II               George A. Makris, Jr.      W. Scott McGeorge
                  Harry L. Ryburn                    Stanley E. Reed


     On February 17, 2009, President Obama signed into law the American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ("ARRA"), which expanded the executive compensation
requirements  previously imposed by the Emergency Economic  Stabilization Act of
2008  and  the  Troubled  Assets  Relief  Program  ("TARP").   Under  these  new
requirements,  any reporting company that has received or will receive financial
assistance  under TARP must  permit a separate  shareholder  vote to approve the
reporting  company's  executive  compensation,  as  disclosed  in the  reporting
company's Compensation Discussion and Analysis, related compensation tables, and
other related  material under the  compensation  disclosure rules of the SEC, in
any proxy or  consent  or  authorization  for an annual or other  meeting of its
shareholders  during the period in which any  obligation  arising from financial
assistance provided under TARP remains outstanding.

     The Company has been  approved for  participation  in the Capital  Purchase
Program under TARP. The Company's  participation in this program will begin upon
the sale by the  Company of its  preferred  stock to the U. S.  Treasury.  As of
March 15, 2009,  the Company had not yet  consummated  the sale of the preferred
stock to commence participation in the program,  however the Company anticipates
that  such sale will be  closed  prior to April 21,  2009,  the date of its 2009
annual  shareholders  meeting.  Therefore,  the Company's  Board of Directors is
providing  shareholders  with the  opportunity  to cast an advisory  vote on its
compensation  program at the 2009 Annual Meeting. As set forth in the ARRA, this
vote will not be binding on or overrule any decisions by the Company's  Board of
Directors, will not create or imply any additional fiduciary duty on the part of
the  Board,  and will  not  restrict  or  limit  the  ability  of the  Company's
shareholders  to make  proposals  for  inclusion in proxy  materials  related to
executive  compensation.  However,  the NCCGC will  consider  the outcome of the
vote, among other considerations, when considering future executive compensation
arrangements.  The Board of Directors has determined  that the best way to allow
shareholders  to vote on the  Company's  executive  pay programs and policies is
through the following resolution:


         RESOLVED, that the shareholders approve the Company's executive
         compensation, as described in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis
         and the tabular disclosure regarding named executive officer
         compensation (together with the accompanying narrative disclosure) in
         this Proxy Statement.

         Approval of this proposal will require the affirmative vote of a
majority of the shares of the Company's Common Stock represented in person or by
proxy at the Annual Meting.



         The Audit & Security Committee of the Board of Directors selected the
accounting firm of BKD, LLP as independent auditors of Simmons First National
Corporation and its subsidiaries for the year ending December 31, 2009 and seeks
ratification of the selection by our shareholders.

Audit Fees

     The aggregate fees billed to the Company for professional services rendered
by BKD for the audit of the Company's annual  financial  statements for the year
ended December 31, 2008 and the reviews of the financial  statements included in
the Company's Form 10-Q's for 2008 were  $427,472.  The aggregate fees billed to
the Company by BKD for such services in 2007 were $397,411.

Audit Related Fees

     The aggregate fees billed to the Company for professional services rendered
by BKD for the audit related fees during 2008 were $57,341.  The aggregate  fees
billed  to the  Company  by BKD for such  services  in 2007 was  $47,900.  These
services  are  primarily  for the  audits of  employee  benefit  plans for which
Simmons First Trust Company,  N.A.  ("SFTC") is a fiduciary and for the audit of
the common trust funds maintained by SFTC.

Tax Fees

     The aggregate fees billed to the Company for professional services rendered
by BKD for tax services and preparation of tax returns during 2008 were $38,120.
The  aggregate  fees billed to the Company by BKD for such  services in 2007 was

All Other Fees

     There were no fees  billed to the  Company by BKD for  services  other than
those set forth above.

     Shareholder  ratification of the Audit & Security Committee's  selection of
BKD as our  independent  auditors  for the year ending  December 31, 2009 is not
required by our Bylaws or  otherwise.  Nonetheless,  the Board of Directors  has
elected to submit the selection of BKD to our shareholders for ratification.  If
a quorum is present,  approval of this proposal requires the affirmative vote of
a majority  of the shares of our common  stock  represented  at the  meeting and
entitled  to  vote  at  the  annual  meeting.  If  the  selection  of BKD as our
independent auditors for the year ending December 31, 2009 is not ratified,  the
matter will be referred to the Audit & Security Committee for further review.

     Representatives  of BKD  will  be at  the  annual  meeting,  will  have  an
opportunity  to make a statement if they desire and will be available to respond
to appropriate questions.


                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

     A copy of the annual  report of the Company for 2008 on Form 10-K  required
to be filed with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  including  audited
financial statements, is enclosed herewith. Such report and financial statements
contained  therein are not  incorporated  into this Proxy  Statement and are not
considered a part of the proxy soliciting  materials,  since they are not deemed
material  for the  exercise  of prudent  judgment in regard to the matters to be
acted upon at the meeting.


                        PROPOSALS FOR 2010 ANNUAL MEETING

     Shareholders who intend to have a proposal  considered for inclusion in the
Company's  proxy  materials  for  presentation  at the 2010  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders  must submit the proposal to the Company no later than November 13,
2009.  Shareholders  who intend to present a proposal at the 2010 Annual Meeting
of  Shareholders  without  inclusion  of such  proposal in the  Company's  proxy
materials  are  required  to provide  notice of such  proposal to the Company no
later than January 27, 2010. The Company reserves the right to reject,  rule out
of order or take other appropriate action with respect to any proposal that does
not comply with these and other applicable requirements.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     Management  knows of no other  matters to be  brought  before  this  annual
meeting.  However,  if other matters should properly come before the meeting, it
is the  intention  of the  persons  named  in the  proxy to vote  such  proxy in
accordance with their best judgment on such matters.


John L. Rush, Secretary
Pine Bluff, Arkansas
March 20, 2009


                                 PROXY BALLOT
                                 April 21, 2009


The undersigned hereby constitutes and appoints William C. Bridgforth, Robert A.
Fehlman and Rita A. Gronwald as Proxies, each with the power of substitution, to
represent and vote as designated on this proxy ballot all of the shares of
common stock of Simmons First National Corporation held of record by the
undersigned on February 23, 2009, at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be
held on April 21, 2009, and any adjournment thereof.

This proxy, when properly executed, will be voted as directed. IF NO DIRECTION

    (1)      To fix the number of directors at nine:
             |_| FOR |_| AGAINST |_| ABSTAIN

    (2)      ELECTION OF DIRECTORS (mark only one box):
             |_| FOR ALL NOMINEES
             |_| WITHHOLD AUTHORITY FOR CERTAIN NOMINEES below whose names
                 have been lined through:

                 William E. Clark, II   George A. Makris, Jr.  Stanley E. Reed
                 Steven A. Cosse'       J. Thomas May          Harry L. Ryburn
                 Edward Drilling        W. Scott McGeorge      Robert L. Shoptaw

    (3)      To provide advisory approval of the Simmons First National
             Corporation's executive compensation program:
             |_|   FOR       |_|     AGAINST        |_|    ABSTAIN

    (4)      To Ratify the Audit & Security Committee's selection of the
             accounting firm of BKD, LLP as independent auditors of Simmons
             First National Corporation and its subsidiaries for the year
             ending December 31, 2009:
             |_|   FOR       |_|     AGAINST        |_|    ABSTAIN

    (5)      Upon such other business as may properly come before the
             meeting or any adjournment or adjournments thereof.

             The undersigned acknowledges receipt of this ballot, Notice of
             Annual Meeting, Proxy Statement and Annual Report.

             ---------------------------------------------    -----------------
             Signature(s) of Shareholder(s)                         Date

             ---------------------------------------------    -----------------
             Signature(s) of Shareholder(s)                         Date

IMPORTANT:  Please  date and sign this proxy  ballot  exactly  as the  ownership
appears  below.  If held in joint  ownership,  all owners must sign this ballot.
Please return promptly in the envelope provided.