
                                  UNITED STATES
                              WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 14A
                                 (Rule 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                    Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by Registrant  |X|

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  |_|

Check the appropriate box:

|X|      Preliminary Proxy Statement

|_|      Confidential,  for Use of the  Commission  Only (as  permitted  by Rule

|_|      Definitive Proxy Statement

|_|      Definitive Additional Materials

|_|      Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-12

                        PARADIGM MEDICAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the Appropriate box):

|X|      No fee required.

|_|      Fee  computed  on  table  below  per  Securities   Exchange  Act  Rules
         15a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.*

|_|      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

         (1)      Title  of  each  class  of  securities  to  which  transaction
         (2)      Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
         (3)      Per  unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction
                  computed  pursuant to  Securities  Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set
                  forth the  amount on which the filing  fee is  calculated  and
                  state how it was determined):
         (4)      Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
         (5)      Total fee paid:

|_|      Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by  Securities
         Exchange  Act Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the filing for which the
         offsetting  fee was paid  previously.  Identify the previous  filing by
         registration  statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of
         its filing.

         (1)      Amount Previously Paid:
         (2)      Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
         (3)      Filing Party:
         (4)      Date Filed:

                        PARADIGM MEDICAL INDUSTRIES, INC.

                              2355 South 1070 West
                           Salt Lake City, Utah 84119

                                  July __, 2006

Dear Shareholder:

         On behalf of the Board of Directors, it is my pleasure to invite you to
attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Paradigm Medical  Industries,  Inc.
(the "Company") to be held on Friday,  August 11, 2006, at 10:00 a.m.,  Mountain
Daylight Time, at 2355 South 1070 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84119.

         The formal notice of the Annual  Meeting and the Proxy  Statement  have
been made a part of this  invitation.  Also  enclosed is a copy of the Company's
Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 2005.

         The  matters  to be  addressed  at the  meeting  will  include  (i) the
election of four directors;  (ii) the approval of the proposed  amendment to the
Certificate  of  Incorporation  to increase the number of  authorized  shares of
common stock from 250,000,000 shares to 2,000,000,000 shares; (iii) the approval
of the  amendment  to the 1995 Stock  Option  Plan to  authorize  an  additional
3,000,000  shares of common stock to be made  available  for issuance  under the
plan;  and (iv) the  ratification  of the  appointment  of Chisholm,  Bierwolf &
Nilson as the Company's registered public independent accountants for the fiscal
year ending  December  31, 2006.  I will also report on the  Company's  business
activities  and  answer  any  shareholder  questions.  The  Board  of  Directors
recommends  that  you  vote  FOR  election  of the  director  nominees,  FOR the
amendment  to the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to  increase  the  number  of
authorized  shares, FOR the amendment to the 1995 Stock Option Plan to authorize
additional shares for issuance  thereunder,  and FOR ratification of appointment
of the  registered  public  independent  accountants.  Please refer to the Proxy
Statement  for  detailed  information  on each of the  proposals  and the Annual

         Your vote is very  important.  We hope you will take a few  minutes  to
review the Proxy Statement and complete, sign, and return your Proxy Card in the
envelope  provided,  even if you plan to attend the  meeting.  Please  note that
sending us your Proxy will not prevent you from voting in person at the meeting,
should you wish to do so.

         Thank you for your support of Paradigm Medical Industries, Inc. We look
forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting.

                                           Sincerely yours,

                                           Raymond P.L. Cannefax
                                           President and Chief Executive Officer

                           TO BE HELD AUGUST 11, 2006

To our Shareholders:

         NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  (the
"Annual Meeting") of Paradigm Medical Industries, Inc. (the "Company") will held
on Friday,  August 11, 2006,  beginning at 10:00 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time, at
the Company's  corporate  headquarters  at 2355 South 1070 West, Salt Lake City,
Utah.  At the  Annual  Meeting,  shareholders  will  consider  and act  upon the
following matters:

         1.       To elect a Board of Directors  consisting of four directors to
                  serve until the next annual meeting of shareholders  and until
                  their respective successors are elected and qualified;

         2.       To approve the proposed amendment to the Company's Certificate
                  of Incorporation  to increase the number of authorized  shares
                  of common stock from 250,000,000 to 2,000,000,000 shares;

         3.       To amend the Company's  1995 Stock Option Plan to authorize an
                  additional  3,000,000  shares  of  common  stock  to  be  made
                  available for issuance under the plan;

         4.       To ratify the  appointment  of Chisholm,  Bierwolf & Nilson as
                  the Company's  registered public  independent  accountants for
                  the fiscal year ending December 31, 2006; and

         5.       To transact  such other  business as may properly  come before
                  the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

         The foregoing  items of business are more fully  described in the Proxy
Statement accompanying this Notice. Also included is a single-page  Proxy/Voting
Instruction  Form and a postage prepaid return  envelope.  Only  shareholders of
record at the close of business on June 27, 2006 are  entitled to notice of, and
to vote at, the Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

         If you do not expect to attend the meeting in person,  it is  important
that your shares be  represented.  Please use the enclosed proxy card to vote on
the matters to be  considered  at the meeting,  sign and date the proxy card and
mail it promptly in the enclosed  envelope,  which requires no postage if mailed
in the United  States.  You may revoke your proxy at any time before the meeting
by written notice to such effect, by submitting a subsequently dated proxy or by
attending  the meeting and voting in person.  If your shares are held in "street
name," you should  instruct  your  broker  how to vote in  accordance  with your
voting instruction form.

                                          By order of the Board of Directors,

                                          Luis A. Mostacero
                                          Vice President of Finance, Treasurer
                                          and Secretary
July __, 2006
Salt Lake City, Utah

                        PARADIGM MEDICAL INDUSTRIES, INC.
                              2355 South 1070 West
                           Salt Lake City, Utah 84119

                                 PROXY STATEMENT



         The enclosed  Proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Paradigm Medical  Industries,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation (the "Company") for
use at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders  (the "Annual  Meeting") to be held on
Friday,  August 11, 2006,  beginning at 10:00 a.m.,  local time (MST), or at any
adjournment(s)  thereof. The purposes of the meeting are set forth herein and in
the accompanying  Notice of Annual Meeting of  Shareholders.  The Annual Meeting
will be held at the Company's  corporate  headquarters  at 2355 South 1070 West,
Salt Lake City, Utah. This Proxy Statement and accompanying  materials are being
mailed  on or about  July  10,  2006.  The  Company  will  bear the cost of this

Record Date

         Shareholders  of record of the  Company's  Common Stock at the close of
business on June 26, 2005 are  entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting.
At the record date,  193,956,828 shares of the Company's Common Stock, $.001 par
value,  5,627 shares of the Series A Preferred  Stock,  8,986 shares of Series B
Preferred Stock, no shares of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock, 5,000 shares
of Series D  Convertible  Preferred  Stock,  250 shares of Series E  Convertible
Preferred Stock, 4,598.75 shares of Series F Preferred Stock, and 588,235 shares
of Series G Preferred Stock were issued and outstanding.  Shareholders of Series
A, Series B, Series C, Series D, Series E, Series F and Series G Preferred Stock
are not entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting.  Shareholders  holding at least
one-third of the outstanding  shares of Common Stock represented in person or by
proxy shall  constitute a quorum for the  transaction  of business at the Annual

Revocability of Proxies

         Shareholders may revoke any appointment of proxy given pursuant to this
solicitation  by delivering the Company a written notice of revocation or a duly
executed  proxy  bearing a later date or by attending  the meeting and voting in
person.  An  appointment of proxy is revoked upon the death or incapacity of the
shareholder  if the  Secretary  or other  officer of the Company  authorized  to
tabulate  votes  receives  notice of such death or  incapacity  before the proxy
exercises its authority under the appointment.

Voting and Solicitation

         Each  shareholder will be entitled to one vote for each share of Common
Stock held at the record  date.  Assuming a quorum is present,  a  plurality  of
votes cast by the shares  entitled to vote in the election of directors  will be
required  to elect each  director.  Because  the  shares of Series A,  Series B,
Series  C,  Series  D,  Series  E,  Series F and  Series G  Preferred  Stock are
non-voting  securities,  the holders thereof will not be entitled to vote at the
Annual  Meeting.  To approve the  granting  of the stock  options to the outside
directors of the Company,  holders of a majority of the shares  entitled to vote
at the Annual  Meeting must vote in favor of the stock  options.  The  principal
executive  offices of the Company are located at 2355 South 1070 West, Salt Lake
City,  Utah.  In  addition  to the use of the mails,  proxies  may be  solicited
personally,  by  telephone,  or by  facsimile,  and the  Company  may  reimburse
brokerage  firms and other persons  holding shares in the Company in their names
or  those  of  their  nominees  for  their  reasonable  expenses  in  forwarding
soliciting materials to the beneficial owners.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

                                   Proposal 1


         The Company's  Bylaws do not limit the number of persons serving on the
Company's  Board  of  Directors,  and it is  contemplated  that a board of three
directors  will be  elected  at the  Annual  Meeting.  The  Board  of  Directors
recommends  that the  shareholders  vote "FOR" the election of the four director
nominees listed below.  Assuming a quorum is present,  a plurality of votes cast
by the shares  entitled to vote in the election of directors will be required to
elect each director.  Unless otherwise  instructed,  the proxy holders will vote
the proxies received by them for management's  four nominees named below, all of
whom are presently directors of the Company.

         In the event that any management nominee is unable or declines to serve
as a director at the time of the Annual  Meeting,  the proxies will be voted for
any nominee who shall be  designated  by the present  Board of Directors to fill
the vacancy.  In the event that  additional  persons are nominated as directors,
the proxy holders  intend to vote all proxies  received by them in such a manner
as will ensure the election of as many of the nominees listed below as possible.
It is not expected that any nominee will be unable or will decline to serve as a
director.  The term of office of each person elected as a director will continue
until the next annual meeting of shareholders and until such person's  successor
has been elected and qualified. Officers are appointed by the Board of Directors
and serve at the discretion of the board.

         The name and certain  information  regarding  each nominee is set forth
below. See also "Certain Relationships and Related Transactions."

      Name                   Age    Director Since   Position with the Company
   -----------------------   ---    --------------   -------------------------
   Randall A. Mackey, Esq.   60     January 2000     Chairman of the Board
   Dr. David M. Silver       64     January 2000     Director
   Keith D. Ignotz           58     November 2000    Director
   John C. Pingree           65`    April 2004       Director

     The following  biographical  information  is furnished  with respect to the
four director nominees:

     Randall A. Mackey,  Esq. has been the Company's Chairman of the Board since
August 20, 2002,  and a director since January 2000. He had served as a director
of the  Company  from  November  1995 to  September  1998.  Mr.  Mackey has been
President of the Salt Lake City law firm of Mackey Price Thompson & Ostler since
1992, and a shareholder and director of the firm and its predecessor firms since
1989. Mr. Mackey received a B.S. degree in Economics from the University of Utah
in 1968,  an M.B.A.  degree from the  Harvard  Business  School in 1970,  a J.D.
degree  from  Columbia  Law  School  in 1975 and a  B.C.L.  degree  from  Oxford
University  in 1977.  Mr.  Mackey has also  served as Chairman of the Board from
June  2001 to May 2003,  and as a  director  from 1998 to May 2003 of  Cimetrix,
Incorporated, a software development company. Mr. Mackey has additionally served
as Chairman of the Board from July 2000 to July 2003 and as a trustee  from 1993
to July  2003 of Salt Lake  Community  College,  and a member of the Utah  State
Board of Education since September 2005.

     David M. Silver,  Ph.D.  has been a director  since  January  2000.  He had
served as a director of the company from  November 1995 to September  1998.  Dr.
Silver is a Principal Senior Scientist in the Milton S. Eisenhower  Research and
Technology  Development  Center at the Johns Hopkins  University Applied Physics
Laboratory,  where he has been  employed  since  1970.  He  served  as the J. H.
Fitzgerald  Dunning  Professor of  Ophthalmology in the Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye
Institute in Baltimore  during 1998-99.  He received a B.S. degree from Illinois
Institute of  Technology,  an M.A.  degree from Johns Hopkins  University  and a
Ph.D. degree from Iowa State University before holding a postdoctoral fellowship
at Harvard  University  and a visiting  scientist  position at the University of

     Keith D. Ignotz has been a director since November 2000.  Since March 2005,
Mr.  Ignotz  has  been  President  and  Chief   Executive   Officer  of  Diakine
Therapeutics,  Inc., a pharmaceutical  therapeutics  company. From 1992 to 2004,
Mr. Ignotz was with SpectRx, Inc., a medical technology company that he founded,
which develops, manufactures and markets alternatives to traditional blood based
medical  tests,  serving  from 2002 to 2004 as the Chief  Executive  Officer  of
Guided Therapeutics,  Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of SpectRx, Inc., and from
1992 to 2002 as President and Chief Operating Officer of SpectRx, Inc. From 1986
to 1992,  Mr.  Ignotz was Senior Vice  President of Allergan  Humphrey,  Inc., a
medical  electronics  company.  From 1985 to 1986,  he was President of Humphrey
Instruments  Limited-SKB,  a medical electronics company, and from 1980 to 1985,
Mr.  Ignotz  was  President  of  Humphrey   Instruments  GmbH,  also  a  medical


electronics company. Mr. Ignotz also served on the Board of Directors of Vismed,
Inc.,  d/b/a Dicon from 1992 to June 2000. Mr. Ignotz  received a B.A. degree in
Sociology and Political  Science from San Jose  University and an M.B.A.  degree
from Pepperdine  University.  Mr. Ignotz has served as a trustee of Pennsylvania
College of Optometry and Audiology since 1990, a director of AeroVectrix,  Inc.,
a drug  delivery  company,  since August  2005,  and as a member of the American
Diabetes  Association  and the American  Marketing  Association  of the American
Association of Diabetes Education.

     John C. Pingree has been a director  since April 2004.  From August 2001 to
March 2004,  Mr. Pingree was the Executive  Director of the Semnani  Foundation,
which funds projects to assist women and children in developing countries.  From
July 1998 to July 2001,  Mr.  Pingree was a Mission  President for the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,  serving in Mexico City, Mexico. From 1977 to
1997,  Mr.  Pingree was  General  Manager  and Chief  Executive  Officer of Utah
Transit  Authority.  From 1970 to 1975, he was Director of Marketing for Memorex
Corporation. From 1967 to 1970, Mr. Pingree was Regional Manager, Sales Planning
at Xerox  Corporation.  He also  currently  serves as a member of the Utah State
Board of Education.  Mr.  Pingree  received a B.A.  degree in Economics from the
University of Utah and an M.B.A. degree from the Harvard Business School.

Board Meetings and Committees

     The size of the Board of  Directors  of the  Company for the coming year is
four members.  Three of the directors,  or a majority of the Board of Directors,
are independent  directors.  The independent  directors have regularly scheduled
meetings at which only independent  directors are present. The term of office of
each  director  is  for  a  period  of  one  year  or  until  the  election  and
qualification  of his  successor.  The Board of  Directors  held a total of four
meetings  during the fiscal year ended  December 31, 2005 No directors  attended
fewer than 75% of all meetings of the Board of Directors  during the 2005 fiscal

     Unless  authority is withheld by your Proxy, it is intended that the common
stock represented by your Proxy will be voted for the respective nominees listed
above.  If any nominee should not serve for any reason,  the Proxy will be voted
for such person as shall be designated by the Board of Directors to replace such
nominee. The Board of Directors has no reason to expect that any nominee will be
unable to serve.  There is no  arrangement  between any of the  nominees and any
other  person or  persons  pursuant  to which he was or is to be  selected  as a

     There  are  three  committees  of  the  Board  of  Directors,   which  meet
periodically during the year: the Compensation  Committee,  the Audit Committee,
and the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee.

     The Compensation  Committee is responsible for recommending to the Board of
Directors for approval the annual  compensation of each executive officer of the
Company,  developing  policy in the areas of compensation  and fringe  benefits,
contribution under the 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan, granting of options under
the stock option plans,  and creating other  employee  compensation  plans.  The
Compensation  Committee consists of Messrs. Keith D. Ignotz,  Randall A. Mackey,
John C. Pingree and Dr.  David M. Silver  (Chairman  of the  Committee).  During
2005, the Compensation Committee met on one occasion.

     The Audit  Committee  directs  the  auditing  activities  of the  Company's
internal auditors and registered public independent  accounting firm and reviews
the services performed by the registered public independent  accounting firm and
evaluates the Company's  accounting  practices and  procedures and its system of
internal accounting  controls.  The Audit Committee consists of Messrs. Keith D.
Ignotz (Chairman of the Committee),  Randall A. Mackey,  John C. Pingree and Dr.
David M. Silver.  During 2004,  the Audit  Committee  met on one  occasion.  The
Company's  Board of Directors  has  determined  that Keith D. Ignotz and John C.
Pingree,  who currently serve as directors of the Company as well as a member of
the  Company's  audit  committee,  are  independent  audit  committee  financial

     The Nominating and Corporate Governance  Committee  identifies  individuals
qualified to become  board  members  consistent  with  criteria  approved by the
board,  recommends  to the board the  persons to be  nominated  by the board for
election as directors at a meeting of shareholders,  and develops and recommends
to the  board a set of  corporate  governance  principles.  The  Nominating  and
Corporate Governance  Committee consists of Messrs. Keith D. Ignotz,  Randall A.
Mackey, John C. Pingree (Chairman of the Committee) and Dr. David M. Silver. The
Nominating and Corporate  Governance Committee is composed solely of independent


Director Nominating Process

     The process for identifying and evaluating  nominees for directors  include
the following  steps:  (1) the  Nominating and Corporate  Governance  Committee,
Chairman of the Board or other board members  identify a need to fill  vacancies
or add newly  created  directorships;  (2) the  Chairman of the  Nominating  and
Corporate  Governance  Committee  initiates  a search and seeks input from board
members and senior  management  and, if necessary,  obtains advice from legal or
other  advisors  (but  does not  hire an  outside  search  firm);  (3)  director
candidates,  including  any  candidates  properly  proposed by  shareholders  in
accordance  with the  Company's  bylaws,  are  identified  and  presented to the
Nominating  and Corporate  Governance  Committee;  (4) initial  interviews  with
candidates  are  conducted  by the  Chairman  of the  Nominating  and  Corporate
Governance  Committee;  (5) the  Nominating and Corporate  Governance  Committee
meets to consider and approve final  candidate(s) and conduct further interviews
as necessary;  and (6) the Nominating and Corporate  Governance  Committee makes
recommendations  to the board for  inclusion  in the slate of  directors  at the
annual meeting.  The evaluation  process will be the same whether the nominee is
recommended by a shareholder or by a member of the Board of Directors.

     The Nominating and Corporate  Governance  Committee will consider  nominees
proposed by shareholders.  To recommend a perspective nominee for the Nominating
and Corporate Governance Committee's consideration,  shareholders may submit the
candidate's name and qualifications to: Luis A. Mostacero, Controller, Treasurer
and Secretary,  Paradigm  Medical  Industries,  Inc., 2355 South 1070 East, Salt
Lake City, Utah 84119.  Recommendations  from  shareholders for nominees must be
received by Mr.  Mostacero not later than the date set forth under "Deadline for
Receipt of  Shareholder's  Proposals for Annual Meeting to be Held in July 2006"

     The Nominating and Corporate  Governance  Committee  operates pursuant to a
written  charter.  The full text of the charter is  published  on the  Company's
website at www.paradigm-medical.com.  Shareholders may also obtain a copy of the
charter  without charge by writing to: Luis A. Mostacero,  Controller,  Paradigm
Medical Industries, Inc., 2355 South 1070 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84119.

Meetings of Non-Management Directors

     The Company's  non-management  directors  regularly meet without management
participation.  In addition, an executive session including only the independent
directors is held at least annually.

Shareholder Communications with the Board of Directors

     Shareholders  who wish to  communicate  with the  Board of  Directors  or a
particular  director  may  send a  letter  to  Luis  A.  Mostacero,  Controller,
Treasurer and Secretary,  Paradigm  Medical  Industries,  Inc.,  2355 South 1070
East,  Salt Lake City,  Utah 84119.  The mailing  envelope  must contain a clear
notation   indicating   that  the  enclosed   letter  is  a   "Shareholder-Board
Communication" or  "Shareholder-Director  Communication."  All such letters must
identify  the author as a  shareholder  and clearly  state  whether the intended
recipients  are all members of the board or just  certain  specified  individual
directors.  The  Company's  Secretary  will make copies of all such  letters and
circulate them to the appropriate director or directors.

Appointment of New President and Chief Executive Officer

     On January 5, 2006,  Raymond P.L.  Cannefax was  appointed as President and
Chief  Executive  Officer,  replacing  John Y.  Yoon  who had  served  in  those
positions  from March 18,  2004 to  December  31,  2005.  Mr.  Yoon  resigned as
President and Chief Executive  Officer,  effective  December 31, 2005, to pursue
other opportunities.

Appointment of New Vice President of Finance and New Vice President of Sales and

     On March 20, 2006,  Luis A.  Mostacero was  appointed as Vice  President of
Finance.  Mr.  Mostacero  previously  served as Controller from June 20, 2000 to
September 15, 2005, when he resigned to pursue other opportunities. On April 10,
2006, Michael S. Austin was appointed as Vice President of Sales and Marketing.

Resignation of Vice President of Operations

     In addition  to the  resignation  of John Y. Yoon on  December  31, 2005 as
President and Chief Executive Officer, Aziz A. Mohabbat resigned on November 15,
2005 as Vice President of Operations and Chief Operating Officer to pursue other
opportunities.  Mr.  Mohabbat  served as Vice  President of Operations and Chief
Operating  Officer  from  March 22,  2004 to  November  15,  2005,  and as Chief
Operating Officer from August 30, 2002 to March 2003. The Board of Directors has


not yet appointed a new Chief Operating Officer since Aziz A. Mohabbat resigned.
Moreover,  since  Mr.  Mohabbat's  resignation,   the  Board  of  Directors  has
endeavored to reduce the Company's operating expenditures, which has resulted in
a  reduction  in the  number of the  Company's  employees.  It is the  Company's
intention  to appoint a new Chief  Operating  Officer in the future  when it has
adequate funds to do so.

Executive Officers

     The following sets forth certain  information with respect to the executive
officers of the Company:

         Name                   Age                     Title
      ---------------------     ---      --------------------------------------
      Raymond P.L. Cannefax     57       President and  Chief Executive Officer

     Raymond  P.L.  Cannefax  has served as the  Company's  President  and Chief
Executive  Officer since January 5, 2006. Mr. Cannefax  previously served as the
Company's  Vice  President of Sales and Marketing from January 2003 to May 2005.
From May 2005 to January  2006,  Mr.  Cannefax  served as Vice  President of the
Asia/Pacific Region for Sonomed, Inc., a manufacturer of ophthalmic products and
a wholly owned  subsidiary of Escalon Medical Corp. From January 2002 to January
2003,  Mr.  Cannefax was Vice  President of Business  Development  and Sales for
Vermax,  Inc., a  manufacturer  of products for hotel  properties.  From 1996 to
January 2002, he was  President,  Chief  Operating  Officer and founder of Aspen
Network,  Inc., a software development and ecommerce company. From 1992 to 1996,
Mr. Cannefax was President and Chief Executive Officer of Apollo Telecom,  Inc.,
a  telecommunications  company.  From  1986 to  1992,  he was a  Regional  Sales
Director and a Senior District Manager of Sprint Communications Corporation. Mr.
Cannefax received a B.S. degree in Psychology and Zoology from the University of
Utah in 1976.

Corporate Governance

     Corporate  Governance  Guidelines.  The Board of Directors  has adopted the
Paradigm  Medical  Industries,  Inc.  Corporate  Governance  Guidelines.   These
guidelines  outline the  functions  of the board,  director  qualifications  and
responsibilities,  and  various  processes  and  procedures  designed  to insure
effective and  responsive  governance.  The guidelines are reviewed from time to
time in response to regulatory  requirements  and best practices and are revised
accordingly.  The full text of the  guidelines  is  published  on the  Company's
website  at  www.paradigm-medical.com.   A  copy  of  the  Corporate  Governance
Guidelines may also be obtained at no charge by written request to the attention
of Luis A.  Mostacero,  Controller,  Treasurer and Secretary,  Paradigm  Medical
Industries, Inc., 2355 South 1070 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84119.

     Code of Business  Conduct.  All of the  Company's  officers,  employees and
directors are required to comply with the Company's Code of Business Conduct and
Ethics to help insure that the  Company's  business is conducted  in  accordance
with appropriate  standards of ethical behavior.  The Company's Code of Business
Conduct and Ethics covers all areas of professional conduct,  including customer
relationships,  conflicts of interest,  insider trading,  financial disclosures,
intellectual  property  and  confidential  information,  as  well  as  requiring
adherence to all laws and  regulations  applicable  to the  Company's  business.
Employees are required to report any  violations or suspected  violations of the
Code.  The Code includes an anti-  retaliation  statement.  The full text of the
Code of Business  Conduct and Ethics is  published on the  Company's  website at
www.paradigm-medical.com.  A copy of the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics may
also be obtained  at no charge by written  request to the  attention  of Luis A.
Mostacero,  Controller,  Treasurer and Secretary,  Paradigm Medical  Industries,
Inc., 2355 South 1070 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84119.

Executive Compensation

     The  following  table sets forth,  for each of the last three fiscal years,
the compensation received by John Y. Yoon, President and Chief Executive Officer
of the  Company,  and other  executive  officers  whose salary and bonus for all
services in all capacities  exceed  $100,000 for the fiscal years ended December
31, 2005, 2004 and 2003.


                                             Summary Compensation Table

                                     Annual Compensation                    Long Term Compensation
                                     -------------------                    ----------------------
                                                                          Awards              Payouts
                                                                          ------              -------
                                                       Other                   Securities
                                                       Annual     Restricted   Underlying    Long-term   All Other
Name and                                               Compen-    Stock         Options/     Incentive   Compensa-
Principal Position    Year       Salary$    Bonus($)   sation($)  Awards($)     SARs(#)      Payouts($)  tion($)
------------------    ----     -----------  --------  ----------  ---------   ------------   ----------  -------
John Y. Yoon          2005(1)  $165,881(5)       0    $ 2,257(5)      0               0          0       $5,927(8)
Former President and  2004(2)  $110,961(6)       0    $18,494(6)      0       1,000,000(7)       0            0
Chief Executive
Aziz A. Mohabbat      2005(1)  $126,328          0          0         0               0          0       $2,113(11)
Former Vice           2004(2)  $106,244          0          0         0         200,000(10)      0            0
President of          2003(3)  $  24,219         0          0         0               0          0       $9,634(12)
Operations and Chief
Operating Officer(9)


     (1)  For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005
     (2)  For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2004
     (3)  For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003
     (4)  Mr. Yoon served as President  and Chief  Executive  Officer from March
          18, 2004 to  December  31,  2005,  at which time he resigned to pursue
          other opportunities.
     (5)  Of the salary  payable to Mr. Yoon in 2005 pursuant to his  employment
          agreement,  $165,881  was paid to him  during  2005 and the  remaining
          amount of $2,257 was  deferred  until 2006.  This  deferred  salary of
          $2,257 was paid to Mr. Yoon on January 17, 2006.
     (6)  Of  the  salary  payable  to  Mr.  Yoon  pursuant  to  his  employment
          agreement,  $110,961  was paid to him  during  2004 and the  remaining
          amount of $18,494  payable in 2004 was  deferred  until the  Company's
          Board  of  Directors  determined  that  its  financial  condition  had
          improved.  The deferred salary of $18,494 was paid to Mr. Yoon in June
          and July of 2005.
     (7)  On March 18, 2004, the Company's  Board of Directors  granted Mr. Yoon
          options to purchase  1,000,000 shares of the Company's common stock at
          an  exercise  price  of $.13  per  share.  Mr.  Yoon  resigned  as the
          Company's  President and Chief Executive  Officer on December 31, 2005
          and, as a result, the options terminated on March 31, 2006.
     (8)  The  amounts  under  "All  Other  Compensation"  for 2005  consist  of
          payments  to  Mr.  Yoon  for  accrued   vacation  days  prior  to  his
          resignation from the Company on December 31, 2005.
     (9)  Mr. Mohabbat served a Vice President of Operations and Chief Operating
          Officer  from March 22, 2004 to November  15,  2005,  at which time he
          resigned to pursue other  opportunities.  Mr.  Mohabbat also served as
          Chief Operating Officer from August 30, 2002 to March 2003. He was not
          an officer in prior years.
     (10) On September  30, 2004,  the Board of Directors  granted Mr.  Mohabbat
          options to purchase 200,000 shares of the Company's common stock at an
          exercise price of $.12 per share,  effective as of March 23, 2004. Mr.
          Mohabbat  resigned as the Company's  Vice  President of Operations and
          Chief  Operating  Officer on November  15, 2005 and, as a result,  the
          options terminated on February 13, 2006.
     (11) The  amounts  under "All  Other  Compensation"  for 2005  consist of a
          payment  to Mr.  Mohabbat  for  accrued  vacation  days  prior  to his
          resignation from the Company on November 15, 2005.
     (12) The  amounts  under  "All  Other  Compensation"  for 2004  consist  of
          payments  to Mr.  Mohabbat  for  accrued  vacation  days  prior to his
          resignation from the Company in March 2003.



     The following table sets forth information  regarding stock options granted
during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005, to each named executive officer.

                        Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year

                                          Individual Grants
                      Number of      Percentage of
                      Securities     Total Options      Exercise
                      Underlying       Granted to        Price
                       Options        Employees in      Per Share     Expiration
Name                  Granted (#)    Fiscal Year(%)      ($/Sh)          Date
----                  -----------    --------------     ---------        ----
John Y. Yoon               0               0               N/A            N/A
Aziz A. Mohabbat           0               0               N/A            N/A

     The following table sets forth information regarding unexercised options to
acquire  shares of the  Company's  common stock held as of December 31, 2005, by
each named executive officer.

           Aggregated Option Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and Fiscal Year-End Option Values

                                                 Number of Securities
                                                      Underlying              Value of Unexercised
                                                  Unexercised Options         In-the-Money Options
                                                 at December 31, 2005(#)     at December 31, 2004($)
                                                 -----------------------     -----------------------
                  Shares Acquired    Value
Name                on Exercise    Realized($)  Exercisable  Unexercisable  Exercisable  Unexercisable
----------------  ---------------  -----------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -------------
John Y. Yoon             0              0         583,338       416,662          0             0
Aziz A. Mohabbat         0              0         105,564        94,436          0             0

Director Compensation

     On April 19, 2004, John C. Pingree, a director of the Company,  was granted
options to purchase  125,000  shares of its common stock at an exercise price of
$.12 per share. On September 30, 2004,  Messrs.  Randall A. Mackey, Dr. David M.
Silver and Keith D. Ignotz,  directors of the Company, were each granted options
to purchase 125,000 shares of the Company's common stock at an exercise price of
$.13 per share. The directors were not granted any options to purchase shares of
common stock during 2005. In addition, outside directors are also reimbursed for
their  expenses in attending  board and  committee  meetings.  Directors are not
precluded  from  serving  the  Company  in  any  other  capacity  and  receiving
compensation  therefore.  The options  were not issued at a discount to the then
market price.

Employee 401(k) Plan

     In  October  1996,  the  Company's  Board  of  Directors  adopted  a 401(k)
Retirement  Savings  Plan.  Under the terms of the 401(k) plan,  effective as of
November  1,  1996,  the  Company  may  make  discretionary   employer  matching
contributions  to its employees who choose to  participate in the plan. The plan
allows the board to determine the amount of the contribution at the beginning of
each  year.  The  board  adopted a  contribution  formula  specifying  that such
discretionary   employer  matching   contributions   would  equal  100%  of  the
participating  employee's contribution to the plan up to a maximum discretionary
employee  contribution  of 3% of a  participating  employee's  compensation,  as
defined by the plan. All persons who have completed at least six months' service
with the Company and satisfy other plan requirements are eligible to participate
in the plan. The plan is currently  available to the Company's  employees at the
employees' expense with no matching contribution from the Company.

1995 Stock Option Plan

     The Company adopted a 1995 Stock Option Plan, for the officers,  employees,
directors  and  consultants  of its  company  on  November  7,  1995.  The  plan
authorized  the  granting of stock  options to purchase an aggregate of not more
than 300,000  shares of its common  stock.  On February  16,  1996,  options for
substantially  all 300,000  shares were granted.  On June 9, 1997, the Company's


shareholders  approved an amendment to the plan to increase the number of shares
of common stock reserved for issuance  thereunder from 300,000 shares to 600,000
shares. On September 3, 1998, the Company's  shareholders  approved an amendment
to the plan to  increase  the  number of shares of  common  stock  reserved  for
issuance  thereunder  from 600,000 shares to 1,200,000  shares.  On November 29,
2000, the Company's  shareholders  approved an amendment to the plan to increase
the number of shares of common  stock  reserved  for  issuance  thereunder  from
1,200,000  shares to 1,700,000  shares.  On September  11, 2001,  the  Company's
shareholders  approved an amendment to the plan to increase the number of shares
of common stock  reserved  for  issuance  thereunder  from  1,700,000  shares to
2,700,000  shares.  On June 13, 2003,  the  Company's  shareholders  approved an
amendment to the plan to increase the member of shares of common stock  reserved
for issuance  thereunder from 2,700,000 shares to 3,700,000  shares. On July 11,
2005, the Company's  shareholders  approved an amendment to the plan to increase
the number of shares of common  stock  reserved  for  issuance  thereunder  from
3,700,000 shares to 5,000,000 shares.

     The  compensation  committee  administers  the 1995 Stock Option  Plan.  In
general, the compensation  committee will select the person to whom options will
be granted  and will  determine,  subject to the terms of the plan,  the number,
exercise,  and other provisions of such options.  Options granted under the plan
will become  exercisable at such times as may be determined by the  compensation
committee. Options granted under the plan may be either incentive stock options,
as such term is defined in the Internal  Revenue  Code, or  non-incentive  stock
options.  Incentive  stock  options  may  only be  granted  to  persons  who are
employees.  Non-incentive stock options may be granted to any person, including,
but not  limited  to, its  employees,  independent  agents,  consultants  as the
compensation  committee  believes has contributed,  or will  contribute,  to its
success  as  the  compensation  committee  believes  has  contributed,  or  will
contribute,  to its success. The compensation  committee determines the exercise
price of options granted under the 1995 Stock Option Plan, provided that, in the
case of incentive  stock options,  such price is not less than 100% (110% in the
case of incentive stock options granted to holders of 10% of voting power of its
stock) of the fair market  value (as defined in the plan) of the common stock on
the date of grant.  The aggregate  fair market value  (determined at the time of
option  grant) of stock with respect to which  incentive  stock  options  become
exercisable for the first time in any year cannot exceed $100,000.

     The term of each option shall not be more than ten years (five years in the
case of incentive stock options granted to holders of 10% of the voting power of
its stock) from the date of grant.  The Board of Directors has a right to amend,
suspend or terminate the 1995 Stock Option Plan at any time; provided,  however,
that unless  ratified by its  shareholders,  no  amendment or change in the plan
will be  effective  that would  increase  the total number of shares that may be
issued under the plan,  materially  increase  the  benefits  accruing to persons
granted under the plan or materially  modify the  requirements as to eligibility
and  participation in the plan. No amendment,  supervision or termination of the
plan  shall,  without  the  consent  of an  employee  to  whom an  option  shall
heretofore  have been  granted,  affect the rights of such  employee  under such

Employment Agreements

     The  Company  entered  into  an  employment  agreement  with  Raymond  P.L.
Cannefax, which commenced on January 5, 2006 and expires on January 5, 2007. The
employment  agreement  requires Mr. Cannefax to devote  substantially all of his
working time as the Company's  President and Chief Executive Officer,  providing
that he may be  terminated  for  "cause"  (as  provided  in the  agreement)  and
prohibits  him from  competing  with the  Company  for two years  following  the
termination of his employment  agreement.  The employment agreement provides for
the payment of an initial base salary of $125,000. The employment agreement also
provides  for  salary  increases  and  bonuses  as  shall be  determined  at the
discretion of the Board of Directors, with the first review of the annual salary
to be made as of June 30, 2006. The employment  agreement  further  provides for
the  issuance of stock  options to purchase  4,500,000  shares of the  Company's
common  stock at $.01 per  share.  The  options  vest in  twelve  equal  monthly
installments of 375,000 shares,  beginning on February 5, 2006 until such shares
are vested.

     In the event of a change of control of the  Company,  then all  outstanding
stock options granted to Mr. Cannefax shall be immediately  vested.  A change of
control shall be deemed to have occurred if (i) a tender offer shall be made and
consummated  for the  ownership  of more than 25% of the  Company's  outstanding
shares;   (ii)  the  Company  shall  be  merged  or  consolidated  with  another
corporation and, as a result,  less than 25% of the outstanding common shares of
the  surviving  corporation  shall be owned in the  aggregate  by the  Company's
former  shareholders,  as the same shall  have  listed  prior to such  merger or
consolidation;  (iii) the  Company  shall sell all or  substantially  all of its
assets  to  another  corporation  that  is  not a  wholly  owned  subsidiary  or
affiliate;  (iv)  as a  result  of any  contested  election  for  the  Board  of
Directors,  or any tender or exchange offer,  merger of business  combination or
sale of assets,  the persons  who were  directors  of the Company  before such a
transaction  shall cease to constitute a majority of the Board of Directors;  or
(v) a person other than an officer or director of the Company shall acquire more
than 20% of the outstanding shares of common stock of the Company.


     The Company entered into an employment  agreement with John Y. Yoon,  which
commenced on March 18, 2004 and was to expire on March 18, 2007.  The employment
agreement  required Mr. Yoon to devote  substantially all of his working time as
the Company's President and Chief Executive Officer,  providing that he could be
terminated  for "cause" (as defined in the  agreement)  and  prohibited him from
competing  with the  Company  for two years  following  the  termination  of his
employment  agreement.  The employment  agreement provided for the payment of an
initial base salary of $175,000,  effective as of April 1, 2004.  The employment
agreement also provided for salary  increases and bonuses as shall be determined
at the discretion of the Board of Directors.  The employment  agreement  further
provided for the issuance of stock options to purchase  1,000,000  shares of the
Company's  common stock at $.13 per share.  The options were to vest in 36 equal
monthly  installments  of 27,778 shares,  beginning on April 30, 2004 until such
shares were vested.  Mr. Yoon resigned as President and Chief Executive  Officer
of the Company on December 31, 2005 to pursue other  opportunities.  At the time
of his  resignation,  stock options to purchase  583,338 shares of the Company's
common  stock were vested.  Under the terms of the 1995 Stock  Option Plan,  the
vested options terminated on March 31, 2006.

     The Company  entered into an employment  agreement with Aziz A. Mohabbat on
October 5, 2004,  which was effective as of April 1, 2004,  and was to expire on
March 18,  2006.  The  employment  agreement  required  Mr.  Mohabbat  to devote
substantially  all of his  working  time  as the  Company's  Vice  President  of
Operations and Chief Operating Officer, provided that he could be terminated for
"cause" (as defined in the agreement) and prohibited him from competing with the
Company for two years following the termination of the employment agreement. The
employment  agreement  provided  for the  payment of an initial  base  salary of
$144,500,  effective as of April 1, 2004. The employment agreement also provided
for salary increases and bonuses as shall be determined at the discretion of the
Company's Board of Directors.  The employment agreement further provided for the
issuance of stock options to purchase  200,000  shares of the  Company's  common
stock  at $.12  per  share.  These  options  were to  vest in 36  equal  monthly
installments of 5,556 shares, beginning on April 30, 2004, until such shares are
vested.  Mr.  Mohabbat  resigned  as Vice  President  of  Operations  and  Chief
Operating  Officer  of  the  Company  on  November  15,  2005  to  pursue  other
opportunities. At the time of his resignation, stock options to purchase 105,564
shares of the  Company's  common stock were vested.  Under the terms of the 1995
Stock Option Plan, the vested options terminated on February 13, 2006.

Consulting Agreement

     On April 3, 2003,  the Company  entered  into a consultant  agreement  with
Kinexsys  Corporation.  Under the terms of the agreement,  Kinexsys  through its
Senior Partner, Timothy R. Forstrom, was to prepare a capital markets plan and a
corporate  positioning  and  communications  plan  for the  Company,  for  which
Kinexsys  was to  receive  warrants  to  purchase  up to  200,000  shares of the
Company's  common  stock at an  exercise  price of $.16 per share.  The  capital
markets plan was to include a detailed  analysis of the Company's capital market
structure in relation to current  investors,  market trends and projected equity
movements,  and recommendations on capital management strategies.  The corporate
positioning  and  communications  plan was to  include a  corporate  positioning
matrix for markets, analysts, customers and partners, and a communications plan.
The agreement was for a one-year term but could be renewed at the option of both
parties.  The agreement  expired on April 3, 2004 as the Company  elected not to
exercise its renewal option.

Retirement Agreement

     On May 6, 1999,  the  Company's  Board of  Directors  approved  resolutions
relating to the retirement of John M. Hemmer, then Vice President of Finance and
Chief Financial Officer of the Company.  The board resolutions provided that Mr.
Hemmer's annual salary of $120,000 per annum was to continue until June 1, 1999,
at which time his employment  contract and change of control  agreement with the
Company  would  terminate and he would become an  independent  consultant to the
Company.  As a  consultant,  Mr.  Hemmer was to  receive  an initial  payment of
$12,500 with annual  payments  thereafter of $25,000 payable on January 1, 2000,
2001 and 2002, and a final payment of $12,500  payable on January 1, 2003, for a
total consulting contract of $100,000.

     In addition,  the board resolutions  provided that the Company was to issue
to Mr. Hemmer  warrants to purchase  125,000 shares of common stock at $2.63 per
share,  exerciseable for a period of five years, and warrants to purchase 75,000
shares of common  stock at $7.50 per  share,  exerciseable  for a period of five
years, but such warrants were not to be issued until Mr. Hemmer exercises all of
the warrants to purchase  125,000 common shares at $2.63 per share.  The Company
has paid a total of $87,500 to Mr. Hemmer under the consulting agreement.

     On May 30, 2006,  the Company  entered into an agreement with Mr. Hemmer in
which he  acknowledged  that the  Company  owes him a total of $12,500  for past
services he rendered to  the Company, including as a consultant, and the Company


agrees to pay him the sum of $12,500 in twelve  monthly  installments  of $1,000
each and a final  monthly  payment of $500.  The  Company has paid $1,000 to Mr.
Hammer under this agreement.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

     The information set forth herein describes certain transactions between the
Company and certain affiliated  parties.  Future  transactions,  if any, will be
approved by a majority of the disinterested members and will be on terms no less
favorable  to the Company  than those that could be obtained  from  unaffiliated

     Randall A. Mackey,  a director  since January 21, 2000,  and from September
1995 to September  3, 1998 and  chairman of the board since August 30, 2002,  is
president and a shareholder  of the law firm of Mackey Price  Thompson & Ostler,
which  rendered  legal services in connection  with various  corporate  matters.
Legal fees and expenses  paid to Mackey  Price  Thompson & Ostler for the fiscal
years  ended  December  31,  2005  and  2004,  totaled  $220,000  and  $100,000,
respectively. In addition, on April 7, 2005 the Company issued 250,000 shares of
common  stock to Mackey  Price  Thompson & Ostler in payment of $22,500 in legal
services. As of December 31, 2005, the Company owed this firm $93,000,  which is
included in accounts payable.

Report of the Audit Committee

     The  Company  has an Audit  Committee  consisting  of three  non-management
directors,  Randall A. Mackey,  Keith D. Ignotz,  and Dr. David M. Silver.  Each
member of the  audit  committee  is  considered  independent  and  qualified  in
accordance with  applicable  independent  director and audit  committee  listing
standards.  The Company's  Board of Directors has adopted a written  charter for
the Audit Committee.

     During the year 2005 the Audit  Committee met one time. The Audit Committee
has met with  management  and  discussed the Company's  internal  controls,  the
quality of the  Company's  financial  reporting,  the  results of  internal  and
external audit examinations,  and the audited financial statements. In addition,
the Audit Committee has met with the Company's  independent  auditors,  Tanner &
Co., and discussed all matters required to be discussed by the auditors with the
Audit Committee under Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61 (communication with
audit committees).  The Audit Committee received and discussed with the auditors
their  annual  written  report on their  independence  from the  Company and its
management,  which is made under  Independence  Standards  Board  Standard No. 1
(independence  discussions  with  audit  committees),  and  considered  with the
auditors  whether the  provision of  financial  information  systems  design and
implementation  and other  non-audit  services  provided  by them to the Company
during 2005 was compatible with the auditors' independence.

     In  performing  these  functions,  the  Audit  Committee  acts  only  in an
oversight  capacity.  In its oversight role, the Audit  Committee  relies on the
work and assurances of the Company's  management,  which is responsible  for the
integrity of the Company's  internal  controls and its financial  statements and
reports,  and  the  Company's  independent  auditors,  who are  responsible  for
performing  an  independent  audit  of the  Company's  financial  statements  in
accordance with generally  accepted auditing  standards and for issuing a report
on these financial statements.

     Pursuant  to  the  reviews  and  discussions  described  above,  the  Audit
Committee  recommended  to the Board of  Directors  that the  audited  financial
statements  be included in the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-KSB for the
fiscal year ended  December 31, 2005 for filing with the Securities and Exchange

Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the Company's
executive officers,  directors and persons who own more than 10% of any class of
the  Company's  Common Stock to file initial  reports of ownership  and periodic
changes of ownership of the Company's Common Stock with the U.S.  Securities and
Exchange Commission.  Such persons are also required to furnish the Company with
copies of all Section 16(a) reports they file. Based solely on its review of the
copies of such reports  received by it with  respect to fiscal 2005,  or written
representations  from certain reporting  persons,  the Company believes that its
directors,  officers and greater than 10%  beneficial  owners  complied with all
Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to them.


Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

     The  following  table  sets  forth  certain  information  with  respect  to
beneficial  ownership of the Company's  common stock as of June 26, 2006 for (i)
each  executive  officer  (ii) each  director,  (iii) each  person  known to the
Company to be the beneficial  owner of more than 5% of the  outstanding  shares,
and (iv) all directors and officers as a group.

                                                                   Percent of
Name and Address(1)                         Number of Shares        Ownership
-------------------                         ----------------        ---------
Raymond P.L. Cannefax (2)                       2,625,000             1.4%
Dr. David M. Silver (2)                           761,166              *
Randall A. Mackey (2)                             725,000              *
Keith D. Ignotz (2)                               525,709              *
John C. Pingree (2)                               431,500              *
Executive officers and directors
   as a group (five persons)                    4,068,375             2.1%

*Less than 1%.

(1)  Unless otherwise  indicated,  the address of each listed shareholder is c/o
     Paradigm  Medical  Industries,  Inc., 2355 South 1070 West, Salt Lake City,
     Utah, 84119.
(2)  The amounts shown include shares that may be acquired currently,  or within
     60 days after March 31,  2006  through  the  exercise of stock  options are
     follows:  Mr. Cannefax,  2,625,000 shares; Dr. Silver,  725,000 shares; Mr.
     Mackey,  725,000  shares;  Mr. Ignotz,  525,851  shares;  and Mr.  Pingree,


                                   Proposal 2

     The  Certificate  of  Incorporation  currently  authorizes  the issuance of
250,000,000  shares of common stock. As of the record date,  190,956,828  shares
were issued and  outstanding.  There have been 6,753  shares of common stock set
aside and  reserved  in the event that  holders of shares of Series A  preferred
stock elect to convert those shares into shares of common  stock,  10,783 shares
of common  stock set aside and  reserved in the event that  holders of shares of
Series B  preferred  stock elect to convert  those  shares into shares of Common
Stock,  8,750  shares of common  stock set aside and  reserved in the event that
holders of shares of Series D preferred stock elect to convert those shares into
shares of common stock,  13,333 shares of common stock set aside and reserved in
the event that  holders of shares of Series E  preferred  stock elect to convert
those shares into shares of common stock, and 245,217 shares of common stock set
aside and  reserved  in the event that  holders of shares of Series F  preferred
stock elect to convert  those  shares into shares of common  stock,  and 588,235
shares of common stock set aside and reserved in the event  holders of shares of
Series G  preferred  stock elect to convert  those  shares into shares of common

     Between  June 10,  1997 and June 26,  2006,  the  Company  issued (i) stock
options that are currently  outstanding  to executive  officers and employees to
purchase  4,847,500  shares of the  Company's  common  stock at exercise  prices
ranging from $.01 per share to $2.75 per share,  and (ii) stock options that are
currently outstanding to directors to purchase 2,250,000 shares of the Company's
common  stock at  exercise  prices  from $.09 per share to $2.75 per  share.  In
addition,  between June 10, 1997 and June 26, 2006, the Company issued  warrants
to  individuals  and  entities to purchase a total of  22,781,095  shares of the
Company's  common stock at exercise  prices ranging from $.10 per share to $7.50
per share.

Callable Secured Convertible Notes and Warrants

     April 27, 2005 Sale of $2,500,000 in Callable Secured Convertible Notes: To
obtain funding for the Company's ongoing operations,  the Company entered into a
securities  purchase agreement with four accredited  investors on April 27, 2005
for the sale of (i) $2,500,000 in callable  secured  convertible  notes and (ii)
warrants  to purchase  16,534,392  shares of its common  stock.  The sale of the
callable secured  convertible notes and warrants occurred in three traunches and
the investors provided the Company with an aggregate of $2,500,000 as follows:

*    $850,000 was disbursed on April 27, 2005;

*    $800,000  was  disbursed  on  June  23,  2005  after  the  Company  filed a
     registration  statement on June 22, 2005,  which  registered  the shares of
     common stock  underlying  the callable  secured  convertible  notes and the
     warrants; and


*    $850,000  was  disbursed  on  June  30,  2005,  the  effective  date of the
     registration   statement  that   registered  the  shares  of  common  stock
     underlying the callable secured convertible notes and the warrants.

     Under the terms of the securities  purchase  agreement,  the Company agreed
not,  without  the prior  written  consent  of a  majority-  in-interest  of the
investors,  to negotiate or contract with any party to obtain  additional equity
financing  (including debt financing with an equity component) that involves (i)
the  issuance of common  stock at a discount  to the market  price of the common
stock on the date of issuance  (taking into account the value of any warrants or
options to acquire common stock in connection  therewith),  (ii) the issuance of
convertible  securities that are  convertible  into an  indeterminate  number of
shares of common  stock,  or (iii) the  issuance of warrants  during the lock-up
period  beginning  April 27,  2005 and  ending on the later of (A) 270 days from
April 27,  2005,  and (B) 180 days from the date the  registration  statement is
declared effective.

     In  addition,  the  Company  agreed  not to conduct  any  equity  financing
(including debt financing with an equity  component) during the period beginning
April 27,  2005 and ending two years after the end of the above  lock-up  period
unless it has first  provided  each  investor an option to purchase its pro-rata
share  (based  on the ratio of each  investor's  purchase  under the  securities
purchase  agreement)  of the  securities  being  offered in any proposed  equity
financing. Each investor must be provided written notice describing any proposed
equity financing at least 20 business days prior to the closing of such proposed
equity  financing  and the option must be extended to each  investor  during the
15-day period following delivery of such notice.

     The $2,500,000 in callable  secured  convertible  notes bear interest at 8%
per annum from the date of  issuance.  Interest  is  computed  on the basis of a
365-day  year and is payable  quarterly  in cash,  with six  months of  interest
payable up front.  The  interest  rate  resets to zero  percent for any month in
which the stock  price is greater  than 125% of the  initial  market  price,  or
$.0945,  for each  trading  day during that month.  Any amount of  principal  or
interest on the  callable  secured  convertible  notes that is not paid when due
will bear  interest at the rate of 15% per annum from the date due thereof until
such amount is paid.  The  callable  secured  convertible  notes mature in three
years from the date of issuance,  and are  convertible  into our common stock at
the noteholders'  option, at the lower of (i) $.09 or (ii) 60% of the average of
the  three  lowest  intraday  trading  prices  for the  common  stock on the OTC
Bulletin  Board for the 20 trading days before but not including the  conversion
date.  Accordingly,  there is no limit on the  number of shares  into  which the
notes may be converted.

     The  $2,500,000 in callable  secured  convertible  notes are secured by the
Company's assets,  including the Company's  inventory,  accounts  receivable and
intellectual  property.  Moreover, the Company has a call option under the terms
of the notes.  The call option provides the Company with the right to prepay all
of the outstanding  callable  secured  convertible  notes at any time,  provided
there is no event of default by the Company and its stock is trading at or below
$.09 per share.  An event of default  includes the failure by the Company to pay
the principal or interest on the callable secured  convertible notes when due or
to timely  file a  registration  statement  as required by the Company or obtain
effectiveness  with the Securities and Exchange  Commission of the  registration
statement. Prepayment of the callable secured convertible notes is to be made in
cash equal to either (i) 125% of the outstanding  principal and accrued interest
for prepayments  occurring within 30 days following the issue date of the notes;
(ii) 130% of the  outstanding  principal  and accrued  interest for  prepayments
occurring  between 31 and 60 days  following  the issue  date of the notes;  and
(iii) 145% of the  outstanding  principal and accrued  interest for  prepayments
occurring after the 60th day following the issue date of the notes.

     The warrants are exercisable  until five years from the date of issuance at
a purchase price of $.20 per share. The investors may exercise the warrants on a
cashless  basis if the shares of common  stock  underlying  the warrants are not
then registered pursuant to an effective  registration  statement.  In the event
the investors  exercise the warrants on a cashless  basis,  the Company will not
receive any proceeds therefrom.  In addition, the exercise price of the warrants
will be adjusted in the event the Company  issues  common stock at a price below
market,  with  the  exception  of any  securities  issued  as of the date of the
warrants or issued in connection  with the callable  secured  convertible  notes
issued pursuant to the securities purchase agreement.

     The  noteholders  have agreed to restrict  their  ability to convert  their
callable secured convertible notes or exercise their warrants and receive shares
of our common  stock such that the number of shares of common stock held by them
in the aggregate and their affiliates after such conversion or exercise does not
exceed 4.99% of the then issued and outstanding shares of common stock. However,
the  noteholders  may repeatedly  sell shares of common stock in order to reduce
their ownership percentage, and subsequently convert additional callable secured
convertible  notes. As of June 26, 2006, a total of $842,830 in callable secured
convertible  notes have been converted into 167,251,030  shares of the Company's
common stock pursuant to conversion notices from The NIR Group.

     February 28, 2006 Sale of $1,500,000 in Callable Secured Convertible Notes:
To obtain additional funding for the Company's ongoing  operations,  the Company
entered into a second  securities  purchase  agreement on February 28, 2006 with
the same four  accredited  investors for the sale of (i)  $1,500,000 in callable
secured convertible notes and (ii) warrants to purchase 12,000,000 shares of its


common stock. The sale of the callable secured convertible notes and warrants is
to occur in three  traunches  and the  investors  are  obligated  to provide the
Company with an aggregate of $1,500,000 as follows:

*    $500,000 was disbursed on February 28, 2006;
*    $500,000  was  disbursed  on  June  28,  2006  after  the  Company  filed a
     registration  statement on June 15, 2006,  which  registered  the shares of
     common stock  underlying  the callable  secured  convertible  notes and the
     warrants; and
*    $500,000  will be  disbursed  upon the  effectiveness  of the  registration
     statement that registers the shares of common stock underlying the callable
     secured convertible notes and the warrants.

Each closing under the securities purchase agreement is subject to the following

*    The Company  delivers  to the  investors  duly  executed  callable  secured
     convertible notes and warrants;
*    No litigation,  statute, regulation or order had been commenced, enacted or
     entered by or in any court,  governmental  authority or any self-regulatory
     organization that prohibits  consummation of the transactions  contemplated
     by the securities purchase agreement; and
*    No event  occurred  that could  reasonably  be  expected to have a material
     adverse effect on our business.

     The  Company  also  agreed  not,  without  the prior  written  consent of a
majority-in-interest  of the investors,  to negotiate or contract with any party
to obtain additional  equity financing  (including debt financing with an equity
component)  that  involves (i) the issuance of common stock at a discount to the
market  price of the common  stock on the date of issuance  (taking into account
the value of any  warrants  or  options to acquire  common  stock in  connection
therewith),  (ii) the issuance of convertible  securities  that are  convertible
into an indeterminate number of shares of common stock, or (iii) the issuance of
warrants during the lock-up period beginning February 28, 2006 and ending on the
later of (a) 270 days from  February 28, 2006, or (b) 180 days from the date the
registration statement is declared effective.

     In  addition,  the  Company  agreed  not to conduct  any  equity  financing
(including debt financing with an equity  component) during the period beginning
February 28, 2006 and ending two years after the end of the above lock-up period
unless it first  provided each investor an option to purchase its pro-rata share
(based on the ratio of each  investor's  purchase under the securities  purchase
agreement) of the  securities  being offered in any proposed  equity  financing.
Each investor must be provided  written notice  describing  any proposed  equity
financing at least 20 business days prior to the closing of such proposed equity
financing  and the option must be extended  to each  investor  during the 15-day
period following delivery of such notice.

     The callable secured  convertible  notes bear interest at 8% per annum from
the date of issuance. Interest is computed on the basis of a 365-day year and is
payable  quarterly in cash,  with six months of interest  payable up front.  The
interest  rate resets to zero  percent for any month in which the stock price is
greater than 125% of the initial market price,  or $.0275,  for each trading day
during that month.  Any amount of principal or interest on the callable  secured
convertible  notes that is not paid when due will bear  interest  at the rate of
15% per annum from the date due thereof until such amount is paid.  The callable
secured  convertible notes mature in three years from the date of issuance,  and
are convertible into the Company's common stock at the noteholders'  option,  at
the lower of (i) $.02 or (ii) 60% of the  average of the three  lowest  intraday
trading prices for the common stock on the OTC Bulletin Board for the 20 trading
days before but not  including the  conversion  date.  Accordingly,  there is no
limit on the number of shares into which the notes may be converted.

     The callable secured convertible notes are secured by the Company's assets,
including  the  Company's   inventory,   accounts  receivable  and  intellectual
property.  Moreover, the Company has a call option under the terms of the notes.
The call  option  provides  the  Company  with the  right to  prepay  all of the
outstanding callable secured convertible notes at any time, provided there is no
event of  default by the  Company  and its stock is trading at or below $.02 per
share.  An event of  default  includes  the  failure  by the  Company to pay the
principal or interest on the callable secured  convertible  notes when due or to
timely  file a  registration  statement  as  required  by the  Company or obtain
effectiveness  with the Securities and Exchange  Commission of the  registration
statement. Prepayment of the callable secured convertible notes is to be made in
cash equal to either (a) 125% of the outstanding  principal and accrued interest
for prepayments  occurring within 30 days following the issue date of the notes;
(b) 130% of the  outstanding  principal  and accrued  interest  for  prepayments
occurring  between 31 and 60 days following the issue date of the notes;  or (c)
145% of the outstanding principal and accrued interest for prepayments occurring
after the 60th day following the issue date of the notes.

     The warrants are exercisable  until five years from the date of issuance at
a purchase price of $.10 per share. The investors may exercise the warrants on a
cashless  basis if the shares of common  stock  underlying  the warrants are not
then registered pursuant to an effective  registration  statement.  In the event
the investors  exercise the warrants on a cashless  basis,  the Company will not
receive any proceeds therefrom.  In addition, the exercise price of the warrants
will be adjusted in the event the Company  issues  common stock at a price below


market,  with  the  exception  of any  securities  issued  as of the date of the
warrants or issued in connection  with the callable  secured  convertible  notes
issued pursuant to the securities purchase agreement.

     The  noteholders  have agreed to restrict  their  ability to convert  their
callable secured convertible notes or exercise their warrants and receive shares
of the  Company's  common  stock such that the number of shares of common  stock
held by them in the  aggregate  and their  affiliates  after such  conversion or
exercise  does not exceed  4.99% of the then  issued and  outstanding  shares of
common stock.  However,  the  noteholders  may repeatedly  sell shares of common
stock in order to reduce their ownership  percentage,  and subsequently  convert
additional callable secured convertible notes.

     The Company is required to register the shares of its common stock issuable
upon the conversion of the callable secured  convertible  notes and the exercise
of the warrants that were issued to the  noteholders  pursuant to the securities
purchase   agreement  the  Company  entered  into  on  February  28,  2006.  The
registration statement must be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
within 60 days of the February 28, 2006  closing date and the  effectiveness  of
the registration is to be within 135 days of such closing date.  Penalties of 2%
of the outstanding  principal balance of the callable secured  convertible notes
plus accrued  interest are to be applied for each month the  registration is not
effective  within the required time. The penalty may be paid in cash or stock at
the Company's option.

Simple Conversion Calculation

     The  number of  shares of common  stock  issuable  upon  conversion  of the
$3,157,170 in callable secured  convertible notes is determined by dividing that
portion of the principal of the notes to be converted  and interest,  if any, by
the conversion  price. For example,  assuming  conversion of $3,157,170 of notes
outstanding  on June 26, 2006  (consisting  of  $4,000,000  in callable  secured
convertible  notes  that  were  sold  to  the  four  investors  pursuant  to the
securities  purchase agreements dated April 27, 2005 and February 28, 2006, less
$842,830 in callable  secured  convertible  notes that were converted during the
period from June 30, 2005 to June 26, 2006) and a conversion  price of $.007 per
share, the number of shares issuable upon conversion would be:

                     $3,157,170/$.007 = 451,024,286 shares.

The  continuously  adjustable  conversion  price feature of the callable secured
convertible  notes could  require the Company to issue a  substantially  greater
number of shares, which will cause dilution to the existing shareholders.

     The Company's  obligation  to issue shares upon  conversion of its callable
secured convertible notes is essentially limitless.  The following is an example
of the amount of shares of common stock that are  issuable  upon  conversion  of
$3,157,170  principal  amount of callable secured  convertible  notes (excluding
accrued  interest),  based on market  prices 25%,  50%, and 75% below the market
price, as of June 26, 2006 of $.007.

   % Below     Price Per     With 40%         Number of             % of
   Market        Share       Discount       Shares Issuable     Outstanding*
   ------      ---------     --------      ----------------     -----------
    25%         $.00525      $.00315        1,002,276,190          516.8%
    50%         $.0035        $.0021        1,503,414,286          775.1%
    75%         $.00175      $.00105        3,006,828,571         1,550.3%

*Based on 193,956,828 shares outstanding.

     As  illustrated,  the  number  of  shares of  common  stock  issuable  upon
conversion of the Company's callable secured  convertible notes will increase if
the market price of the Company's stock  declines,  which will cause dilution to
the Company's existing shareholders.

The  continuously  adjustable  conversion  price feature of the callable secured
convertible  notes may encourage  investors to make short sales in the Company's
common stock, which could have a depressive effect on the price of the Company's
common stock.

     The callable secured  convertible  notes are convertible into shares of the
Company's  common  stock at a 40%  discount to the  trading  price of the common
stock prior to the conversion. The significant downward pressure on the price of
the common stock as the noteholders  convert and sell material amounts of common
stock  could  encourage  short  sales by  investors.  This could  place  further
downward  pressure on the price of the common stock. The noteholders  could sell


common  stock  into the market in  anticipation  of  covering  the short sale by
converting their securities,  which could cause the further downward pressure on
the stock  price.  In  addition,  not only could the sale of shares  issued upon
conversion  or  exercise  of  notes,  warrants  and  options,  but also the mere
perception that these sales could occur,  may adversely  affect the market price
of the common stock.

The issuance of shares upon conversion of the callable secured convertible notes
and  exercise  of  outstanding  warrants  may cause  immediate  and  substantial
dilution to existing shareholders.

     The  issuance of shares upon  conversion  of callable  secured  convertible
notes and  exercise  of  warrants  may  result in  substantial  dilution  to the
interests of other shareholders since the noteholders may ultimately convert and
sell the full amount  issuable on conversion.  Although the  noteholders may not
convert their callable secured  convertible notes and/or exercise their warrants
if such  conversion or exercise price would cause them to own more than 4.99% of
the Company's  outstanding  common stock,  this restriction does not prevent the
noteholders  from converting  and/or  exercising some of their holdings and then
converting the rest of their holdings.  In this way, the noteholders  could sell
more than this limit while never holding more than this limit. There is no upper
limit on the number of shares that may be issued,  which will have the effect of
further diluting the  proportionate  equity interest and voting power of holders
of the Company's common stock.

Failure to obtain shareholder  approval at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to
increase  the  number of  authorized  shares  to two times the  number of shares
issuable upon full  conversion  of the callable  secured  convertible  notes and
exercise of warrants  could  result in legal action  against the Company,  which
could require the Company to curtail or cease its operations.

     At the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held on August 11, 2006, the
Board of Directors  has  recommended  that the  shareholders  approve a proposed
amendment  to its  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to  increase  the  number  of
authorized  shares of common  stock  from  250,000,000  shares to  2,000,000,000
shares.  The terms of the callable secured  convertible notes and the securities
purchase agreements that the Company entered into on April 27, 2005 and February
28, 2006 with four accredited  investors require the Company to have authorized,
and  reserved  for the  purpose  of  issuance,  two times  the  number of shares
actually issuable upon full conversion of the callable secured convertible notes
and exercise of the warrants based on the  conversion  price of the notes or the
exercise  price of the  warrants  in effect  from time to time.  The Company has
filed a registration  statement  with the Securities and Exchange  Commission to
register  1,200,000,000  common  shares  to cover the  resale  of common  shares
issuable  upon the  conversion  of the callable  secured  convertible  notes and
exercise of the warrants.

     In the event the  Company is unable to obtain  shareholder  approval at the
August 11, 2006  Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  to amend the  Certificate  of
Incorporation  to  increase  the number of  authorized  shares to  2,000,000,000
shares,  the  Company  would  be  required  to pay to the  noteholders  standard
liquidated  damages  of 3% of the  outstanding  amount of the  callable  secured
convertible  notes per month plus  accrued  interest  on the  notes,  in cash or
shares of its  common  stock at its  option.  If the  Company  elects to pay the
noteholders  the  standard  liquidated  damages  amount in shares of its  common
stock,  such  shares  would be  issued  at the  conversion  price at the time of
payment.  In addition,  failure to obtain  shareholder  approval to increase the
number of authorized shares to two times the number of shares issuable upon full
conversion of the notes and exercise of the warrants  would  constitute an event
of default under the securities purchase agreement.  If the Company is unable to
obtain  shareholder  approval to increase the number of  authorized  shares,  as
required in the  securities  purchase  agreement  dated  February 28, 2006,  the
noteholders could commence legal action against the Company and foreclose on all
of its assets to recover  damages.  Any such action would require the Company to
curtail or cease operations.

     Accordingly,  as a result of the completion of the financing  involving the
sale of  $4,000,000  in  callable  secured  convertible  notes,  the  Company is
required,  under the terms of the callable secured convertible notes and related
agreements,  to have  authorized  and reserved for the purpose of issuance,  two
times the number of shares  actually  issuable upon full conversion of the notes
and additional notes, and exercise of the warrants. Thus, the Board of Directors
has  recommended  it to be  in  the  best  interests  of  the  Company  and  its
shareholders to amend Article III of the Company's  Certificate of Incorporation
to increase the number of authorized  shares of common stock of the Company from
250,000,000 shares to 2,000,000,000  shares, and hereby solicits the approval of
the shareholders of the amendment.  If the  shareholders  approve the amendment,
the Board of Directors  currently  intends to file an amendment to the Company's
Certificate  of  Incorporation  reflecting  the amendment  with the Secretary of
State of the State of Delaware as soon as practicable following such shareholder
approval.  If the amendment is not approved by the shareholders,  Article III of
the existing Certificate of Incorporation will continue in effect.

     The objective of the increase in the authorized  number of shares of common
stock is to ensure that the Company will have  sufficient  shares  available for
future issuances of shares under the terms of the callable  secured  convertible
notes.  The Board of  Directors  believes  that it is  prudent to  increase  the
authorized  number of shares of common stock to the proposed  levels in order to


provide a reserve of shares  available for issuance upon conversion of the notes
and additional  notes, and exercise of the warrants under the terms of the notes
and related agreements.  All authorized but unissued shares of common stock will
be available for issuance from time to time for any proper  purpose  approved by
the Board of Directors.

     The Company's  shareholders do not currently have any preemptive or similar
rights to subscribe for or purchase any  additional  shares of common stock that
may be issued in the future and,  therefore,  future  issuances  of common stock
may, depending on the  circumstances,  have a diluted effect on the earnings per
share, voting power and other interests of the existing shareholders.

Vote Required and Recommendation of the Board of Directors

     The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares
of the  Company's  common stock  entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting will be
required to approve the proposed amendment, assuming a quorum is present.

     The Board of Directors  recommends that shareholders vote "FOR" approval of
the  amendment to the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to increase the number of
authorized shares of common stock from 250,000,000 to 2,000,000,000 shares.


                                   Proposal 3

         The  Board of  Directors  adopted  on June  23,  2006,  subject  to the
approval by the  shareholders,  an amendment to the Company's  1995 Stock Option
Plan.  The amendment  increases from 5,000,000 to 8,000,000 the number of shares
of the Company's common stock available for issuance under the 1995 Stock Option
Plan.  The Company has in the past used, and intends in the future to use, stock
options as incentive  devices to motivate and compensate  its salaried  officers
and other key  employees,  and believes that equity  incentives  represented  by
stock  options  enhances the Company's  ability in attracting  and retaining the
best possible persons for positions of significant  responsibility  by providing
its officers and other key employees with additional incentives to contribute to
the Company's success.

         Management  further  believes  that  the  availability  of such  equity
incentives  has served,  and will  continue to serve,  an important  part in the
implementation  of the  Company's  acquisition  strategy.  As of June 26,  2006,
options to  purchase an  aggregate  of 85,300  shares of common  stock have been
exercised  under the 1995 plan; as of such date,  options to purchase  4,847,500
shares of common  stock  were  outstanding  under the 1995  Stock  Option  Plan.
Accordingly,  options to purchase  only  67,200  shares of common  stock  remain
available for future grants under the 1995 Stock Option Plan as of such date.

         The Board of  Directors  recommends  that the  shareholders  vote "FOR"
approval of the amendment to the 1995 Stock Option Plan.


                                   Proposal 4

         The independent  public accounting firm of Chisholm,  Bierwolf & Nilson
has been the Company's  registered public  independent  accountants since fiscal
year 2005. The Audit  Committee has  recommended  and the Board of Directors has
appointed Chisholm,  Bierwolf & Nilson for purposes of auditing the consolidated
financial  statements  of the Company for the fiscal  year ending  December  31,
2006. It is anticipated that representatives of Chisholm, Bierwolf & Nilson will
be present at the Annual  Meeting and will be provided an  opportunity to make a
statement  if  they  desire,  and to be  available  to  respond  to  appropriate

         The  Board  of  Directors   recommends  that  shareholders  vote  "FOR"
ratification of the appointment of Chisholm,  Bierwolf & Nilson as the Company's
registered public independent accountants for fiscal 2006.



         Fees for the 2005 annual audit of the financial  statements and related
quarterly  review  services were $45,000.  Fees in 2005 related to the review of
registration  statements  and  assistance  in  responding  to SEC comments  were
$8,000. Fees in 2005 for edgarization of filings were $11,000.  Fees in 2005 for
tax return  preparation  were $4,000.  Other fees in 2005 for meetings and other
consultation were $10,000.

         Fees for the 2004 annual audit of the financial  statements and related
quarterly  review  services  prepared were $35,000.  Fees in 2004 related to the
review of  registration  statements and assistance in responding to SEC comments
were $16,000.  Fees in 2004 for  edgarization  of filings were $10,000.  Fees in
2004 for tax return preparation were $7,000. Other fees in 2004 for meetings and
other consultation were $1,000.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

         The Company will provide without charge to any person from whom a Proxy
is solicited by the Board of Directors, upon the written request of such person,
a copy of the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal  year ended
December  31,  2005,  excluding  certain  exhibits  thereto,  as filed  with the
Securities and Exchange Commission. Written requests for such information should
be directed to Luis A.  Mostacero,  Vice  President  of Finance,  Treasurer  and
Secretary,  Paradigm Medical  Industries,  Inc., 2355 South 1070 West, Salt Lake
City, Utah 84119.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

         As of the  date  of this  Proxy  Statement,  the  Company  knows  of no
business that will be presented for  consideration  at the Annual  Meeting other
than the items  referred to above.  However,  if any other  matters are properly
brought before the meeting,  it is the intention of the persons named as proxies
in the accompanying  Proxy to vote the shares they represent on such business in
accordance  with their best  judgment.  In order to assure the  presence  of the
necessary  quorum and to vote on the matters to come before the Annual  Meeting,
please  indicate your choices on the enclosed Proxy and date, sign and return it
promptly in the postage prepaid envelope provided. The signing and delivery of a
Proxy by no means prevents one from attending the Annual Meeting.

                                          By order of the Board of Directors,

                                          Luis A. Mostacero
                                          Vice President of Finance, Treasurer
                                          and Secretary
July __, 2006.



                        PARADIGM MEDICAL INDUSTRIES, INC.

                                  July __, 2006

                              BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF
                        PARADIGM MEDICAL INDUSTRIES, INC.

The undersigned  hereby appoints Randall A. Mackey and Raymond P.L.  Cannefax or
either of them, each with full power of substitution,  as proxies to vote at the
Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on Friday,  August 11, 2006, beginning
at 10:00 a.m.,  local time, at the corporate  headquarters  of Paradigm  Medical
Industries,  Inc.  at 2355  South 1070 West,  Salt Lake City,  Utah,  and at all
adjournments  thereof, all shares of common stock which the undersigned would be
entitled to vote on matters set forth below, if personally present:


     [ ]  FOR all  nominees  listed  (except  as  indicated  in  writing  to the
          contrary below)

     [ ]  WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for all nominees listed below

Instruction:  To withhold  authority to vote for any individual  nominee,  write
that nominee's name here:



     [ ]   FOR                      [ ]   AGAINST             [ ]   ABSTAIN


     [ ]   FOR                      [ ]   AGAINST             [ ]   ABSTAIN


     [ ]   FOR                      [ ]   AGAINST             [ ]   ABSTAIN



PROPOSALS 2, 3 AND 4. In their  discretion,  the proxies are  authorized to vote
upon  such  other  matters  as may  properly  come  before  the  meeting  or any
adjournment(s) thereof.

DATED ______________________________, 2006.

SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________________________

(This proxy should be marked,  dated and signed by each  shareholder  exactly as
such shareholder's name appears hereon and returned promptly. Persons signing in
a fiduciary capacity should so indicate.  If shares are held by joint tenants or
as community property,  both should sign. If a corporation,  please sign in full
corporation name by the President or by an authorized  corporate  officer.  If a
partnership, please sign in partnership name by an authorized person).
